Lightning Degree

Book 3 Chapter - 13

" As usual?"

" Well, don't worry, it hasn't happened a day or two.

They know how to manipulate the engine and how to run away.

Besides, we don't fight women and young people under the age of 16."

" Do you fight with the elderly and the weak?"

"Of course, most of the masters are elderly, not elderly.

There are so many old monsters who get stronger as they get older.

There's a lot.

So the old man is an exception."


As Lim Sung-jin said, the average age of the characters who are called master in Gang-ho is

He was 52 years old, and the average age of the highest-ranking figures, called the highest masters, was...

It was around 90 years old.

Cheon Soo gave Dang Cholgi a signal with a wink, as if he knew.

You're gonna take something out of your arms and you're gonna swing a sword right now.

She threw something in front of her one and only eyes.


There's a sound of something exploding, and there's smoke.

It obscured her view.

The smoke is smoke, but the smell is terrible and irritating.

Her five senses were further confused.

My eyes hurt and my nose hurt.

It was a really bad smoke screen tear gas.

"Cough, smoke bomb?"

She kept stealing pints of tears and a helpless runny nose.

I was embarrassed, but it was too late.

Soon after, in the afternoon breeze, the smoke blew away, and the smell...

It's spread, but still tears in her only right eye.

It was in tears.

There was no trace of the existence of the heavenly twin.

"You, these bastards have been killed again."

It was already the fifth time.

But she wasn't the one to give up.

She wasn't merciful enough to turn a blind eye to such a villain.

In addition, she had extraordinary misgivings.

It's good to be around while she makes up her mind.

Ryu-Yeon and his party crept away because they were almost blind.

You don't know what you're going to do next to a scary woman like that.

It was because it was work.

To avenge the loss of the two geniuses, Dang Cholgi and Cheon Soo.

There was also a possibility of pouring in.

The safe return of Dang Cholgi and Cheon Soo from her future quest.

They left their seats in prayer.

After all these twists and turns, Ryu-yeon, Hyorong Changhong, and

Out of the blue, even Yoon Junho became a member of the Asso Society.

urgent meeting

A total of eight people were sitting around the huge circular table.

I've seen everyone spewing out extraordinary energy.

It was clear that the characters had extraordinary martial arts.

An expensive round table priced at 22 pieces of silver made of pinewood.

In addition to the eight people who lived in the mountains, there were three seats at the top of the table, two of which were reserved.

It was already occupied by the owner. The empty space is the most spectacular chair in the center.

There was only one. The energy of the eight characters surrounding the purple round table is also...

It's not unusual, but compared to the two vacant left and right.

There was a sense of lack.

The energy of the two was great that much.

The figure on the right-hand side of Gong Seok-woo has a beautiful face and a cold impression.

He was the prince of white, and he had one of the vessels in his hand, located on the left side of the vacancy.Unusually, he was a Cheongsam prince with three swords on his back.

Their sleeves were embroidered with the same dragon patterns. Honorable to both of you.

It was an indication that Kowloon was one of them.

The two seemed to be leading the meeting now. The most important seats are empty.

But no one there seemed to think that the position would be filled.

The position is, as always, vacant. May the hall be in order.

As if he had waited, Baek's noble prince opened his mouth. He's got eight of these people on the alert.

I had a crucial job.

"Then let's start the emergency meeting."

Confucius the White declared. As soon as his declaration was completed, a volcanic fairy from the volcano faction.

Jeong Ha-kyung sent her curiosity in her mouth.

"Why did you suddenly call us in? Military."

They were calling Confucius the White Army. He's in their organization.

I've been doing the same thing as the brain, and I'll continue to do better than that.

As long as there's no one to carry out, he'll be their soldier.

"Military? That's a bad title. You can just call it vice-share."

The title "military" sounded too grand.

Confucius of the White refused, waving his hand.

"Then I'd like to know why you called us so quickly."

"I apologize if it was sudden. Did you get in the way of work by any chance?"

Confucius White bowed his head and showed his apology. Then she looked at her head.

He gave me an expression of no reason while stirring.

"It's not like that. But all of a sudden, all of a sudden...

I thought if I summoned you, you'd have a good reason.

I'm just asking. How dare I say that I am one of the most influential men in the world.

Baek Muyong, also called the brain, said that he doubted Confucius' ability.

I'm gonna do something that doesn't work."

"That's a very reassuring thing to say. Thank you for trusting me so much."

"You're welcome."

He's so gentle and gentle, but no one acts so recklessly in his presence.

Baek Muyong's diary, which means he's a walking master of Hyeongsanpa.

It was the initial product produced by the Hyeongsan faction that the road was changing. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.

Otherwise, he is a person who can never do anything good by building a wall and keeping distance.

" The reason I summoned you like this is because...

It's because of the measures against two men."

Baek Muyong said.

"If you're two men, one is definitely a seven-headed sword recruitment, and the other is?"

Mo Yong-hwi, one of the biggest issues that has emerged between them these days.

Of course, of course, two of them are the ones that their council is most closely watching.

It will be one. Then who is the other one?

It was questionable whether there was anything else they should care about other than Mo Yong-hwi.

She just couldn't get the hang of it.

"He's a guy named Ryu-Yeon."

'Ryu-Yeon?' She can't immediately think of the person the name refers to.

Had to dig up his memory book for a while. And then she's got that name.

The fact that it's the same name as the winner of this year's Ascension Free Special Examination.

I was able to figure it out.

"Isn't he the winner of this year's special exam? He's the vice-president.

Was he enough to make you care? "

"I don't know if he's the one who cares about the military or not.

It's clear that he's the one who disgraced our old man.

If sanctions don't follow, people will look down on us.I don't know, especially in Palgahoe and Gunungmun. How could you do such humiliation?

Can you live with it?"

The name Ryu-Yeon was mentioned, and he became exceptionally nervous.

Pungmaegum Yugyu-seon raised her voice.

Ryu-yeon beat me in the jaw in this year's special screening test and broke my mandible.

His anger was of course because it was his alumni priest who caused it.

The priest who suffered at that time was still alive with porridge and water.

"That's right, we have to decide what to do with him soon.

Our prestige in the jurisdiction will stand.

I think it's time for us to do something that just happened to be a failure."

Likewise, the second most horribly broken by Ryu-Yeon - the man has individual limbs.

It's twisted in a direction that can't be broken. - Priests in possession

Jumchangpa's upper limit on shredding quarantine has also been helped.

The anger of the two makes the meeting a little off track.

There was a need to correct the trajectory.

"Come on, calm down. Of course, I don't intend to leave him alone.

If you can't build a low prestige, you can't call yourself a descendant of the orthodox elite.

Would there be?

But the problem is that he keeps contacting strange characters."

"Who is that?"

asked the Yugyu Line of the Volcanic Wave. The flaw was that he was good at swordsmanship but quick-tempered.

" It's a pair of ears."

The twin ears he spoke of refer to the heavenly twin spirits Dang Cholgi and Cheon Soo.

The faces of the crowd were mixed with blatant displeasure and surprise.

"Did you meet the troublemakers?"

I was also surprised at the disgust of the mucus. Baek Muyong smiled bitterly.

"It's too early to be surprised. If I knew the name of the club he was in,

You might be knocked out."

"Don't tell me.

Jeong Ha-kyung's bright face hardened at once. An unpleasant place I don't want to think about.

It was because I thought of it.

If it were possible, he'd rather not have that name in his ear.

And she wished, personally. But Baek Muyong was cruel.

"Yes, it's the Aso Society."

"That's very annoying and unpleasant."

It was really the worst.

Only when things work out the worst, what is possible happens.

"Then he's already got Jin Sung-gon and Lim Sung-jin.

So you also met Byeontae."

Said Socheon, a member of the Cheongseong faction who had been silent.

He was one of the Eight Swords of the Year.

He is the chief prosecutor of a black marriage company and the eighth prosecutor of a black and white society.

Yesterday, Lim Sung-jin helped him for an unexpected reason.

I had a bad memory of receiving it.

"That's right. If things get any worse, it's me.

Even if I do, I can untangle the tangled threads completely.

I can't guarantee it.

Because we have a fire on our feet."

"You mean Mo Yong-hwi of the Seven-Party Sword."

When the story finally moved on to the topic that he wanted to talk about, Jeong Ha-kyung said,

It's starting to come to life. More than unpleasant stories like "The Society of Aesophiles".

Because it was a much more advanced story.

"To exaggerate, we're in a very serious crisis.

If you do something wrong, you'll be defeated.

You may experience humiliation."

"I don't really believe that's going to happen."

As Jeong Ha-kyung said, their local council, which boasts tradition to the Gunung Palgahoe,

There was no one there who thought they were behind.

After ten years of hard work, I've only won. Now that

He couldn't make a mistake in destroying his seniors' bloody and sweaty towers.

" But you don't know the world."

Baek Muyong said in a subtle tone. It was an act of trying to talk their minds out.

"No way. How do you know tradition and tradition to a bunch of nerds like a military parade?

Can our proud district council steal the championship?Don't worry about that. "

Gu Yang-jin of the Gonryunpa spoke out with blood. But Baek Muyong...

He slipped his foot back again.

" No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

It could be the biggest cause.

They're also the descendants of traditional masters, famous and talented.

These are the late indicators of Gang Ho Baek Do.

It's not good to look down on them just because they're on different sides.

It's a habit."

It's a good thing to say, but it's a good thing to say.

It seemed to have mysterious power that made him angry.

"Isn't that attitude too passive? "

Despite Koo Yang-jin's counterattack, Baek Muyong did not budge. This is how things work

He was free as if he knew it would work.

He seemed to be able to afford to be sloppy.

Baek Muyong put on a look of embarrassment.

He didn't look good with a cool-headed impression.

"I agree with what you said.

That's not like a vice-president at all."

Jeong Ha-kyung, who has always been cool-headed, is somewhat passive today.

I felt that I was acting intimidated.

"Oh, my God, this is a misunderstanding.

I'm not blaming the old association for its carelessness.

What do you mean more passive?

I'm just saying I have to be able to appreciate people."

Baek Muyong comforted Ha-kyung with a bitter smile.

She didn't seem to like it either.

"Well, you're not passive anymore, but you're also timid.

I'm disappointed."

She was completely sulky and seemed to have no way to patch things up.

Due to the confrontation between Jeong Ha-kyung and Baek Mu-yong - almost one-sided by Jeong Ha-kyung

It was an attack - but the atmosphere in the hall was awkwardly silent.

It sank into the sea.

Perhaps that creates an atmosphere for everyone to comment.

I couldn't do it.

In an atmosphere as subdued as a lump of iron thrown into the abyss.

There is no such thing as a proper opinion.

Baek Muyong is desperate to lighten the mood.

I felt the need.

This was because of the feeling that the meeting would be very difficult to proceed with.

Then there is no point in convening an emergency meeting, is there? Conference, however

It was impossible to completely ignore Jeong Ha-kyung for the sake of continuation.

"Now, Mo Yong-hwi of the Seventh-Chil-Chil-Chil-Chil-Chil-Chil-Chil-Chil,

It's a name that made a lot of noise.

No matter how exaggerated the rumor may be, the result of putting it together.

If you look at it, it seems that there is a lack of rumors.

It's not fair to ignore him like that."

And they're now trappers who have to capture or remove the dragon.

The last word was for her. Words to soothe her and raise her.

If you hurt her feelings, you'll have to put a lot of effort and patience into retraining.

It was because it would be required. Baek Muyong wanted to avoid the terrible situation.

"No matter how great his presence may be, the supreme council of our district council will gather to see what lies ahead.

I don't think it's enough to worry about.

He is still a freshman. That's why it's like we're scared.

Don't you think they're holding a countermeasure meeting?"

Jung Soo-hyung, a member of the Hyeongsan faction, said with a very dissatisfied face.

"You can think of it as a countermeasure meeting. But who he is...

Please think about it again."

"You're not even a freshman."

"Tsk, tsk, you're in a hurry.

Have you already forgotten whose grandson and heir he is?"

Baek Muyong reminds me of one thing, and then her face...

It was distorted in bewilderment.

She forgot one of Kang Ho's most famous stories.I had to admit that I was. Then she's no longer Baek Muyong's...

I couldn't argue with my opinion.

"I must admit, I was too hasty.

Because he's his grandson anyway."

Jeong Ha-kyung readily admitted her mistake.

Baek Muyong reassured her with a slight smile.

" But don't be so hard on yourself. Because it breaks my heart.

On our part, very sadly and lamentably, he is his favorite.

He's my grandson and heir.

And most of the affection that comes from him is not blood, but talent.

I am sure that that is due. There's also physical evidence."

" So if he took the class in advance, it wouldn't be wrong.

It's considered."

" So the vice-president is assuming the worst? "

As the oil lines of the volcanic wave got stuck, I asked.

" It's a assumption that I don't want to imagine.

But if unfortunately that's the case, we're going to have to do it this time.

You'll have to put in a lot of effort and effort.

It's certainly not welcome on our part."

"You're saying Samsung may be in danger."

Moyong Hwi, who had been sitting next to Baek Muyong and remained silent, opened his mouth.

He was an early man from the independent party background.

He was a kendo master who could not defeat anyone except Ho-ju.

Baek Muyong himself was in a position to give up on the field of martial arts.

I haven't abandoned all of my bystanders yet, but he said Baek Muyong...

I knew exactly what I was going to say.

The faces of the eight people surrounding the round table of plum wood have visibly hardened.

Jeong Ha-kyung said again.

"Then the vice-president said that the amendment he received as soon as he was born would be a good idea.

Of course, I may have been given my services by him.

You're thinking about it."

The revised law is a kind of practice for infants who are not long after birth.

Porecrafts can activate the entire body's metamorphosis, alter the musculature, and make it suitable for learning martial arts.

It was to build a body of ascension. You need to be treated in infancy to maximize its effectiveness.

It appears that the world's morale gets stuck in the body, and that's why it's so overwhelming.

Because it blocks it. It was a procedure to prevent fraudulent infiltration.

That is to say, three or four times as easily as the average person to achieve airworthiness.

There is. It's kind of a blood vessel roadwork.

Just as you can travel faster on a paved road than on a bumpy gravel road.

The revised tax revenue method is similarly used to refine and pave the way for giga.

It was to play a role. Any Murim person who wants to get it at least once.

It's a delay. But in order to do this, we're going to have an incredibly long history.

The surgeon is reluctant to do so because he or she needs to be assisted by at least three experts.

In addition, the revised method is much easier to perform in infancy.

I could see the effect. Because a normal adult's body is built up in the body.

Because the accumulated morale and the noppecrafts are blocking the veins, we're trying to break through the baby's...

It was because it took two or three times as much power and effort.

In addition, after the procedure, the effect is insufficient, so all the effort you put in will be wasted.

As soon as I was born, one in every 50,000 people would get the tax cut law.

The person who was treated was Mo Yong-hwi.

And to make matters worse, if you've been given a hand-in-hand, you'll rise to the greatest obstacle.

There would be no shortage to bother them.

"I think some, if not all, are very likely. Who

No matter what he says, he is one of the most cherished members of Samsung Heavy Industries, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science, Technology, Moyong, and Chungcheon.He's my grandson."

"That's the worst assumption ever."

Koo Yang-jin chewed it out. He himself thinks Baek Muyong's situation is that bad.

I didn't know you were taking it seriously.

Then Baek Muyong, vice-president and head of the district council, will make a fuss.

It was not incomprehensible.

"Chunmu Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. is the successor to the Moyongjeongcheon Great Council.

If Mo Yong-hwi had inherited a part of the history of the same sword,

The situation is really the worst."