Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 335: preparation

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the legendary Hollywood director!

May 24, sunny.

Warner\'s people still go to help the operation and convince the judges of the selection.

After all, audiences and film critics have a good reputation, and we can\'t forget who has the right to vote.

Compared with Oscar, Cannes has less rules, but it also needs to manage and build momentum.

Alas, since it is an award chosen by a candidate, there must be a public relations system.

What\'s more, "Million Dollar Baby" does have this qualification.

The popularity of the exhibition suppressed all the film works that came to the exhibition.

This can never be ignored.

Furthermore, in recent years, the French film industry has been declining.

The force in the entire European film circle is not as tall as it used to be, let alone compared with the United States.

It\'s not easy to get a famous local filmmaker. No matter what direction he tends to, he won\'t hesitate to give him a hand.

Then, a bunch of filmmakers really dared to support it.

Forget about Luc Besson, take the lead in the charge.

The effect of this is that the director Lehmann is a direct descendant of Cannes, and has become a direct descendant of the direct line.

Good word of mouth and public relations also brought 7 nominations for the main competition unit to "Million Dollar Baby".

Palme d\'Or, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor, Best Actress, Jury Prize and Best Cinematography.

For a time, it can be said to be disdainful of all heroes, and even "Fahrenheit 911", which had the dominant theme at the beginning, was compared. The film was nominated for five nominations, without Best Actress or Best Cinematography.

In the face of such an honor, Lehmann did not have that enthusiasm, thinking about his new film plan, and went out early in the morning along the road.

The streets of Cannes are still very lively, and it is only such a lively opportunity in a year.

Usually, there are still a few tourists in summer and autumn, but not many.

After all, this place is indeed quite small, and there are no particularly famous tourist attractions, so it is not very attractive to outsiders.

Lehmann went east around the Cine Palace, and not far away, he arrived at the Cannes office of Europa Pictures.

The front door is quite small and the place is not big, so we barely rented a floor, which is convenient for Europa\'s distribution department to use, so there is no need to pay attention.

"Sir, are you okay?"

There was a staff member sitting in the doorway, watching Lehman walk in, but didn\'t recognize it at all - of course, it\'s normal to not pay attention to the creators behind the scenes very often.

"I made an appointment with someone."

Just as he was talking, a man walked out of the room.

Tall, not handsome, but has its own temperament.

"Director Lyman?"

He was still talking to the staff at the door when a voice suddenly came from the side.

Jean-Reno waved his hand, "Why are you here?"

Well, the adventure photographer who contributed to the magazine where the protagonist is in "Daydreamer", the original version asked Sean Penn to make a cameo, but Lyman didn\'t know Sean Penn, but felt that an actor like Jean-Reno was coming to make a cameo. It would be more interesting, so I called Luc Besson and made an appointment to meet.

He said this as soon as he arrived in Cannes, but because of the inconvenience of Jean-Renault\'s schedule at that time, it was delayed until now.

As soon as these words were spoken, Lehman hadn\'t responded yet, but the staff on the side were pleasantly surprised.

There is quite a kind of: ah, the feeling of seeing a real person.

In terms of performance, he has won the French annual box office championship twice in a row, which is indeed admired by practitioners.

"Hello, I love watching your movies. Bad Guys and the recent show, Million Dollar Baby, I love them so much. I\'ve watched them back and forth several times."

The young man was very pleasantly surprised. He was from Marseille, and he had been transferred to this office for less than half a year. He had never seen Lehmann.

"Uh, hello."

The two chatted casually, and Lehmann took Jean-Renault outside to speak.

Speaking of which, this guy just received the sequel "Undercurrent 2: Angel of Doom" some time ago. The director is Oliver Dahan, and Luc Besson wrote the script and serves as an investor and producer.

I was going to take a break for a while, but I didn\'t think Luc Besson would call him and say something.

So, he came to Cannes.

"I also said on the phone that I came today to confirm the drama appointment."

"Can you know what it is?" He was still confused. Because Luc Besson said that Lehmann was looking for him, but he didn\'t say what the play was.

He has been acting for so many years, so he must have the capital to choose.

Although he promised to come and meet, it was just that kind of thought, but it was not strong. If I really want to talk about works, if he let go of the restrictions, he can work all year round. He really has no shortage of plays.

Lyman was not surprised, and roughly talked about the situation of the movie.

The starring role? Jim Carrey has been set. The theme will be an absurd inspirational light comedy.

He also told him about the role, playing a very adventurous photographer who traveled around the world and took some pictures along the way.

There are not many plays, not even the main supporting roles.

After that, Jean-Reno thought for a while.

Actually, looking for him is just a cameo, hoping to make a surprise or an easter egg.

Because in "Daydreamer", the scene basically revolves around the protagonist, and there is not much room for other characters to play.

Jean-Reno wanted to refuse, but found it troublesome.

According to Lehman, this drama has to go to many countries to shoot, and it also has a large real scene.

Although he is a cameo, he doesn\'t have to travel so many places, but it is estimated that it will not be easy.

Just as I was about to say something, I recalled what Luc Besson said.

They have been working together since their debut, and they are very familiar with each other.

As for him, he was not familiar with Lehmann. He had only heard of it, but Luc Besson was familiar with him and wanted to win him over.


Lyman could also see his hesitation.

Also, the cameo is an act of personal affection outweighing the interests. Most of them are actually performed by Chengqing, not to mention the French first-line movie stars like Jean-Reno.

Lehman is not difficult for others, he just finds it interesting. If he doesn\'t accept it, it doesn\'t matter if he finds someone else to try it.

Therefore, he stopped talking about movies, and chose some interesting and fresh news hotspots in the United States to chat with him.

Jean-Renault had a good impression of him, and he did not make him embarrassed.

The two chatted for a while, and the conversation was over.

Near noon, I went to have a meal again, and then I gave up.

On the way back ~www.novelhall.com~ Jean-Reno holds a business card with Lehmann\'s personal number on it.

Said to let him think about it, and if he agreed, he could call Lyman.

In fact, his schedule is quite slack.

Especially this year, I have only received one movie, and I have no goal after filming.

He is quite picky about scripts. Except for Luc Besson, he easily refuses to agree to others.

This year, good projects are hard to come by.

Otherwise, take it?

Jean-Reno did not know why he had such thoughts.

But it is estimated that he was moved by Lehman\'s attitude.

Anyway, he is not bad for money, and for Luc Besson, there is nothing wrong with making a cameo.
