Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 231: reasoning

Below, Jason Statham and Hugo Weaving and other actors also watched the movie with great interest.

Although they have a script, it is still difficult to imagine the finished film after editing.

on the screen.

After the initial panic, the two trapped people gradually calmed down.

Lawrence analyzed: Since the people who captured them did not kill them, there must be another purpose.

Suddenly, his eyes were drawn to a clock on the wall.

That clock was too new to fit in with everything around it.

He raised doubts, but Adam ignored it.

Lawrence muttered: "Obviously, someone wants us to know the exact time. There must be some meaning to this, otherwise it would be impossible to install a new clock here."

He had some ideas and looked for new clues everywhere.

The camera locks the clock again, and the seconds relentlessly turn in circles. The logic of time adds a bit of tension to the film. The rhythm is dealt with in a chain.

At this time, Adam found a mysterious envelope in the pocket of his clothes, which was wrapped with a tape with the words "play it out" on the back.

After he told Lawrence, Lawrence found the same thing in his pocket, except that in addition to the tape, there was an extra bullet and a key.

Lawrence was ecstatic and thought he was saved.

After trying it, I found that the key could not open the shackles, neither his nor Adam\'s.

The two were a little disappointed, but in order to get more clues, they still tried to get the tape recorder from the body.

Adam put the tape in, and a raspy voice came from it.

Adam could be sure that he had never heard the voice.

"Time to get up, Adam."

"You might be wondering where is this?"

"I\'m here to tell you that this may be your burial place."

"You\'ve been hiding in the dark and peeping into other people\'s lives in the past. Do you like that voyeuristic feeling? So today you\'re going to watch yourself die, or try to stop it."

At this point, Adam\'s identity was finally revealed, the "paparazzi" and "private detective" he hid from Lawrence.

Lawrence was a little moved. For some reason, it reminded him of the news that has been pushed on TV in recent months, saying that there is a perverted murderer who likes to torture people to death. He has committed several crimes, but the police have not caught it yet. caught.

The montage cuts in as Lawrence reminisces. Several of the dead were exposed on the big screen.

In the hole enclosed by the barbed wire, a fat white man hangs limply on it, like a grilled fish with iron sticks stuck in it, bloody. As for hanging, choking, electrocuting chairs... all kinds of torture methods of death immediately made many people watching the movie horrified.

Although it is perverted, it is too perverted.

There are already some timid viewers who can\'t help but cover their eyes, looking forward to this passage.

The film critics couldn\'t help sitting upright in their chairs, wondering how these killing mechanisms were designed.

The more he thought about it, the more flustered Lawrence became, but he had a high emotional intelligence, so he didn\'t mention anything.

Then, out of suspicion in Adam\'s bones, Lawrence\'s videotape was also handed over to him to play.

But the tape revealed a fact that neither of them could bear: To survive, Lawrence must kill Adam before six o\'clock tonight, otherwise, Lawrence and his wife and daughter will go to see God together.

This hoarse voice was like a devil. He knew that Lawrence was a doctor who healed and saved people, so he gave such a choice.

Lawrence forced himself to calm down. He looked at the suspicion in Adam\'s eyes, and kept explaining that this was the man\'s trick and alienation.

No one knew what Adam thought, but they were indeed united again.

The two looked for clues, and as Adam opened the heart-shaped symbol drawn on the toilet lid from the recorded voice prompt. From a black plastic bag, take out two hand saws with a metallic sheen.

But the shackles were too strong, or the pervert didn\'t intend to let them escape so easily, and the hand saw didn\'t seem to work at all.

Time passed slowly.

The first half hour of scenes created an atmosphere full of suspense and mystery, but after a long time, a single bathroom scene will inevitably make people feel very boring. However, just when the audience\'s patience was about to run out, Lawrence\'s personal life in the branch line, and in the hospital, the assistant watched Lawrence chat with the nurse he liked, which immediately made the atmosphere in the theater lively again.

There is no need for too many camera descriptions, and the resentful eyes of the assistant seem to let people know too much.

Then Adam was instructed by the mysterious man to investigate the derailment of the doctor Lawrence and to collect evidence. This is also the reason why Adam kept it a secret at first, he had met Lawrence.

These clues are connected together, and the audience\'s interest in watching movies is mobilized at the same time.

A few critics were getting bored.

"You can guess the plot behind it. It\'s nothing more than an assistant imitating a crime or simply the pervert who wants to kill Lawrence. As for Adam, it\'s probably the unlucky guy who was caught and caught."

The following plot also seems to confirm this conclusion.

Lawrence\'s daughter was lying on the bed with a teddy bear on the night she was caught.

In the dark room, there was a sudden sound of walking on the floor.

The daughter was woken up, wondering where the voice came from.

But the sound stopped suddenly.

She shouted loudly, and Lawrence and his wife were alarmed.

When she came to her daughter\'s room, she said that there was someone in her room just now.

Lawrence turned on the light in the room and saw no trace at all. He suspected that his daughter was having a nightmare and comforted her kindly.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and the hospital had a patient in urgent need of surgery. The hospital asked Lawrence to come over.

Just as she was about to leave, her daughter said, "You won\'t leave us, right?"

Lawrence laughed: "Of course, I\'ll be back soon."

What no one knew was that after he left, his assistant came out of the cubicle outside the corridor, which was the toilet next to his daughter\'s bedroom, and kidnapped the two of them.

Later, Lawrence returned home after the operation, but found that the light at the door could not be turned on.

In the darkness, some strange sounds sounded, and he turned on the flash of his mobile phone.

I didn\'t find anything left and right, and thought that the power failure was because the main power switch had tripped.

Then he took the phone out to check it out, and then...

These dark shots are very emotional~www.novelhall.com~ This is also the mirror portrayal that Wen Ziren is best at.

Throughout the films he directed, in addition to mainstream commercial films, most of the similar dark scenes are presented.

Darkness is the fear hidden in people\'s hearts.

What Wen Ziren likes to do most is to magnify this inner sense of fear, and he really does a good job, which is very eye-catching.

Many professional film critics have said that the core of horror movies must come from the unknown. And darkness is inherently unknown. This ubiquitous sense of mystery is even more fatal to the audience.

What\'s more, the audience who likes to watch cult movies can also accept this style.

At least, at this time, countless audience members and film critics in the movie hall were wide-eyed and couldn\'t bear to miss a shot.

This movie is full of all kinds of metaphors, and the picture is inherently accompanied by an inexplicable magic.

If you can immerse yourself in it, you can naturally feel the charm of that kind of film.