Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 612

When Guo Xu's performance was over, this time he won applause from the audience. There are a lot of popular elements in this musical. The high pitched requirements of the male host are not too difficult. The main reason is that the sound should be clear and charming.

Out of the theater, Alexandra dadario still couldn't believe it. She said that she just met Guo Xu today. She didn't know that he was so good at singing and dancing that she would be popular in Hollywood in the future.

Guo Xu told her the truth, he is a person from another world, can only stay for one day, she cried.

After that, Guo Xu did not dare to tell her about it after the musical performance.

Guo Xu can only think about the good. The world's double body may not be able to walk on two boats. He should know dadario's family background. If he doesn't want to die, he will break up with Lucy first and then have a serious love affair. So when he leaves the world, it seems that the ending will be good if they can be together.

This is Guo Xu's most nostalgic cycle, so he didn't want to leave early, deliberately reducing the intensity of training.

His main training is shooting skills, the goal is to increase the range, practice super long three-point, and strive to hit the three-point ball in a further position.

He knows that his physical fitness has almost reached the upper limit. Even if the devil training is difficult to greatly improve again, it is not cost-effective to suffer for a little improvement.

Therefore, he should try his best to break the bag without the ball and solve the problem with three-point ball, just as he used to run 50 + in a row against Timberwolves. The sun did not have Xiao Si, Nene, Valerio and David Lee can also give him double cover.

Guo Xu believed that as long as he trained the long-range shot accuracy to the level of curry, he could surpass Jordan to become the super scoring king in a single season. Of course, the premise is that he shot more, curry's peak season only 20.2 shots, 30.1 points.

Although Kuri's comprehensive ability is not the first person in the NBA, his three points are enough to record in history. The popularity of the small ball style comes from the perfect lineup and system of warriors. The essence of this system lies in fighting, cutting and running without balls.

The warriors can win three titles in 2018 and attack well, which is directly related to Curie's three-point threat. Opponents can choose to target Curry's three points, but this is not the best way to compete with warriors. Guo Xu's current speed and breakthrough ability are stronger than Curie, only slightly inferior in height.

How terrifying is curry's three points? There are many excellent pitchers in the history of NBA, but none of them can perform the three-point ball so wonderfully as curry. Reggie Miller and Ray Allen, for example, are standard runs and machine shots with elbows and wrists.

No matter where curry is on the court and how he hits the three points, no one will be surprised. Sometimes Cole, the coach of warriors, will stretch out his hands after curry makes fantastic shooting choices, and then he will smile awkwardly when the ball goes in. It's nothing too strange.

Curry's most terrifying ability is his super long three-point scoring efficiency, that is, the three-point line two steps out of the shot. In 2018, there was a statistic that curry scored 1.82 points for each long-distance three-point shot. According to experts' research, the average dunk scoring efficiency of the league is almost the same. His super long three-point scoring efficiency is even with the dunk.

Sometimes Curie has enough time and space to push forward, but that will lead to tighter defense, and it's not surprising for him to make a winning shot from midfield as long as his hand feels right.

Guo Xu also wants to do the same, as long as he has practiced long-distance shooting cold arrows, it is very difficult for his opponent to jump out of the bag. Teammates have just crossed the center line on the pick and roll is really life-threatening, if the big man change defense, far from the three-point line, Guo Xu speed to be able to highlight. If they don't come out, if Guo Xu just crosses the middle line, he will not encounter serious interference.

Compared with some outside scoring masters a breakthrough into the basket, action twist, stirring, Guo Xu can play understatement. For this kind of three-point projection method, no other method can be restricted unless the double bag is quickly squeezed after the pick and roll. To put it simply, as long as he keeps a good touch throughout the game, the Suns have a chance to win, no matter who they are.

Guo Xu is very clear that his current three-point ability is not as good as Curry's, mainly poor in range and shooting speed. Because his teammates are strong enough, Guo Xu's shooting action still tends to be regular, which is not the level that can be achieved by throwing blindly. His shooting range is generally about one meter away from the three-point line.

Where's Curry? Just after the middle line to throw the ball can be a collection, three-point line outside a meter or two is a common practice, and a few times he is from the back of the field, is those every quarter of the whistle.

Guo Xu plans to practice long-range shooting until he can score in midfield, making it a common practice to score goals in the first two steps over the middle line. When he goes back, it will be a new trick for him.

Kuri used to practice long-distance three-point when he was warm-up in the previous life. When he felt good, he could hit several points in a row. He usually stepped on the warriors' team to shoot, or just a little bit forward to shoot.

When Guo Xu Si started training for his opponent.

The way he participated in the Knicks training was easier than going to the nets. Instead of showing his ability first, he directly participated in the joint training, because he bribed Scott Maguire, a senior scout of the Knicks team.He first asked a private detective to investigate Scott's habits and address, and then got up in the morning and went straight to Scott's home.

The Maguire family has a long history with the Knicks, and their cooperation can be traced back to the 1940s. Scott, the son of former NBA star Dick Maguire, began to work for the Knicks at the age of 24.

Guo Xu didn't talk much after visiting in the morning. He just threw 200000 US dollars for a trial training opportunity. Scott is willing to recommend him to the Knicks for training. The money is his. He will never blackmail him to do anything in the future. The coaching team will not look up to Guo Xu and will only ask for a chance.

How can Scott refuse such a thing just for one trial? However, he also advised Guo Xu, because the Knicks starting point guard is Marbury, backup is Nate Robinson, Jamal Crawford can occasionally guest play No. 1.

Results after Guo Xu joined the training, he beat up the three Knicks, very relaxed.

Rookie season, Guo Xu and Crawford together to participate in the rookie competition will be able to beat opponents, to 2005 Crawford made great progress, but Guo Xu's progress is greater, he can not help.

Every time Guo Xu blows up three guards, Nix coach Larry Brown will not praise Guo Xu, but scold the three people for no use. He scolds enough for the management to discuss Guo Xu.

Brown doesn't like new people to show off, even if Guo Xu shows super strength. Brown felt that Guo Xu's publicized personality was not in line with his own appetite, so he would not give him a good look.

Although the Knicks had a bad start, brown always kept his style. He wanted to control everyone and prove that he was the boss here. Obviously, that's why Brown hasn't been around for long.

This time, Guo Xu smashed Robinson, and Brown called Robinson "the littleshit" in front of everyone, which means "little trash".

In Guo Xu's previous life, this event was very famous. Brown liked to call Robinson "little trash". Later, Robinson went to Brown's office with tears in his eyes and asked him not to scold him again. However, brown continued to curse in front of people and told all players Robinson had just cried.

Something unexpected happened to everyone. Guo Xu was on Robinson's side

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