Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1137

Tanhua has opened a new book, six year compulsory education of Rune! https:book.qidian.cominfo1014281512

Listen, isn't the title funny?

In fact, the reason for Tanhua's new book is more funny than its title.

To tell you the truth, Tanhua doesn't want to open a new book at all. On the one hand, Tanhua is a part-time writer, and opening a new book will naturally cause trouble to her work and life. Those who are familiar with Tanhua must also know that Tanhua has been troubled by family trivia in recent years, and the writing of fairyland is not smooth. On the other hand, writing two books at the same time will inevitably lead to conflicts and energy allocation between the two books.

However, Tanhua had to open a new book.

Only the readers can tell whether "Xiushen waizhuan Xianjie" is wonderful or not.

However, there is no need to talk about the achievements of Xiushen waizhuan Xianjie.

Tanhua is a bit at a loss. It's unnecessary to say that he insists, but what about the result?

There have been a lot of persistence and efforts in exploring flowers from "Xiushen waizhuan" to "the only monk on earth" and then to "Xiushen waizhuan Xianjie".

It's hard to have no desire and no demand, but Tanhua can't do it.

So there is a new book, six-year compulsory education of Rune.

I think a lot about the title of the book, such as wudaoshengzun, fudaowuzun and so on. Why did I choose the six-year compulsory education of Fuxue? No it, but to let life out of curiosity, can click in to see it!

The new book started as early as last December. It has been changed five or six times at the beginning, striving to keep the rhythm concise and meet the taste of current readers.

Why didn't the book come out until March?

It's because Tanhua hesitates all the time. He can't make up his mind about bread, water, poetry and distance. Even the channel that sends books, whether it's fantasy, Xianxia or metropolis, also thinks a lot. It happened that Xianxia had an essay solicitation activity. It was just at the starting point.

Tanhua's short-term plan is to use the six-year compulsory education of runology to drive some new readers to continue the story of Xiushen waizhuan Xianjie. Of course, among the difficulties and risks, Tanhua can't control them. About Tanhua will write every day, either this story or that story, Tanhua slowly write, you slowly see!

Is it true that we should never leave?

"The way of heaven Xiaohua" Taoist friends summed up Xiaohua's universe, and they were very proud to see the flowers. They shared it with you:

first, the biography 1 (has been completed)

why is it called "the biography of Xiushen"? Because Xiao Hua is the one who cultivates and becomes a God, and Zhang Xiaohua is just Xiao Hua's name before he lost his memory. This is Zhang Xiaohua's story, which is called "the biography of Xiushen"

second The three stories are the story of Xiao Hua who lost his memory and was taken in by his master Xiao Yuehong. It is divided into Xiuzhen, Xianjie and Honghuang Shenjie.

1. Guangdun (finished)

there are two volumes in Guangdun, which is the story of Xiaohua's cultivation. Xiaoyu continent of Guangdun is the story of Xiaohua's cultivation in Xiaoyu continent to the early stage of Jindan. The four continents of Guangdun are the story of Xiaohua's growth from a low-level friar to a high-level friar, and even the supreme of the human race.

2. Wushangxianchen (trying to update)

"wushangxianchen" is now renamed "Xiushen waizhuan fairyland chapter", which is the story of Xiao Hua and Xiao Zhenren who set foot in the fairyland and ascended to the fairyland with Yuanying;

3. Immortal Shenwen

"immortal Shenwen" is the story of Xiao Zhenren's Honghuang fairyland, from Xiao Hua's soaring to Honghuang fairyland to going home against the light "The outsider of heaven"!

3、 The only monk on earth is the story of Xu Zhi, a teacher and friend of Xiao Hua. It is also the story of the sixth time that Xu Zhi became the God of all stars. It is the story of the world before Xu Zhi became the God of all stars.

4、 The three post biographies are the stories of Xiao Hua's disciples and nephews, which are as follows:

1. Ye Jian is the inheritor of Xiao Hua's space way, which is the story of his entering the Tao with space in the alien world Xuanyuan space;

2. The three heroes of Wan Lei valley are Xiao Hua's nephew Xiang Zhili, his niece Cui YingYing and his younger martial brother are merciless The story of Dai Zaohua's disciples in the four major continents and the world of ten thousand demons;

3. The story of Ming Wang, the son of Xiao Hua and jiuxia, is the story of his achievement in Luofu Tianyu, a strange world, opening the gate of heaven and seeking his roots in Mt. Mengshan.

Wu Wang Mingzhuan is a new book "six-year compulsory education of Rune", which is a happy, relaxed and humorous book. About his story, Tanhua is still a brief introduction to the story written by his book friend "Tiandao Xiaohua":

shit, fool, what's wrong with fool! If a fool has a liquid, he will be smart every minute!

Wow, fat man, so what about fat man! Fat his mother is the most beautiful Nine Tailed Fox, instant can charm all living beings!

What, food, what can food do! Stewed pig's hoof, stewed pig's head, stewed chicken's leg, stewed egg, his stomach is up to him!

Cut, brother Yi, brother Yi has offended you! He's a man and a woman. He's a man and a woman!

Ah, Wendi, the first of the three continents! He has nine colored dragon scales. He is gifted to cultivate Wendan, refine Wenxin and sacrifice talismans. He has seven Yaos, and Wendi falls!He is a descendant of the Witch and fox families. He and a cat have changed from a fool, a fat man, a eater and a brother to a powerful wizard saint who shocked Luofu!

His name is Xiao Ming, he is Xiao Hua's son!!!