Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1022

"Yes Jiang Meihua also said strangely, "you saved me, and you avenged Lei Ming and others. You can't be less than me!"

"Look again..." Xiao Hua's curiosity aroused, and he quickly released his thoughts. A moment later, he understood. He raised his hand to seal the seal in the sky, and there was light and shadow in it.

Xiao Hua pointed to the light and shadow and said, "you see, killing the fire and shadow water demon has two thousand military achievements. Guarding the land of immortal selection has three hundred seventy-two military achievements. Helping to bring back the military aircraft has one thousand four hundred military achievements!"

"Ha ha..." Jiang Meihua laughed, and the same point, the commander said, "I only have one!"

When Xiao Hua looked at it, it was: "bring back the military aircraft, the military contribution is 4600!"

Xiao Hua nodded his head and said, "that is to say, military merit is actually based on what you have to rely on. The military merit of bringing back military aircraft should be 6000. You mainly bring it back, so you take the lead. Although I saved you, I still helped you, only 1400!"

"As for you killing two unknown immortal generals and taking revenge for thunder, it's not included at all."

"Yes, they are all empty talk. They can't be regarded as military exploits."

"What about the core of the fire water demon?" Jiang Meihua thought of something and said, "it seems that there is a separate place to report military achievements in the seal. Why don't you try it?"

"Say it again!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "that thing is in my hand. I can get it at any time. It's gone after receiving the newspaper. Who knows what's the use of leaving it in hand? "

"By the way..." Jiang Meihua said, "since the seal can be claimed, why didn't Liu Yunshu use it?"

"Maybe it's because it can't be used in sendorone! After all, there is a different horizon... "

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua stretched out and said, "I finally escaped from Senluo road. Now I'm safe. I want to have a rest first. What about you?"

"Practice yourself!" Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "I'll also go back to see the use of this military card. I can't say that I can't compete for something with that military merit!"

Xiao Hua warned: "tell me before bidding that I can't have it here!"

"Do you have a lot of things there?"

"I don't know how to say that people who have space fairies will naturally have more things!"

After seeing off Jiang Meihua, General Xiao Hua excites Zhang Xianjin, then sits down with his knees crossed and enters the space with a roll of military cards.

Xiao Hua used to make immortal utensils according to the legend of the ancient family, but he didn't succeed. Now when he saw the military card, he had a new idea.

was as like as two peas in the eyes of Xiao Hua. In the eyes, he was born with glory and falling on the military cards, and after he had a stick of incense, Xiao Hua closed his eyes lightly and slowly with his hands. With a fairy tale, he produced a contour of the fairy organ from the sky, and gradually formed the army fairy instrument, which turned into another identical military card.

Xiao Hua squinted at the two military cards and said to himself, "the immortal formula for sacrificing and refining military cards is complete, but if I want to sacrifice and refine this military card, I have to continue to practice the casting method of Qianji Pavilion!"

"But of course, this military card is successful in sacrificing and refining, and I can also sacrifice and refine other military cards. How to solve the Xianwei in this military card?"

"There should be no problem in the communication and transmission between the two military plates..."

With that, Xiao Hua raised his hand and grabbed another military card out of thin air.

It's just a matter of thinking that Xiao Hua's ability to make a military card is based on his own strength. He just imitated the magic formula of casting a military card, and even changed it from time to time.

Xiao Hua pointed out that one of the military cards and the other one was bright. It was obvious that the two military cards could be interlinked!

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, pointed again and produced seven or eight military cards in succession. Then he tested several times and found that each military card could be connected, but if one military card could be connected with other military cards at the same time, it would not work.

"It's not impossible to let it connect at the same time in this space with the power of Taoism." The jade die Xiao Hua hand pinches chin secret way, "can if be outside the space?"? If there are 100000 or hundreds of thousands of military cards connected at the same time? "

"Big brother..." Just as Xiao Hua was thinking, he flew out of the magic space. Looking at Xiao Hua, he rubbed his hands and said, "what are you doing?"

"Hey, hey, I'm not doing anything. I'll do something interesting When Xiao Hua saw Yu Ji's smile, he knew that he had something to do with himself. He said with a smile, "you're OK. Stay by yourself!"

"Good!" Yuji answered casually, turned and left. But after a few steps, he suddenly turned and said, "brother, I I have something to tell my elder brother

"Say it..." Xiao Hua looked at Yu Ji and said, "it's good to be straight to the point. It's boring to learn from other people's politeness."

"Hee hee, big brother..." Jade die kill and rub hands way, "little brother found Zhang Qingxiao!"

"Oh?" Surprised, Xiao Hua quickly looks at the magic space, then flies into it.

But in the magic space, a small blood group is rolling wildly inside, and there are countless blood bubbles gushing out in the blood group. In the middle of the blood bubble, the blood shadow of an emperor beast and a human blood shadow are biting and swallowing each other!"How did Zhang Qingxiao become like this?" Xiao Hua felt a pain in his heart and was not happy.

"Big brother..." Jade die kill quickly wronged said, "this can have nothing to do with me! It was when I found him! Zhang Qingxiao is not a demon. He has devoured the soul of Diluo Warcraft to become a demon. When he is in the demon world, he can rely on the soul of Diluo Warcraft to cultivate himself. When he gets to the demon world, he can't do it. Isn't the magic dragon abandoning everything of the human race? "

"A little trouble!" Yudie Xiao Hua has a headache. At this time, the blood shadow of emperor Luo beast has gained the upper hand and gradually engulfs Zhang Qingxiao's blood shadow. Although Zhang Qingxiao is hysterical and roaring, even yudie Xiao Hua can feel Zhang Qingxiao's unyielding, but this is magic. Emperor Luo beast has a natural advantage!

"Is manpower sometimes poor?" After all, Zhang Qingxiao fought with heaven, earth and demons in the four major continents. He lived as tenaciously in the world of demons, worked hard to cultivate and fought with blood! Is it hard to get to Moze? On the contrary, he was killed by Emperor Luo and made wedding clothes for people?

"I can help Zhang Qingxiao here..." Jade die kill also feel jade die Xiao Hua's anger, quickly and carefully said, "but out of the magic, or not!"

"Well, I know!" Xiao Hua is in a state of turmoil. Before xiaoxiangzi fell, he felt a little uncomfortable. Now he sees Zhang Qingxiao in a crisis. Of course, he covers the sky with one hand in space, but Zhang Qingxiao can't help but go out of magic space, can he?

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed, raised his hand, and the blood clotted out of thin air.

"What to do?" Xiao Hua looked at Moze and the Buddhist kingdom, and said in secret, "if you don't let Zhang Qingxiao and Diluo go to the Buddhist kingdom, it's the same as shuobing?"

However, this idea is fleeting. The demon species is not the same as Warcraft. Xiao Hua feels that he can't go too far to embarrass the Buddha.

At this time, another disciple of Shenhua mainland ascended in Daoxian space. The disciple fell in the space and immediately kowtowed to him. He saw a gold wire flash into the disciple's eyebrow. Xiao Hua had something to gain immediately!

"If you ask Zhang Qingxiao to take a poison oath, I can't help him with my faith."

Thinking, Xiao Hua raises his hand to Zhang Qingxiao.

However, his fingers were only a few feet out, and Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a bitter smile: "Zhang Qingxiao is always rebellious, otherwise he would not devour the emperor Luo beast and create his own demon sect in Xiaoyu mainland. It would be very difficult for him to swear. Even if it's a poison oath, it's the way of heaven and the devil. How can he swear to my younger martial brother? "

"Oh, how can I forget this?"

An idea suddenly came into being. Xiao Hua patted his head, and his body swayed out of the space. He was stunned.

The jade die Xiao Hua just turns around for a moment. At this time, he has a drop of blood essence in his hand.

The essence of blood is naturally Xiao Hua's own. The essence of blood falls into the space and immediately gives birth to a faint golden light. Looking at the golden light of the essence of blood, Xiao Hua says in secret: "strange, I'm still thinking about how to erase the soul mark in the essence of blood. How can I disappear the soul mark in the space?"

"Big brother has a brilliant plan. It's really good!" Jade die kill smile flattery immediately to.

"It's hard to say!" Jade die Xiao Hua has no good spirit of see jade die kill, say, "do you also know evil blood can?"

"Big brother!" Yuji cried and said, "of course, I've thought about it, but I'm too overbearing. If I give it to Zhang Qingxiao, Zhang Qingxiao becomes a part of my younger brother. If I know, I can't eat my younger brother?"

"Try it!" In fact, Xiao Hua has no bottom in his heart. He raises his hand to send the blood essence to Zhang Qing and Xiao Xueying's eyebrows.

"Brush..." There's no need to ask Xiao Hua to release his imprisonment. As soon as the blood essence falls into Zhang Qingxiao's blood shadow, the gold wire rushes into Zhang Qingxiao's blood shadow and props up Zhang Qingxiao's figure.

"Buzz" then Zhang Qingxiao's virtual human figure gave birth to the sound of wind howling, and began to condense slowly. In the sky, wisps of gold also fell out of thin air.

When Xiao Hua saw Zhang Qingxiao's figure, he took a shot of his middle finger and released the confinement. "Roar" Zhang Qingxiao roared and began to devour emperor Luo Xueying.

"Cough..." Xiao Hua coughed, embarrassed, and said, "do this Is it a bit of a bully? "

"Cut..." Yudiesi said, "who can make Diluo have no younger brother as a teacher and no elder brother as a younger martial brother? It deserves it

Just then, Zhang Qingxiao had swallowed the blood shadow of emperor Luo. Then he turned his body and rushed to the location of some residual magic array and began to swallow it again.

"Ouch, ouch..." Jade die killed displeased, a slap Zhang Qing Xiao Fan rolling in the blood fog, scolded, "that's Laozi's! Don't move... "

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Different personalities, different opportunities, different achievements of the natural world.