Kuraki Kyuuden no Shisha no Ou

89 Epilogue: Monster Talents

Reinell's army stronghold was on fire. The order previously formed under the absolute rule of weak predation was overnight and disintegrated.

Originally, the Demon King Army was formed as a pillar of an absolutely powerful Demon King. No matter how large you are as an army, the army cannot be maintained without its pillars being pulled out.

The death of Reinell the Demon King was known in an instant. It was chaos that attacked the Demon King's Army afterwards.

The confusion spread from junior combatants without all sorts of intelligence.

Reinell, who was proud of his absolute strength, died, and no bram to the cannibals who hated him but were scared.

He who escapes to fear, he who enlightens the king's death and he who seeks to sit in the cauldron, he who runs to plunder. The position, which was somewhat tidy, was burning and the smell of blood and death swirled into the dark.

There is a symbol of the power not to say whether or not to bring the various races together.

Until yesterday, the army, united as one army, was divided into race-to-race factions, and the treasure trove has also been broken into by 'thieves', who were already many of them.

Executives of the Demon King Reinell Army. Oliver Albor, a werewolf once heavily used out of his abilities and strength, gently looked out of the room as a person.

The confusion has not yet spread to homes close to the castle. I guess it's because that place where executives lived is hard for junior soldiers to get close to.

But peace won't last long. At any rate, intelligent people who were once considered senior soldiers are now also after Tiger Sight and former Reinell army control.

The army of Demon King Reinell is over.

Even if we recover, the fortified city of Lomburg cannot be attacked with an army without pillars and without order. Oliver is confident there in his strength, but he doesn't think he can be king.

I had to hurry. Once he shuddered, Oliver stepped outside with Monica's shoulder in his hand.

Reinell the Demon King was strong and great. But he's dead.

Oliver didn't think Reinell would lose. Oliver is scared of vampires by instinct, but even from Oliver's point of view, Lion Dragon Reinell was overwhelming. But looking at the current situation of the Reinell army, it was obvious what had happened.

Why Oliver is trembling. Those are not the remnants of the Demon King's Army that are raging around. Only vampires fear Oliver Albor.

All Oliver can do now is run away. Run away and hide yourself.

After taking the time to get his blood on, Monica still can't regain consciousness with her eyes meditating. But he's alive.

Foot clumps, but I couldn't abandon them. We're on a mission together, and most importantly, Oliver's been asked by that horrible end baron to keep an eye on Monica.

Bloody red horrible eyes. The tingling signs of death felt from that skinny flesh are nothing much different from the vampires who once changed Oliver.

It's unlikely he'll ever come back. Signs are already far away. Once, like his ancestors who killed the Lord of Oliver, End Baron chose not to rule Oliver.

But Oliver would have to if there was still a slight possibility of return.

The inhabitants of the fortress city of Lomburg will not be far away from finding out about the fall of Reinell the Demon King. And you must go into leftover hunting as if to clear up your previous depression.

Hundreds of glowing eyes approaching from the foot. He is a former junior soldier in the Reinell army and is now just a bunch of warcraft.

Confirming Oliver and Monica, who look seemingly human, they circle around. There was much covetousness of excitement from its sharp, toothed jaws.

It was an unlikely sight when Reinell the Demon King, the Absolute Mighty, lived. I am completely unreasonable in this situation where there is no longer order. The only time I'll grow up again will be when I get under a new charismatic demon king.

It's pathetic. I only hold that thought for a moment, I don't have time to stand in the clutterfish.

Oliver looked up at the sky near dawn and transformed with a growl.

§ § §

"... Mr. Cenri... what happened to Barron? Whatever dog you want?

"... that's..."

Cenri had a rarely drawn look on Katerina's pure eyes directed at her.

At dawn from the battle with Reinell the Demon King, we were returning to the fortress city of Lomburg.

It would be bad to be in the city if it were true. But there was a reason I had to. It's Dell.

Dell was half-dead. A few bones were hit by the rubble, blessings were infinitely close to depletion, and if left alone, there was a good chance of death. The wound itself is much worse on me, but Dell is not undead.

Dell is the enemy, but we fought together once. I don't even hate you. It was only natural for me to advance the rescue to Cenri. [M] I didn't have the feeling that Cenri would definitely want to help without making a move, so let's make a move to sell the charm, or take a look at the city.

It wasn't hard to break into the city.

Apparently, Senri was treating the soldiers during his stay in the city, and Dell, who headed to crusade the Single Demon Army, was known. At night, Cenri and the others had built up their trust enough to get them in, even if they had a funny black dog. I came to Caterina just to say goodbye.

I'm a black dog now. [M] I could change the size but not the color.

Unlike if it looks like it was blocked, it's a lot of noise. The nails and fangs are sharp, and the form is smart. Once upon a time, I was like the righteousness of cuteness, but now I am the righteousness of good looks. You look good enough to offer to buy from mercenaries just walking around the city, and you look strong.

I approached Katerina, waving my tail, once I rang "wow" with confidence.

Show your spirit of service and have a seat, according to the vicinity of the bizarre and trembling Caterina. Katerina opened her eyes for a while and solidified, but said, stroking my head in horror.

"... clever... Senri, where have you found it? What a name, what is it?

".................. well, I was outside. The name is...... I haven't decided yet. He looks strong, but he's very smart and good."

"And... only the tail, it's white"

"Yes.... it's whitened"

Well, am I only white on my tail now? Unfortunately, it's hard to see your tail when you look like a dog, and the properties of lower vampires make it appear translucent in the mirror, so come on. I can't peek, but that's not bad. Not bad as a charm point.

Katerina takes the biscuits out of her pocket and offers them to me. I picked it up and licked its hand. [M] Katerina's eyes narrowed and she says happily.

"Besides, it's very people-friendly................... like a baron"

What a sinful vampire I am to attract a child even in such a good look. You don't need an enchanting demon eye.

To me, happy to praise and shaking my tail, Cenri said with her lying cold eyes at the look on her face when she was reunited.

"Baron, will Katerina have it?

Oh no... I'm a centipede. Jealousy? Could this be the one called jealousy? Popular people are hard.

Stay away from Katerina's side and lean against Cenri. And so I realized that the tip of my front leg was white.

That's crazy...... it should have been black indeed until just now.


Reinell the Demon King is dead. The army is still there, but I killed the strongest demon king and cannibal, so I don't care what happens after that. Even Dell.

In the first place, the Demon King's Army seems to be the thing that most of the time would disintegrate if you killed the Demon King. Cenri says so, so you should be right.

The face of the merchant company that gave me the rice seemed generally safe, above all.

I thought I'd die many times, but my battle with Reinell gave me all sorts of things.

I somehow figured out how to use my powers, and I got The Curse Flame. I don't want to do it again, but fighting strong enemies can be a very good experience.

There are many things you need to think about, such as encountering new vampires, but you can rest for a little while.

Cenri is still good. I feel so relieved to be nearby.

To my mind, what vampires lack are those who trust themselves. That's what brings the monster back to man.

I was hungry. Immediately after the reunion, I received minimal blood and recovered somewhat, but I still haven't had enough.

I hear Cenri cared about me long after she broke up. [M] He seems to feel the burden too. Wouldn't this... give me blood? Yai's expectations rise on top too. I feel like sleeping in a fuzzy coffin for a few days and getting laid.

Senri sighed small at me waving her tail and smiled very slightly to the extent that those who knew her often had to be careful.

"Baron, I'll be out of town in a minute. You must not be in this city. Dell's people are in a nearby city."


I see. I'm not proud of it, but I can be big now. You can put the centipede on your back properly. If there is no water flowing, we can go anywhere.

Dog form legs are pretty fast. What a quick next city. I don't want to throw you away either......

The sky is dusk, best timing. I'm always okay. [M] I have nothing to say if I can get some more blood, but let's keep that for later fun.

"When I go to a distant city, I slow down for a while. You need to rest. Rest for a while as long as its body turns bright white specifically"

Apparently Cenri preferred white, cute, and blocked dogs to black, well-dressed dogs. I like this one, but if Cenri says so, it's not necessary.

Unexpectedly, he asks Cenri, who keeps his face close and eyes peeled together.

"Can you give me blood, too?

"I'll give it to you. So don't talk. Very suspicious."

Surely a dog who speaks to a boulder would be out. With my mouth shut, I waved my tail and followed the centipede for exit proceedings.

§ § §

Blessings are life itself. The End Knight, who excels in its manipulation techniques, boasts much higher playback capabilities and endurance than just humans. If you concentrate on your strength, you can heal your fractures, and you can fight with insomnia.

The third-degree knight, Del Gordon, was badly wounded, but that's not always terrible compared to the wounds he suffers.

The end is outside the room. There are only Cenri and Dell in the hospital room.

Del Gordon said, not wandering around in bed, staring at Cenri.

"Ho ho, ho ho, heal, don't... Senli Silvis. When the wounds heal, I'll have to go after you."

The End Knight also has wide lateral connections. Working is a group unit culminating in a first-degree knight, but Cenri had also met with Del Gordon.

He is part of a team led by Heavenly Garments, known for its steady mission achievement rate.

"I owe that vampire. Seriously, it's in the End Knight. Besides, in situations where the wounds are not healing, there is no winning shot. So…… it's a business belly, but this time, we have to miss it."

Dell has always had a rough eye. I can't help it.

Rather, it's done to this extent, I guess, because a man named Del Gordon is not the victim of a tragedy by the undead.

But there was hostility in his eyes.

But that's not hostility to the end. Hostility toward Cenri. Dell declares in a groaning voice.

"But the next time I see you, hang on to the end knight's pride and swear to the victims of previous tragedies - Senri Silvis. I'll kill you. Whatever the circumstances are there,"


Cenri didn't change her expression.

Cenri is already a traitor. For the End Knight, a traitor who is the End Knight but has fallen back to the Undead, repelled more than the enemy, the Undead.

The master missed me once, but not the others.

But everything was ready. Cenri didn't decide to take the side of the end without thinking about it.

Dell frowns when she sees Cenri not changing her expression. There was no anger until earlier in the next voice that came out.

"Cenri, this is advice. Kill that man - End Baron. Before it gets out of hand, give me salvation. You are the end knight of nature, but that man has - the talent of a monster. I'm not talking about having powerful abilities or anything like that. End Baron will be a king to fear. Not far away, he'll be the greatest enemy to the End Knight."

Dell's words were flattered with strong emotions.

I knew it. The End's Absorption has the potential to be feared.

I don't even know what a multiple curse puts on the end.

Cenri once speculated that what the end looked like when it was transformed showed the end's mood. Now the end is turning into a pitch-black dog.

That shows that some of those slightly potent weather places are not immutable either.

But still Cenri stared at Dell and said.

"... I won't let you"

"... kill it. If you still have the pride of the Knight of the End."

Dell turns that way and meditates his eyes.

Dell's anxiety was best. From now on, End's escape will be even harder.

As for Cenri's departure, it would also extend to the entire Knights of the End, and the mighty and well-known vampire - the family of the King of Piles - found out the existence of the End. Unleashed Destruction (Photon Delight), but if one bat is fired, it will regenerate. Probably not killed.

Maybe it would be better to purify it. But I'm sure the end doesn't want that.

Then Cenri just takes its side.

Cenri turned her back and left the hospital room when she changed her mind without putting it on the face.