Kiss Husband: Sweet Wife Is a Little Crisp

Chapter 87 - Recording Pen

Rehearsal room.

“Wait a minute, when it gets to this beat, I’ll jump back. Just catch me.”

Since this round of the competition would have to be completed by both the Convenor and his/her students, Ling Xi was in the rehearsal room practicing with them.

“Ok, Liu Yiming, your power point is very good. Brother NG, jump a little harder. Yes, that’s it.”

“NiNi, move forward small, ha…. I found the problem. The most basic thing about your dancing is that your head, shoulders, chest, hips and legs all bounce up and down, making up your dance. All you have to do now is to be familiar with the music and be one with it.”

“Okay, let’s continue.”

They all found that once Ling Xi began to dance, she would become oblivious, 100% invested, and at the same time extremely attractive.

They were lucky to be able to follow such a Convener.

So when the show group asked them how they felt…

‘Er Cha’: “Teacher Ling Xi, I can only use three words to describe her myself. ‘Professional’ ‘Excellent’ ‘Top dancer.’”

‘Kun’: “She is a dancer who has been delayed by acting. If she goes to the ‘Hip-hop Cup contest’, that B-king, who is he?”

‘Yin Dawen’: “I’m just glad I’m in her group. Whether or not we can win the championship in the end, we’ll enjoy the process.”

‘NiNi’: “At first, I thought Teacher Ling Xi was only very good at acting, and was my idol. It was later I got to know that she dances and takes dancing more seriously than we do. That plagiarism storm last time, it can be said that if we didn’t have Teacher Ling Xi, our team would have been out. Teacher Ling Xi, respect.”

Liu Yiming: “I think that Teacher Ling Xi is very kind. Like the last time we were in the restaurant, teacher Ling Xi was kind enough to help others stop some thieves, but she was misunderstood and not given the chance to explain.”

Shu Tingting frowned slightly and turned off the TV. It turns out they thought very highly of Ling Xi.

She was indeed a good girl, but unfortunately she didn’t have the courage to apologize to her.

“Wife, I’m back!”

“Honey, you must be socializing a lot these days that’s why you come back so late, right? It’s been hard on you!”

Meng Xicheng, smelling of alcohol, staggered and swayed as he took off his coat and poured himself onto the bed.

“Go and wash before you lie on the bed!”

Meng Xicheng felt someone pulling his arm. Although he was drunk, he still had a lot of strength. He pulled Shu Tingting under his body. “Wife, I want a child.”

With that, he fused their lips together. Shu Tingting exhaled and pushed him away. “Xicheng, have you forgotten what I said to you before? All I have in my heart right now is dancing. I don’t want to have a baby.”

Meng Xicheng seemed to be stimulated by his intoxication. “Yes, but that was before we got married. Now, they all laugh behind my back, saying that it’s my fault that we can’t have children. My mother is forcing me, even you are forcing me.”

“Meng Xicheng, what drunken madness have you fallen into? I’m forty years old and I’m telling you, I’ll never have a baby in my life.”

“Shu Tingting, I really regret it to death! I was out of my mind to have married you.”

Shu Tingting only took it as drunken words and didn’t pay it any mind. “Go and sleep in the study.”


When Ling Xi entered the lounge, a staff member came forward. “Teacher Ling Xi, is this recording pen yours? I think I’ve seen it by your side before.”

Ling Xi took it. “Oh, thank you!” Indeed, she had a recording pen that she used to record other people’s voices.