King of the Night

Chapter 265

The crows in the world are generally black. Yuntu knows that he may not be able to rent a cheap house with the horse team leader, but if he can make a "friend", there will be one more information channel. Therefore, the problem of rent is not in his consideration at all. Ziyouge

Seeing the cloud picture, the three really followed out. The horse team leader smiled happily, slapped the cloud picture on the shoulder and said, "come back to the team first and deal with the house for you soon!"

"Well, in the future, we will do small business in Longcheng base, and everything will depend on the horse team leader!"

Yuntu didn't speak. Ruan Gao flattered casually, and the three followed him. Soon they came to another office of Bandung commercial League: the office building of the patrol brigade.

Bandung commercial union implements quantitative management. Every patrol team has a quantitative task every day. No matter what happens in the jurisdiction, several people have to be arrested for trial. Therefore, more than a dozen teams have to catch more than 100 people a day. All the arrested people squat in a corner of the hall with ropes before being brought to trial. Of course, most of them have nothing to do. They have to go to trial, Scared and let go.

Therefore, there are more people in this place than in the original place. It is a mess. Many people are crying for their parents. Some come to redeem others, and some come to intercede, like a vegetable market.

Sun Jinan won't be caught by them!

The three of yuntu followed the horse captain for half a step. When he turned to say hello to another colleague, the rest of his eyes hurried across the faces of the group of prisoners, but he didn't find sun Jinan.

In order not to make the captain of the horse team suspicious, when he said hello to his colleagues, yuntu followed him without looking sideways. However, when he turned around, someone in the group suddenly screamed. It turned out that one of them stepped on the other's foot.

"What's your name? Die!"

A patrol member with a rubber stick rushed over, didn't listen to explanation, and covered the trample and the trampled right or wrong. It was a meal of fried meat with a stick, which made blood gush on their foreheads.

The trampled squatted down wrongfully, hugged his head and sobbed, while the one who had just deliberately trampled on the person slightly lowered his head and said nothing. Blood droplets flowed from his forehead to the corners of his eyes, and a trace of gloomy and fierce killing intention inadvertently revealed.

It's him!

The cloud picture is extremely sensitive to the killing intention. Although the killing intention is directed at the attacker, he can still feel it.

When his eyes scanned the man's face again, he found that the man was not sun Jinan they were looking for just now.

Because of the cosmetic surgery, his face shape changed again, but the distance between his eyes and the slender canthus still couldn't be changed. More importantly, the killing machine hidden in his eyes had long left a deep impression in yuntu's mind.

Following the vision of the cloud picture, the Ruan brothers behind recognized sun Jinan who had changed his makeup again.

He was indeed caught by the people of Bandung Business League, but it didn't seem serious. I believe his certificate had been destroyed long ago. He was an ordinary three noes before the trial.

Do you want to save him? How can you save him?

The three of them were thinking about it. The horse captain turned around and said to yuntu, "wait here first. I'll go up and explain to my brothers and come down!" With that, he went straight up the second floor from a stair caliber, and directly hung the cloud map three people in the hall on the first floor.

Just now sun Jinan deliberately stepped on the foot of a person next to him. It was obvious that he saw the Ruan brothers and yuntu coming in from the outside to deliberately attract his attention.

Seeing yuntu and the three looked at him again, he was sure that he had been recognized by yuntu and others, so he immediately showed a begging look to the three, and then buried his head lower and pretended to be honest.

It may be difficult or easy to save him. Yuntu doesn't want to be self defeating. Safety should come first.

I saw that many people nearby were paying money to redeem people, there were fights and petty thieves, but they were all personnel who had been tried once.

To save him, we must first find out what happened to sun Jinan. In addition, sun Jinan knows that his certificate has long been on the blacklist of Bandung Business League, so he should be arrested under a pseudonym. To redeem someone, we must first find out what name he reported, which is the least.

"First find out his name and why he was caught. Later, we'll act according to the circumstances and see if we can get him out through the team leader. It's best not to leave too much information in Bandung business union because of the redemption!" The cloud picture turned to the Ruan brothers and whispered.

Knowing that the cloud picture had the intention to save people, Ruan Gao looked around and saw that the soldier who had just hit the man was chatting with his colleagues, so he walked over boldly, pointed to sun Jinan and asked loudly, "what's the matter with that silly hanging? He was so arrogant just now?"

Seeing that Ruan Gao came in with Captain Ma, the little soldier thought he was a friend of Captain Ma, so he came again and shouted at Sun Jinan, "silly hanging, what's your name and what's your crime?"

"I, I, my name is Ji Nan. I didn't commit anything. I just wandered around the night market without my ID card and pass. I was caught by your patrol seven groups as three no personnel." Sun Jinan raised his head and answered honestly. In a word, he clearly expressed the basic elements to be expressed.

"I don't have any certificates when I go out. It's not a big deal for the people arrested by the seven groups. After the trial, someone can redeem the people on bail. If no one redeems them within two days, they will be punished as coolies for a month!" The patrolman turned back to yuntu three people. Yuntu three people quickly nodded to show that they knew.

Before long, the horse captain came down from the second floor, and then the three followed the horse captain and went outside.

While walking, the three of yuntu deliberately talked slowly.

Ruan Gao asked, "boss, just now I saw the boy Ji Nan. He went out without a license and was caught by seven groups. After renting the house later, do you want to go back and redeem him?"

Yuntu replied, "why didn't I see it? You said the boy who hunted green hair with us outside the city last time!"

Ruan Qiang lost no time to interrupt: "yes, I saw it too. His face was covered with blood. He squatted on the ground and didn't speak. At the beginning, I didn't recognize it. He was beaten miserably and pitifully."

Hearing the conversation, the horse captain smiled and asked, "how did you meet an acquaintance?"

"Well, that man is very good, but his brain is hard to use!" The Ruan brothers quickly replied.

The horse captain proudly said, "if you want to redeem someone, just find me, half price."

"How much is half price?" Yuntu pretends not to want to redeem people.

"Go and see the house first!" The horse captain did not make an offer, and then the party soon came to the rental place.

It's also an intermediary. Because the nature of their work is different, they rent a house with Captain Deng more straightforward. Unlike the clerk who has to look at the information first and show him the house after selecting it, he takes them directly downstairs to the house to rent. Then the horse team leader looks up and yells upstairs. A man in the high building comes out with several strings of keys.

"Don't quote, my friend!"

After the horse team leader took the people, he may have been tired after walking for a day and didn't want to go upstairs again. Then the three of yuntu went upstairs with another person, looked at three houses, and then selected one. It took both parties to sign a contract. It took more than 20 minutes.

To tell the truth, it's not cheaper or even slightly more expensive for the horse captain to introduce the house than from the clerk, but yuntu didn't bargain. He just wanted to leave a rich image for the horse captain.

Downstairs, the horse captain was still waiting for them downstairs. He pretended to ask how the house was. Is the price fair!

Yuntu was also polite and said, "the house is really good. Your friends didn't give me a discount in terms of price. I rented it in the face of Captain ma."

"Is that right? Many friends have many ways. In the end, people don't know when to die. Money is a thing. Do you want me to redeem your friend? I say half price is definitely half price!"

The horse captain is not a fake gentleman. He is a real villain, so he speaks straight.

"Just an ordinary friend. I don't know if I have paid him back for helping him these years!" The cloud picture looks pale.

On one side, Ruan Gao lost no time to ask, "Captain Ma, we are all friends. How much does it cost to redeem this man at your internal half price?"

The horse team leader patted his chest and replied, "it's not expensive. It's just three second-class blood crystals, but I have to ask what it is. If it's not on the line, now you give me the money and keep it in half an hour!"

"Boss, when our store opens, it's better not to hire people to do things. It's better to use cooked food than raw food. It's a good thing to let the boy use his salary to redeem people's money. In this way, he has human feelings and doesn't lose money."

As soon as the three sang together, the boss of yuntu finally pretended to be very reluctant to take out three secondary blood crystals and handed them to captain ma. In order to avoid trouble, they no longer went to get people, asked the captain of the horse team to report the address of the newly rented house to him, and asked Ji nan to come directly to him at home after he came out.

This has many advantages. First, it can make the horse team leader feel that sun Jinan's business is certainly not big. Second, if sun Jinan really finds out what's going on, they are not on the scene and are not easy to be involved.

"Well, I can see that you are all righteous people. I will make friends with you in the future!" Captain Ma, with a loud ha ha, turned and left.

Everything is perfect. The horse team leader never thought that the person yuntu wanted to redeem was a real big fish. If it wasn't for the use of the horse captain, if the other party found sun Jinan's poisonous knife wound in the abdomen during the interrogation, everything would leak.


When yuntu three people left, they didn't take a look at Sun Jinan, but because of this, he felt that they would find a way to save him.

Sure enough, half an hour later, the horse captain came back, asked him in the hall, and took him upstairs to a big office.

There are many tables in the big office. All the team leaders of the patrol team have one. The man was not caught by the horse team leader, so he has no right to release him directly. After taking him to the big office, the horse team leader and the team leader of the seven teams who caught him said, "this boy is a friend of a friend. Now someone wants to redeem him. Let him go first if there is no big deal!"

"Someone has come to redeem it. A person without three people is still trying to get a haircut!"

The captain of the seventh team had a good relationship with the leader of the horse team. It is estimated that such things between their teams are not uncommon, so the captain called sun Jinan over while laughing with him, and then asked him to take notes.

Because there was a prerequisite for redemption, and the horse team leader personally brought him up. Without looking at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, the question went through the field. Three or five minutes later, sun Jinan signed and signed under a piece of paper, and then wrote a guarantee, and he regained his freedom.

He came out of the office building of the patrol team with the address given to him by the horse captain. Sun Jinan walked very slowly. He was thinking nervously as he walked.

In front of him, he really needs help, but he doesn't want to be completely controlled by yuntu and others. The best place to meet them is not the place designated by yuntu, or in the crowded street.

In his eyes, the bloody Legion must have a great influence in Longcheng. Otherwise, they could not easily get him out of the patrol without showing any trace so soon, but the stronger the strength of the other party, the stronger his sense of crisis.

Thinking over and over again, he did not follow the address given by Captain Ma, but turned a corner and quickly entered a dark alley.

A man was left in Longcheng base. His every step is like walking on thin ice. It can be said that he lives and dies step by step. It is not allowed to be careless.

But just before he thought he was smart enough to get into the alley and walk 100 meters, a familiar figure blocked his way.

Boss Jiang——

Sun Jinan was suddenly surprised in his heart!