Kanna no Kanna

190 Episode 178: You'll be worried if insects stick to your grandson

Eldafoss agreed with my answer.

Real said in a mysterious manner.

"... I want to be a bridge between Eldaphos and Diagar?"

Apart from bloodlines, Real is now a member of the Imperial Army and is in a position to lead the party. There is no reason to accept the Eldaphos side\'s request honestly.

King Eldafoss spoke of something ridiculous.

"I\'m talking about this with Emperor Diagar."

Real surprised to try to lean forward, but he thought he was rude, and swallowed immediately with words that came out before returning. But I was also surprised. If Real hadn\'t embarked next to me, I would have raised his voice instead. It was surprising that the emperor\'s name appeared here.

King Eldaphos replied to Real, who had calmed down on the surface alone.

"Because the letter you sent me is Emperor Diagar\'s answer in this matter."

When the king scrutinized, Forthlyn took out a letter.

"It\'s a letter addressed to the dragon sword, which was contained in the parent letter."

Real, who receives the letter from Forthulin, cuts off the wax and immediately looks over the text inside.

I noticed that his face gradually grew stronger from the side.

Dragon sword "I\'ve admitted that if I explored Emperor Diagar\'s lineage, I wouldn\'t expect the emperor to hide forever."

As she listened to King Eldafoss\'s words and looked through the letters at hand, she joined her temple as if she was tired. The content was guessed, but I dared to ask.

"What was the content of the letter that was passed on?" "The edict from His Majesty the Emperor. In short, translate," According to King Eldaphos\'s request, cooperate in deepening the relationship between Eldaphos and Diagar. " Tona "" It\'s hard again "

Real\'s expression in the letter formed a complex emotion.

The task, which was supposed to just deliver a parent letter, has evolved into a large-scale thing that affects interstate relations. Of course.

"As you may have heard, our people still have no bad feelings about the empire. Our elves are slower in generations than other races. There is still little to do with the war That\'s it. "

This was what Fima was saying. It takes a long time to reduce the hatred of war. But for long-lived elves, the time is even longer than for other races. Therefore, hatred still remains in Eldaphos even now as a friendly nation.

"I was not a king at the time, but I went to the battlefield with my brother as a general. I have had many experiences of conflict with the Imperial Army. Among them, I lost many friends. To be honest, I still have an impatient feeling for the Empire in my heart. "

But King Eldafoss puts emphasis on words.

"Now we must overcome the hatred. For that, Real, you need your presence, not only for Eldaphos, but also for the hope of the Diagar Empire."

Apart from a one-sided request from Eldafoss, she cannot reject the story after the emperor\'s edict on Real.

The problem is that this is not a formal marriage, but a run-off.

"I\'m done with the nobles."

Forsulin was ahead of my fears.

It was rumored that Raylina was missing, but that was the obvious reason, and that she had originally married her to Royal Diagar, trying to strengthen connections between friendly nations in the future. It is.

"Isn\'t that talk of such an inconvenience possible?"

I frowned upon Forslin\'s explanation, but he answered in a trivial way.

"Whatever the fact, the king has acknowledged above all. Any disturbance may be perceived."

It\'s a rumor, the truth is of course different. The obvious reason is the fact that gossip is a red lie.

However, as the analogy of {no smoke without fire}, everyone would think that rumors flow on a reasonable basis. And the king is the most prestigious and precious blood of the country. If it were declared extensively, no one would ever deny it.

"I was talking secretly with Emperor Diagar about this, and he had finally finished his negotiations and called for a dragon sword." "A little wait. It\'s not a good kind of story, this is it. \'\'

Hearing nationwide confidential information, I again struggled. If Real is half of an elf and a dragon race, we\'ll be publishing it later, but if you don\'t mind the scenario made by King Eldaphos, don\'t listen to it.

"Although it should have been originally, Chiba\'s acquaintance and his name began to rise, but it is not a story told by an adventurer and a person of the race."

Forsulin affirms obediently.

"But perhaps she is the one you trust most among those who accompanied the dragon sword."

I and Real were all vocal.

Forsulin, on the other hand, embraced his arms and took a rather shiny attitude.

"... If I look at her attitude, I can tell that I don\'t like it. That\'s why I\'ve allowed her to be here. If nobody can talk to me, she\'ll come."

Only then did I come to understand why Fosslin had a slight dislike of me.

──Perhaps it\'s a grandfather-like thing that watches his boyfriend brought by his granddaughter.