It's The First Time For Both Of Us

Chapter 18

Translator and Editor: Bunny and Wyvern


Chapter 18

“Now that I think about it, it was my first time saying it out loud.”

“Why? That was cool, eh.”

“My mother doesn’t like to reveal her identity. She doesn’t like to be bothered.”

“Aaron, are you tall because you’re a giant?”

“Yes, because I inherited even just a bit of that blood.”

I remembered that it was mentioned somewhere in the original novel, that if a giant could acquire the relics of the ancient giants left by the founder of the giants, then he would gain great power. Of course, it was also mentioned that it was only a legend, but you never knew. I should be sure of it first.


“Yes, Lady Mariette.”

“Aaron is a cool giant, so will you stay by my side and protect me?”

“Yes, as long as I’m your escort, I’ll protect you until my life is over,” he naturally pledged his loyalty to me.

“Promise!” I held out my thumb and ring finger, then Aaron, who has thick fingers, put it on my hand carefully as if stamping it.

I chose him!

Caw –

[Mariette, what are you doing there?]

A crow circled above my head. It was Kuhn, but I couldn’t answer for fear that Aaron would think it weird.

Caw –

[There was nothing dangerous around him. Should I go there?]

No, you can’t do that!

I waved my arms telling him not to do it, but he still came down and circled me.

“Why does a crow cry like that?” Aaron stared at Kuhn with a strange look.


“Do you want me to catch that bird? I’m good at hunting, too,” he said proudly.

I shook my head in shock. “H-Huh? Forget it. I don’t like the color b-black….”

Aaron looked at me in wonder as I dragged the end of my words. When I bowed my head out of embarrassment, I realized that I was wearing a black dress – and that I wore it regularly.

I smiled and awkwardly pointed to the stairs. “I-I want to go down. Let’s go down!”

“Yes, shall we? It’s more dangerous to go down the stairs than to go up, so hold on to me tightly.”

Thanks to Aaron, I came down safely from the top without any difficulties and pointed under the tree I often went to. “Aaron, I want to play over there now.”

“Yes, then I’ll be guarding the surroundings here.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Fortunately, though, he didn’t follow behind me when I played next to the garden. It didn’t matter to me if I was a little farther away as long as I could see his figure.

I ran under the tree and waited for Kuhn to come back. Soon after, a black cat appeared from behind the tree. “Kuhn, you brought some again?”

He had bitter herbs in his mouth, much to my dismay.

[It is good to eat them often.] Kuhn tapped on my hand and put down a stem of medicinal herbs.

I chewed. “Really bitter…”

[But still, eat it.]

“Eesh…” I frowned.

[Did you eat all of it?]

I shook my head. I took Hilla’s medicine and this herb, but both were like hell to me. Even though it was just one stem!


When I forcibly swallowed the grass and showed him my dark green tongue, Kuhn shook his tail as if satisfied. [Good job.]

I might have been able to tolerate the bitter taste by itself, but the slightly astringent flavor made it difficult.

After swallowing all the herbs, I put the candy I had in my pocket in my mouth and fell on the floor. “Kuhn, Pihne told me earlier that Sir Hilla hasn’t come back yet.”

Stretching his body straight with his front paw outstretched, Kuhn sat next to me. [Shall I go farther to see if his carriage is coming back?]

For some reason, I looked curiously at his first favor, then shook my head. “No, I’m sure he’ll be back soon. In the meantime, let’s think more about how to get Hilla on our side.”

[He doesn’t seem to have a good personality. Will he reveal information that easily?]

“Will it be hard? But he’s one of dad’s people.”

[We’ll see about that.]

I felt rather optimistic. “Still, someone who can handle witch’s herbs would definitely help.”


It seemed as if he was worried.

“Actually, he was a little suspicious. Is he a witch because he can make so many paralytic potions?”

[Mariette, I guess you forgot, but there are no male witches.] Kuhn’s whiskers twitched.

“I don’t mean it like that, but it also doesn’t mean that only daughters can be born from a witch. Didn’t you say that the medicines Hilla made were the ones only witches can concoct?”

[As you said, witches don’t only bear daughters. However, while the sons born to them have the blood of a witch, they cannot use any of the witch’s power.]

“But Hilla makes the witch’s medicine.”

[Hmm, he may not be a witch, but it is highly possible that he learned making the medicine directly from his mother or sister. In the past, spouses, sons and brothers claimed to be the strongest assistants when there were still many witches around.]

“I see. That seems like a dream now, though.”

[Hmm, let me see. Who was the witch with green hair?]

“Can you tell by the hair color? Maybe his hair color is different from his mother’s.”

[From whom did you get the color of your hair?]

My eyes widened. “My mom…”

[Your witch’s blood is strong.]

Wow, I see.

Those born with the witch’s blood all seemed to have the same hair color from their mothers, which was why my hair was black. While I was amazed, Kuhn was lost in thought. I waited with bated breath.


“Do you remember?”

[If my memory is correct, Hasvit and Demeya. The bloodline with that hair color. Yes, that’s right.] Kuhn nodded as if he was proud of what he remembered.

“Hasvit and Demeya. There were two families?”


“Oh, then if you find a family that’s good at dealing with herbs and poisonous herbs, that’s all you need. It’s totally easy. You’re really helpful.”

His eyes shut as if he was disappointed, but his expression quickly faded. [The problem is…]

“Yes, yes.”

[Both were witches who were good at handling herbs and poisonous herbs.]


[Hasvit flourished from generation to generation with medicinal herbs, but Demeya was also formidable. To the point where it’s undecided who’s better or worse.]

“That’s not good then.”

[Maybe they both made poisonous potions in the past? Both of them were unscrupulous, but their skills were good. Tch, reminds me of the past.] Kuhn was getting lost in his old thoughts.

I was getting more worried. “What should I do…?”

[Trust your intuition.]

Unlike me, he was having it easy.

“What if I get it wrong?”

[It can’t be helped. Even if he’s of a witch’s bloodline, they are hiding now so you will have no choice but to find them.]

“Oh, I’m not good at finding.”

[That’s why I told you to trust your intuition.]

I sighed. “Hey, I don’t know. If I get the family wrong, what will I do if I get hurt or need help or something?”

Kuhn stared at me and laughed out loud. [I’ve never seen a witch asking for help like you. That’s amazing.]


[Witches are beings that learn by themselves. They are proud of themselves as they become stronger and stronger.]

“Oh… But I…”

Kuhn’s words made me feel a little down.

I thought I was a witch because I was my mother’s daughter, but the more I was with Kuhn, the more I couldn’t erase the feeling that I was too far away to be a witch.

[Well, it could be because you’re still young. I think you’re going to be strong. You’re the smartest 6-year-old I’ve ever known.]

So are you praising me or chiding me?

“Hmph, you’ll see. I’m going to be strong. Hilla will be on my side and I will trust my hunch.” I clenched my fists in determination.

[That’s how you become a witch.] Kuhn snorted.

I stared at him for a moment.

[Today, you received the oath of a giant descendant; my cutie.]

“Oh? How did you know?”

[I was flying over your head.]

“Ei, I was going to tell you,” I said regretfully.

It was then.


I blinked in disbelief at something I saw flash behind Kuhn before it disappeared.

[What’s wrong?]

Weird. Did I just see green hair disappearing through the building over there?

‘Was there anyone else with green hair?’

I jumped up from my seat and brushed the dirt off my clothes. And instead of answering Kuhn’s question, I reached out. Kuhn only looked up at me.

“Oh, right. Cats can’t hold hands.”

I immediately pointed to the place I saw. “Kuhn, let’s go there”.


“I just saw hair the same color as Hilla’s. He must have arrived.”

[Really? I didn’t see him coming.]

I rushed over just in case I missed him. Before turning the corner, I leaned on the wall and poked my head out. Again, the green hair was barely visible before it moved out of sight.

“I’m going there.” I lowered my voice as I crept forward while tiptoeing as if I was some thief. It was fortunate that the lawn floor cushioned our steps.

[Do we need to go secretly?]

“Kuhn, be quiet! We’re still strategizing.”

[What kind of strategy? Chasing after him?] he whispered.

I nodded and glued my back to the wall. Then, I moved sideways like a crab. Somehow I thought I had to follow him secretly. Soon after, I turned the corner again and I could see the person.

“It’s Hilla.” I lowered my body further with sparkling eyes. “Target locked.”


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