It's not so much about reincarnated characters!

18 remuneration

The ground was impossibly tidy in the forest near the river\'s edge.

The 20-meter long and 20-meter wide squares were so carefully laid out that it was possible to build a building on top of them.

What was surprising was the time it took to work.

Just two seconds.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find out more about this.

"I knew it was out of the ordinary, but are you... are you really human?

Nacht only laughed at Krista, even as she said the most rude words.

\'Half the time, you know. Besides, even people are capable of this degree. A friend of mine once was a human sorcerer (wizard) who used terrain-destroying magic to obliterate mountain ranges and take on raid bosses on top of them?

"\'s not a person....

Krista herself had been told this many times, but this was the first time she had said it to someone.

\'Well, it\'s too early to be surprised by that,\'

Saying that, Nacht took out a jewel-like ball from the item storage.

The name, a simple tent making ball. It\'s a useful item sold in the stores of high-end stores, and is a convenient item that allows you to spend the night without consuming the fatigue value represented by FP and other items.

When Nacht threw it into the air, a cloud of smoke rose and a large circular tent appeared.

It resembled a nomadic pao, and it was obvious that it was solidly built.

Once inside, the awesomeness of the place became even more apparent.

The floor was covered with a luxurious carpet, two wooden beds, seven mattresses, and cold fruit and juice poured into glasses that gleamed on a small table like a kotatsu.

If asked to live there, it is opulent enough to reply, "By all means, unless you are a nobleman," and it has excellent heat retention capacity.


Naturally, no one could hide their surprise.

The woman who was a former s*x slave was pouting as if she was dreaming, and even the top-notch adventurers were unexpectedly let loose.

If Sasha, Krista, or anyone else who dealt with magic, they would understand in an instant that it wasn\'t created by magic.

It was easy to imagine that the two jewels that Nacht had casually used, alone, would fetch an enormous value. Surely the royalty and nobility would be willing to pay a ridiculous price for them at auction.

\'\'By the way, these are disposable.\'\'


Nah, then, please, by all means, let me rip the carpet off, and all sorts of buzzing voices.

\'Don\'t fight with me,\' says Nacht, and puts his hand in the storage again.

\'Aisha, we\'re over here,\'

The one you just mentioned is just a disposable item.

Nahat also has another portable base item called a moving house (subhome). This is a reward for the common quest that is unconditionally available to players who have reached level 70 or more. These mobile homes (subhomes) are a bit unique in that their contents and design can be changed by paying for them.

Nacht\'s base of operations is a large, inter-dimensional space inside through a small entrance, and the sky is a room in the night sky filled with brightly colored stars. With only the lights of the fantastic stars, the surroundings are a bit dim, but there\'s an atmosphere, and that\'s a good thing. The spherical space was a place that seemed to have trapped a part of the universe.

The transparent floor is not only warm, but also has an effect of increasing MP recovery just by sitting down, the couches have a fatigue reduction effect, there is a warehouse where you can store materials, and a safe where you can deposit your money, thanks to the heavy charge.

The tertiary job change and this quest to get this moving house (sub-home) is the first quest I\'ll take once I reach the 70th level.

Nacht, accompanied by Aisha, entered the moving house (sub-home) and asked Krista, who invited him in, to sit down.

\'Who are you, really? I\'m sorry to say this, but I think I\'d be convinced if you told me it was God...

Krista said with a bit of surprise on her face as she entered the fantastic space.

\'Ha, funny joke. It\'s half the same person, you know? Feel free to call me Nacht.

As soon as Nacht said that, a throbbing black pressure went to Krista.

There was Aisha, whose expression was shadowed by the expression on her face, turning her gaze close to killing intent as she clung to Nacht.

\'\'I, no. Let\'s stay out of it. So, Nacht-dono, shall I ask what you wanted me to do here?

Nacht slowly looked at Krista\'s face, which was still as Noh-like as ever.

His expression tightened a little, and Nacht opened his mouth.

\'I\'ll take the reward, your life and the lives of your people.

Nacht wouldn\'t take anything away from slaves who have no quirks and no wealth.

But they are top-notch adventurers.

As long as they are doing their job as professionals, they will demand a price.

I\'ll do what I can. I\'ll do what I can. I\'m still a grade-A student. I\'ve got a nobleman\'s level of personal wealth.

Krista easily accepts Nacht\'s request. There is no reason to refuse, and she\'s not ungrateful enough to refuse. It\'s a good thing that you\'re not going to have to worry about the fact that you\'re not going to be able to get the same amount of money for the same amount of time as you would for the same amount of time as you would for the same amount of time as you would for the same amount of time as you would for the same amount of time as you would for the same amount of time.

\'I don\'t need money. Oh, no, if you need money to get into the city, you\'ll pay for it, but I don\'t want a lot of money. There are two rewards I demand of you.

Nacht has little use for this world\'s currency or any other currency, no matter how much he tries to obtain it.

Nacht says to Krista as he crosses his legs.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find a way to make your life easier," he said, "but I\'d like to make sure that the slaves we\'ve rescued are given the minimum amount of support until they are able to live independently. Another, to spread rumors throughout the city that I\'m the girl who defeated Duran, against whom you, an A-level adventurer, are a handful and a legitimate opponent.

The first half of the film is just meddling.

I don\'t think these women who are caught by bandits will be able to live a decent life. That\'s where they will definitely need help to reintegrate into society. This is the life that Nacht lent a hand to save. It would be a bad wake-up call to have him die for something so trivial.

Secondly, it is a move that is taken to avoid unnecessary bothering.

Nacht has a charm that draws people to her just by walking. After all, she is a superbly beautiful girl in appearance, and naturally she will be messed with.

In that case, I\'d better get a word in edgewise.

I let people know that Nacht is a powerful person.

At first, some fools might think he was joking and come close to him, but after a group or two of people have been beaten up, people around them will refrain from being foolish.

Nacht does not pretend to be something it is not.

That is an act of denial of Nacht himself, and Aikawa Toru is determined to live his life to the fullest as Nacht. He was not going to live in a falsehood, even if it would lead to trouble.

\'Is that all?\'

For Krista, that was not a reward.

First of all, the price of life for an A-class adventurer party isn\'t that cheap; at A-class, they can earn enough money in a year to allow a village unit of people to live for the rest of their lives playing. If that\'s the case, then Krista and the others have nothing to lose with regard to the first, just a lot of work.

As for the second, it\'s out of the question. Adventurers are basically obligated to report on requests. As long as they were willing to explain Duran, Nacht, the failure of the request and that Nacht should receive the reward for it, rumors would spread very quickly.

But for Nacht, that was enough for him.

I\'m not going to be able to say that I\'m not going to be able to do anything else.

But that\'s not enough for you. But if you don\'t think that\'s enough to make up for it, then I\'ll just ask you for one more thing.

Nacht softly turned his gaze to Aisha.

He turned his gaze away from Aisha, who tilted her head curiously, and looked at Krista again.

\'I need information on Aisha\'s mother. Her name is, I believe, Floria, did you say?\'\'

\' Lord Nacht, that\'s....

Aisha, tainted with astonishment, looked at Nacht with a slightly stronger gaze.

\'She\'s an elven woman, and I\'m sure she\'s beautiful, just like Aisha. As long as your face is in your favor. If you have any information, please pass it on to me.

At Nacht\'s words, Krista nodded one.

I\'m sure that even this is insufficient compensation, but as long as Nacht said there was one more thing left to do, there was no more complaining from Christa\'s side.

It\'s a good idea. I will promise you in my name.

After Krista leaves the moving house (home), only Nacht and Aisha are left behind in the vast amount of space.

The stars drifted and disappeared.

Only such a quiet glow illuminated the place.

Nacht could clearly see Aisha\'s face reflected in the darkness of the night.

\'Are you unhappy?\'

...No, no........

Even though she said so with her mouth, Aisha looked terribly unhappy.

She barely remembered her mother\'s face, she said.

She had lived with her father for as long as she could remember.

\'You don\'t like my mother?\'


Aisha is aware that her mother has abandoned her.

I suppose that\'s just as it should be.

It\'s not that I don\'t understand Aisha\'s grief when she doesn\'t have the person she wants most to be by her side in times of sadness and pain, as someone who is of the same elven blood.

\'But there\'s a chance you\'ll live. There is the possibility of meeting your flesh and blood. I don\'t have that - and I envy it -

It\'s a remnant of the memories of the time when he was Aikawa Toru.

Living alone and going to college, Toru ended up dying without a word to his parents.

Like her, he has never been able to repay his father for anything.

He hasn\'t been able to tell his parents anything, and he hasn\'t been able to do anything about it. In fact, it must be the greatest filial piety, dying earlier than her parents.

Nacht\'s face was a little darker, as if such a thought had occurred to him.


But she still has her immediate family.

It\'s also the woman her father loved. If that\'s the case, it\'s unlikely that he just irresponsibly left Aisha alone.

\'If you have a complaint, you can tell me after you\'ve met him. If you have a complaint, you can meet him and have a fight with him. It\'s a shame to deny it before you\'ve experienced it, Aisha. --But I think I understand the frustration you\'re going through. You know, we\'ve got time. Take your time to sort it all out.


Nacht softly looked at Aisha.

It\'s an important connection he got when he came to this world.

Surely, meeting her was the reason why Toru was able to move forward as Nacht.

\'\'Aisha, shall we sleep together?

Nahat looked at Aisha\'s figure as she started to turn bright red and panic, a smile on her mouth.

The Central District of the Free Trade City.

The hustle and bustle never ceases, and people come and go from there, also known as the Neutral Zone, where many public facilities such as adventurer\'s guilds gather.

At the far end of the huge building, in the guild leader\'s office, there was a man twisting his head in a difficult manner.

\'\'What do you think, Guild Master?

The girl with the glasses says.

\'\'Mmm ...\'\'

But the head of the adventurer\'s guild who doesn\'t have a clear answer to that - Nigurd Howl bows his head with a somber face.

\'\'Would you like to be my guest, Guild Chief?\'\'


No matter how many reports he looked at, there was no way he could come up with a good idea.

"Come on, you old bastard!

Irina, the bespectacled girl, lifted the corner of the thick book in her hand mercilessly and swung it down without any mercy.

\'It hurts, it hurts, give me a break! I\'m the head of the guild, and I\'m a big boy! And you...

I couldn\'t say the rest of the story.

I couldn\'t continue, because the book was raised mercilessly, and the glittering blade was removed.

"All right, I\'m sorry. "Okay, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, and I hope you\'ll forgive me. No, please forgive me!

Well then, the Grade A adventurer, Christa Niese Bran Richter, the Ice Emperor, has not returned a week ago after being asked to defeat the bandits. We have also received a number of reports that the demons in the Jorno Forest are becoming more active. Seven new adventurers have already been affected, and several high-ranking demons (ogres) and rotten witches (liches) are reported to have appeared in the forest.

Irina, who still had the impression of being a young girl, said calmly to Nigrud while supporting the fruit that was beyond her control with her arms.

\'The former will trust the A-class adventurer for a while longer. Krista is always calm. If she is in trouble, she will get over it by herself. If she doesn\'t return for another three days, send a Class B adventurer to investigate her as a scout. And as for the forest what do you think of it?

Nigrud gave Irina a sharp look that would make even a top-notch adventurer shudder.

But Irina, who showed no signs of being moved, simply expressed her opinion calmly.

\'\'There are two possibilities. The possibility that a powerful demonic solid has appeared and the deep demons have lost their place to live. The other possibility is that the magic element (mana) has accumulated for some reason and the activity of the absorbed solid has increased.

Hmmm, if that\'s all you can do, you should be able to handle it. And I\'m sure that nobleman with whom I have a bad relationship will have his own private army.

Are you worried about something?

Nigrud made a difficult expression at Irina\'s words.

\'It\'s just a hunch--but I have a bad feeling--\'

Irina hid her eyes behind her glasses.

Then, although she felt ridiculous, she spoke of the worst possibility that would be impossible.

\'\'In the unlikely event that a billion is the case, but if the old seal--the seal of the fountain is broken........ ...

The current situation where demons are becoming more active is understandable.

The old demon race, called the ancient demon race, is said to have the ability to harmonize with demons.

But now it\'s just a legend.

It\'s becoming ridiculous to say it.

\'\'Well then, what would you do if you were to be unraveled for some reason?\'\'

I\'m leaving.

Irina answered immediately.

There are two A-levels in the Free Trade City. I\'m a former Class A student, and you are no less than a Class A student. If there is a Christa who has two names, is that all right?

Yes, I think it\'s suicidal.

There were many anecdotes about the ancient demons, but the most famous one was the legend of crossing blades with a dragon.

In fact, those who had fought the existing ancient demon tribe had said, \'\'If you meet them, you will die. I was lucky,\'\' he said.

I see.........the first thing we need to do is survey the forest. They\'ll also be responsible for defeating the demons. In addition, I want Houseman on duty. I\'m ordering him to investigate the Fountain.

Irina moved quickly at Nigrud\'s command.