Infinite Evolution

Chapter 435

"Hahahaha, good scolding, sister-in-law, you are right. They are a group of bastards who can't spit out ivory in their mouths!" Just when everyone was stupefied, the bear child suddenly burst out laughing: "just because they want to compete with brother, it's just a dream of a fool, ha ha!"

"Damn it!"

"This son of a bitch!"

Hearing the bear child's Gilded laugh, Andre and others also reacted, and then they were furious and glared at the bear child.

Angel even scolded them, but even such a brat dared to scold them, and in front of so many people. If this is not the city of the sky, and fighting is strictly prohibited, they will beat up the bear child.

"What are you looking at? No fighting here. Do you want to kill me with your eyes?" In the face of the glare of the crowd, the bear child is not only not a little afraid, but the expression on his face becomes even worse: "I just like your look at me, but I can't get rid of my expression. It's really interesting, hahaha!"

"Shit, this guy owes too much!" It has to be said that the bear children's technology of pulling hatred is still so first-class. Looking at his arrogant expression, a thin, cold looking young man behind Andre suddenly flashed a thread of murder in his eyes.

Then, an invisible and immaterial spiritual force surged out of the man and swept towards the bear child in secret.

Psychic power is the most bizarre one of many powers. It is not only invisible and hard to detect, but also has few traces left after the attack. Therefore, this guy is obviously ready to have a bear child.

After all, before the integration of the Komodo lizard, the breath of the bear child has been kept between the second level peak and the third level, and with the strength of the cold man's fifth level spiritual system, it's too easy to deal with the bear child.


However, the cold man didn't know that there was another person who was 100 times stronger in spirit than him, that is, Chu Xun.

Feeling that the cold man secretly attacked the bear child, Chu Xun's eyes suddenly flashed a fierce killing machine, and then a larger spiritual force also gushed out of his body, hitting the spiritual force released by the cold man.

He can clearly feel that the cold man did not retain any strength when he made a move. Obviously, this guy doesn't just want to teach bear boy a lesson. He just wants to destroy the spirit of bear boy and turn him into an idiot!

In that case, don't blame him for his carelessness!


Chu ten's mental power is more than 100 times stronger than that of the cold man? Under his angry attack, the cold man felt as if he had been defeated by a tsunami in a stream. At the same time, the terrible mental force was sweeping towards him at a faster speed.

The cold man sensed the trouble and was ready to call for help. But it was too late. At the moment when he opened his mouth to call for help, Chu Xun's mental power had also hit him hard. It broke his spirit, made him burst out a mouthful of blood, and then his seven orifices fell to the ground.

"Zhiyuan?!" Seeing his friend's blood gushing and falling to the ground, Andre and others were shocked.

"No, it's not. If you don't talk about it, you'll bleed with sarcasm." At the same time, the bear child did not know that Chu ten helped him stop for a while, and said in surprise, "this guy's psychological quality is really too bad!"

"Well, don't say it!" Chu Xun didn't want to get into trouble, so he stopped the bear child from holding on to hatred. Then he turned around and looked at angel who was angry for himself and even scolded him. He felt a little soft in his heart and said, "and you, don't be angry anymore. There's no need to have a common understanding with these people. Let's go!"

"Yes!" Angel nodded softly when she heard Chu Xun's words. But at the moment, there is a little anger and a little excitement in her heart. After all, being a good girl all her life, the first time she scolded was a little exciting.

"Stop!" Seeing that Chu ten and others were ready to leave, Andre immediately called out: "it is impossible for ambition to become like this for no reason. It must be you who have secretly harmed him. You can't go!"

"Don't bite like a mad dog, will you? Which eye do you see that we hurt him? Or do you have any evidence? " Hearing Andre's words, chuxun stopped a little, then turned his head and looked at him coldly, saying: "if there is evidence, you can inform the Council and let them catch me. If there's no evidence, you'd better shut up! "

Finish saying, Chu ten day also no longer pays attention to full face angry, but again dumb Andre, turn around to take angel and so on to walk into the sky auction house.

As the cold man thought at the beginning, it's very difficult to be detected by people and leave evidence. What's more, in addition to doctors and a few others, the impression of Chu Xun on the whole sky city people stays at the time of the strong system power, no one will believe that he suddenly became a strong spiritual power, so naturally no one will think of him.

As for Andre, he was just like a mad dog!

"Brother, what happened to that man just now?" After entering the entrance passage of the sky auction house, seeing no one around, the bear child asked cautiously.

He's not stupid, so he probably guessed the truth.

"Just now that guy was going to attack you with psychic powers and turn you into an idiot, all I had to do was to fight back." Chu Xun glanced around and found that he didn't perceive other people's existence. Then he said solemnly, "your strength before fitting is really too weak, so you'd better control your mouth, otherwise, I can't guarantee that you can be around every time."

"I just want to change me into an idiot by making a mockery of that person. It's too cruel. It's deserved to end!" Hearing Chu Xun's words, the bear child was shocked. However, he didn't show any fear, but came to Chu ten's side and whispered, "brother, in fact, even if you just don't do it, he can't hurt me. As long as I take the small family with me, once I encounter an irresistible attack, the small family will immediately complete the armor with me to resist the attack. "

"I see. I'm relieved." Hearing the bear child's words, Chu Xun sighed slightly, then nodded and said, "but you'd better not expose this ability in front of others as much as possible, so that if there is a fight, you can also use it as a base card to surprise the enemy."

"Well, I see!" The bear child nodded. He had been with Chu ten for such a long time. Naturally, he knew the importance of keeping the base card in the battle.

As they walked, they chatted, and soon passed through the entrance channel of more than ten meters long, and officially entered the sky auction house.

As it looks outside, the interior of the auction house is also Roman architecture. In the center of the auction house is the tall auction house. In the front row, there are five spacious and luxurious rooms around the auction house. These five packages are separated from each other for a certain distance, occupying the nearest position from the auction house.

Although such an arrangement wastes a lot of valuable space in the first row, no one dares to question it. Because these five special rooms represent the five big families of the five giants of the Supreme Council.

Longbao, represented by doctors!

Fall City represented by fall dragon!

Shendun City represented by Qin zhantian!

The magic city represented by magic Ji!

And the twin cities represented by the speaker!

These five giants and the five great families constitute the cornerstone and the strongest strength of the whole Supreme Council, even the whole sky city and human society.

Shendun city is in charge of the R & D and manufacturing of scientific and technological weapons, such as various improved crystal core runner, magnetic energy shield, energy conversion device, intelligent robot, etc., which are developed and manufactured by shendun city. Although these scientific and technological weapons can not constitute the cutting-edge power of human society, they are the cornerstone of the survival of ordinary cities, and their importance is self-evident.

Longbao is the pinnacle of medical science and technology in the whole human world. All emergency drugs, enhanced drugs, genetic modification drugs, etc. are developed from Longbao. The drugs will be sold by the Supreme Council to cities at relatively low prices, and it is not known how many lives have been saved.

As for the fallen city, it is the security force and secret service force in charge of the sky city. Basically, the public security, safety and all kinds of criminal investigation in sky city are in charge of the city.

The magic city is in charge of intelligence. The intelligence network of the magic city is almost all over the whole human society. In order to find Chu Xun, the speaker not only used the power of the reward Union on the surface, but also used the intelligence network of the magic city, almost turning the whole human area upside down.

Unfortunately, because Chu Xun is in the corpse field, all this has no egg use

As for the final speaker's twin cities, they are very special. First, most of the powers of the speaker come from the Supreme Council, not from the twin cities. The twin cities almost don't care about the world, but once the twin cities really issue any orders, then the other four families and the entire Supreme Council should fully cooperate to complete, without any mistakes.

Because there is only one function of the twin cities, that is prophecy!

In the twin cities, there are almost all the prophetic powers in the whole human world. Such powers are rare, even rarer than the spatial ones. Moreover, the predicted content is also very vague, and is often ambiguous.

But the only thing we can be sure of is that the content of the prophecy will never be wrong, even if it is wrong, it is also a wrong interpretation!

So the twin cities gathered these prophecy powers, and specially sent people to analyze these prophecies, and finally made a more credible conclusion. It is also relying on these predictions that human beings do not know how many crises have been avoided and how many losses have been saved.

So for the big five families and the big five, most people are full of awe and gratitude. And even if some people will be dissatisfied with these five great families, they are absolutely afraid to show it openly.

This is why, those Haozu dare to target chuxun, but dare not target angel!

Because Angel represents Longbao!

I don't know if it's a coincidence that when Chu ten and others are about to enter the special room where the Dragon Castle is located, the people of the other four major families are also here.

And the first thing chuxun saw was that he had a hand in his hand