Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 632: tell a story

"Come in and sit down."

Yang Cheng walked over and opened the door, and greeted Mark Pedewitz.

It can be seen that he is still a bit cautious. After all, Yang Cheng\'s majestic image has been successfully established, and he has also heard about some **** experiences of Yang Cheng. This is definitely a ruthless person who even dared to kill himself, so on the phone Li could barely maintain his composure. Facing Yang Cheng at this time, he couldn\'t help being afraid of saying the wrong thing and doing the wrong thing.

Yang Cheng looked at Mark Pedewitz, who hesitated a little, and shook his head with a smile, and did not open his mouth to correct his thoughts. It is always good for his subordinates to be in awe of him.

In the end, the two of them sat on the Eames lounge chair in front of the bookshelf. On the small coffee table in between, there were snack trays and wine bottles full of brandy. Yang Cheng poured two glasses himself and asked, " Let\'s talk about it, I set aside plenty of time."

Mark Pedewitz held the wine glass, took a sip, closed his eyes and felt the tulip breath echoing in his mouth. He sighed with satisfaction, and said, "According to the staff member who claimed to be Mrs. Zipperton, Mrs. Zipperton usually not only Using private mailboxes to handle official duties is irresponsible for the safety of state secrets and is suspected of being traitorous.

This staff member mentioned the Benghazi incident two years ago on the phone. Later, I got the information through some channels, and what the staff member said is indeed quite authentic. "

Yang Cheng raised his hand to interrupt Mark Pedewitz, "I don\'t know much about the Benghazi incident in detail."

In his previous life, he had only heard about it, but didn\'t understand it. Now before he came to this world, his predecessor Yang Cheng lived in a muddle-headed life, and he didn\'t care about the so-called national events, so he thought of the "Benghazi incident" in his mind. It is rather vague, and can be specifically mentioned by that staff member, it means that the "Benghazi incident" may be the source of the whole thing, so he must figure it out.

Mark Pedovich did not hesitate, "Yes, the Benghazi incident was born on July 25, 2012. In Libya, a US military Chinook helicopter was hit by a Stinger missile. The reason for the collision is Because this\'stinger\' was not set by the launcher, it hit Chinook but did not explode.

The Chinook helicopter landed on the ground, and the undecided American soldiers found the serial number on the missile, took it back and checked it, but the chin of the military at the time was shocked.

This missile is one of a batch of stingers. It was supposed to be kept by C~I~A at a military base in Qatar, but these missiles disappeared for some reason, let alone why they fell into the hands of terrorist organizations.

The N~S~A affiliated to the US Department of Defense soon began investigating. At the same time, F~B~I also intervened in the investigation. Both parties obtained a large amount of intelligence from various servers in Libya. The results of the intelligence once again shocked the military. And the jaws of two intelligence security organizations.

It turned out that this batch of strictly-custodial Stinger missiles was arranged by the Zipperton Foundation, Hillary’s friend Stevens, through a private arms dealer named MarcTuri, to sell to an extreme organization AS that is loyal to the ta~li~ban. "

Hearing this, Yang Cheng was shocked. The foreigner was still ruthless. For the money, there was nothing she wouldn\'t dare to sell. Besides, what the **** was this AS? Is it the predecessor of I~S?

Mark Pedewitz seemed to be addicted to storytelling. He said, while making gestures, the Yin and Yang were frustrated, and he continued, "Naturally, Mrs. Zipperton and Comrade Guanhai soon learned of the progress of the investigation, so there is no With the permission of Congress, Stevens was appointed as the new US ambassador to Libya and sent him to Benghazi quickly with the purpose of recovering the remaining stinger. This important evidence that may cost a lot of lives.

When Stevens returned to Benghazi, he found that the situation was not good because the terrorists had already formed a huge security threat to the newly established US consulate. He immediately reported the situation to his boss, Mrs. Zipton, but there was no answer at all.

According to the investigation, in the following 30 days, Ambassador Stevens issued more than 600 reports to the U.S. Department of State, requesting additional troops to strengthen security, but there was no news of them entering the sea like a mud cow.

Finally, at ten o\'clock in the evening on September 11, 2012, a large number of terrorists suddenly attacked the US consulate and broke through the security line at two o\'clock in the morning the next morning. Three Marines and Ambassador Stevens were killed in a terrible state of death for eight hours. , The consulate has not received any reinforcements from the US military close at hand, but what about the ZF? Afterwards, Mrs. Zipton said at the investigation hearing that she was sleeping and no one on duty woke her up.

This is nonsense! "

Mark Pedewitz finally couldn\'t help but complain. Indeed, this reason is more speechless than going out to do hair. Is the duty officer crazy? After such a big incident, I still feel like Master Qing can sleep well?

"According to unconfirmed information that the terrorists were in the middle of the attack. Ambassador Stevens hid in the secret room. The attackers did not find the ambassador and retreated. But soon, the terrorists came back. He attacked the secret room directly as if he had been directed, so the ambassador had to go to heaven for a tour."

Yang Cheng is thoughtful, this coincidence is too much, and it can\'t stand scrutiny at all. Although Mark Pedewitz said the news is unconfirmed, since someone has spread it out, it is probably true. It is said that the staff of the embassy, ​​including stevens, were completely killed as scapegoats, after all, only the mouth of the dead is hard.

"Hiss~" Yang Cheng took a deep breath, too cruel!

However, the matter is not over yet, Mark Pedewitz continued, "On September 14, the bodies of the four victims were transported back to the United States. Comrade Guanhai and Mrs. Zipden personally greeted them at the airport, leaving the four dead. Only a few feet away from the victim, Mrs. Zipton told the families of the victims: The movie "The Ignorance of *", which was played on YouTube not long ago, aroused the anger of Libyans. It was the anti* short film that killed you. We must severely punish the producer of that short film.

For this reason, the hapless director who made "The Ignorance of *" has been strictly "protected" by the US police for a year. "

After hearing the whole story of the Benghazi Incident, Yang Cheng sighed. It was a conspiracy. A conspiracy based on profit ended in a conspiracy. He said with emotion, "Mrs. Zipperton must have paid a lot of money, right?"

Mark Pedewitz nodded affirmatively, "Yes, if this is the case, I even feel that this is a certificate of nomination given to Europe by Mrs. Zipperton!" (https://)

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