Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 612: Temporary standing in line

With the donkey party\'s endorsement, the first thing Yang Cheng did when he returned to New York from DC was to ask Ritz to arrange for people to go to the headquarters of 10 banks to discuss the acquisition.

After all, the donkey party is only helping to match the bridge to ensure the final result, but the purchase price or the method of acquisition must be negotiated by Yang Cheng. Each bank has countless large and small shareholders, and only the interests of all parties. M&A can be smooth if they can be satisfied.

The staff was sent out, and Yang Cheng had more important things to do. This time the acquisition of ten interstate banks in one fell swoop, the total funds expected to be used will exceed 8 billion U.S. dollars, neither Yuanshan Capital nor Four-dimensional Space. It may be that this figure is collected all at once. The loan is necessary. It is just that Yang Cheng and Citigroup and other banks have to meet before making a decision.

In fact, if there are too many projects started at the same time, which involves the main funds of Yuanshan Capital, this fund can be eaten alone. Considering that Yuanshan Capital is about to start the listing plan, it is still a small shareholder in a new banking group. Okay, otherwise it will cost Wall Street a lot of effort.

At present, according to the Yang family’s plan, Liu Muqian stepped forward to acquire Bodier Bank wholly-owned, and then with Bodier Bank as the main body, initiated M&A offers against ten banks, that is to say, it was Bodier Bank of Switzerland that ultimately executed the acquisition process. , Instead of Yuanshan Capital or Four-Dimensional Space, this involves a lot of capital circulation problems, which must be solved by Yang Orange one by one.

First of all, grandfather Liu Muqian needed to spend 30 hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire Bodier Bank. After that, he adopted the method of capital increase and share expansion to absorb the funds of other members of the Yang family. In addition to Yuanshan Capital and Siwei Space, there are also Yang Yuanshan and Liu Yun’s private funds. Everyone in the Yang family will become a shareholder of Podir Bank;

Secondly, use the funds to initiate mergers and acquisitions of ten banks. The most important thing is to ensure that members of the Yang family hold 65% of the shares in the new Podir Bank and maintain an absolute controlling position. The remaining 35% will be paid. Assign to the donkey party;

Finally, the integration of the new Podir Bank was completed, and with this batch of gold as a guarantee, it officially accepted deposits from Chinese people around the world. When the deposits rapidly expanded, the Yang family also had a moat as the last line of defense. By then, The Yang family can then try to deal with various forces.

The whole plan is very clear and clear, but the difficulty of its implementation is more than tens of times. Any mistake in any link may cause the whole plan to be in vain.

Especially in the current situation, seeing the new round of elections about to start, Yang Cheng\'s biggest worry is to be played as pawns by the two big dang factions before the Yang family\'s plan is successful.

And he has entered the game now, temporarily standing on the side of the donkey party, but with a clear understanding of the future, he knows that his team is not stable. It is only because of the more sincerity of the donkey party that he temporarily settles. He doesn’t think that relying on his own variable can change the final result of the general election. The butterfly effect is indeed powerful, but unfortunately his butterfly’s wings are not big enough to fan the “elephant”!

Just returned to the company and arranged for Ritz to deal with the bank\'s affairs. Yang Cheng suddenly remembered that he had assigned Susu before leaving. Susu was responsible for the bidding for the design of the world\'s tallest building. How is the girl done?

Press the pager on the desktop, "Susu come in."

Without letting him wait, Su Su quickly pushed in, without time to take off his glasses, "boss~"

Yang Cheng said, "How are your preparations for the design bidding for the building?"

Susu bowed her head instinctively, bit her lip lightly, and replied after hesitating, "I don\'t think direct bidding is appropriate."

The voice was very small, faint mosquitoes and flies, Yang Cheng didn\'t hear clearly for a while, and she was stunned for a while to react. Not only was she not angry, she looked at Susu very comfortably and asked, "Then tell me, how is it more appropriate?"

Seeing that Yang Cheng was not irritated, Su Su said with courage, "I think we should invite major architectural firms to put forward their own design plans, and let us make their own decisions, rather than a single bid, and choose the one with the lowest design cost. After all, this project is likely to be the focus of the world. The novelty of design and the craziness of creativity are more real than saving that little design cost!"

Yang Cheng smiled, "Do you think I chose to bid openly to save that little design fee?"

Susu tilted her small head, her big eyes blinked innocently, as if she was saying, "Isn\'t it?"

Yang Cheng couldn\'t laugh or cry. This girl was still too young. The knowledge she learned was dead knowledge in textbooks. She couldn\'t use it flexibly, and she didn\'t blame her. At least Susu still knew how to think actively, not just passively execute it.

"Don\'t worry, the open bidding is to give those small companies that are creative but not capable of participating in the bidding of large projects a chance. Of course, we will not save tens of millions of design costs for a project that costs tens of billions of dollars. , Is always the first element we investigate, and then we need to consider the cost." Yang Orange explained patiently.

Susu lowered her head in embarrassment, and spit out her tongue shyly.

Yang Cheng asked again, "You haven\'t done anything yet, have you?"

Su Su repeatedly shook his head, "I have sent bid invitations to all the firms listed in the global ranking. The time for the first round of preliminary selection is set at the end of March. The venue is in the large conference room of our company headquarters. Is to remove uncompetitive solutions;

The focus is on the second round of presentations at the end of April. I believe that more than two months will be enough for them to come up with a detailed design plan. In the end, we will delineate feasible plans for 3-5 architectural firms in the second round and enter the final In the decisive round, the focus of our investigation in this round will change from creativity to the difficulty of implementation of the plan, the cost and other aspects to consider, and choose one final plan and one alternative plan. "

The smile in the corner of Yang Cheng’s eyes became more obvious. As soon as Susu’s voice fell, she gave compliments without hesitation, “It’s very good, we must provide the best service to the companies that come to participate in the bidding session, and contact each company in advance. Determine the number of people participating in the bidding. If necessary, our company will be responsible for everything from air tickets to boarding and lodging. When that time comes, we will directly book a hotel, and then rent a business fleet for unified transportation."

Susu was afraid that he couldn\'t remember, so he quickly picked up the pen and sticky notes on Yang Cheng\'s desk to record.

"In addition, if someone tries to publicize you, you tell me when you turn back and block this company directly. A company that has no confidence in its own design will definitely not design a refreshing skyscraper."

This project is of great importance. Yang Cheng will never allow anyone to engage in behind-the-scenes transactions. Although the water is clear, there will be no fish, but which pool is it?

Anyway, I\'ve always been busy, and the whole company, in terms of how heavy the work is, if Susu is second, no one dares to be the first, not even the two CEOs.

Fortunately, after some time ago, Yang Cheng’s cousin Liu Junyu was also considered a successful teacher. A little bit can help Susu share the work pressure. Some unimportant documents do not need to be handled by Susu himself.

The office was calm again. Yang Cheng dealt with official duties for a while. He picked up his mobile phone and wondered whether to invite McCorbert for a meal. The big guy had to help with the loan, but he didn\'t wait for him to open the screen, Han Sen knocked on the door and came in.

"Boss, the reporter named Angus is here to apply."

Yang Cheng was startled, put down his phone, stood up and paced in the office, still muttering, "This kid is moving very fast, it seems Wendy can\'t bear it anymore."

"Did you say hello to the personnel side?"

Hansen nodded, "According to the boss\'s instructions, Angus was assigned to the forum company. He seems to have no objections."

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "No objection?"

This is a bit unreasonable. According to Yang Cheng’s initial assumption, Angus was deliberately assigned to an unimportant department or subsidiary. In order to obtain more important information, he must have different opinions. accepted?

"And then? Did he do anything?"

Hansen shook his head. "Since he entered the door, our people have been staring at him. Even when he goes to the toilet, he has been staring at him. Not only did he not take the initiative to establish relations with his colleagues, but he didn\'t even make any extra phone calls.

Yang Cheng thought for a long time, but didn\'t think of a reason. He could only think that Angus had good patience. Maybe he just came here and didn\'t dare to move easily.

"Keep staring, don\'t I understand the boss, don\'t worry, we have a record of how many times he went to the toilet at night."

Yang Cheng laughed, "You have a strong taste. By the way, how is Zachary and his family?"

Hansen smiled and stroked the back of his head, "It\'s good. London is not Albania. The group dare not mess around. Zachary also said that when his parents\' situation stabilizes, they will return to New York together."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Let him take care of this. Anyway, he needs to support him with all his strength. This is our future gold mine."

Hansen has long bound his own interests with Yang Cheng. Hearing Yang Cheng say this, he was naturally very happy, "I understand the boss, the boy Zachary also knows about Entubao. When he was looking after his parents recently, Don’t forget to practice pen and paint. Our people asked him, and he said it was for the boss."

Yang Cheng asked in surprise, "Is there anything else? It\'s not worth our work."

Hansen also sighed, "Yes, I\'m afraid of encountering a white-eyed wolf."

Yang Cheng snorted coldly, "White-eyed wolf? That saves us some thoughts. Are we still afraid of white-eyed wolf?"

Hansen wondered, too, he had 10,000 ways to deal with white-eyed wolves, and he wanted to escape their palms, but there was no door!

"One more thing, I\'ll go to my grandfather\'s ranch in Texas in a while. The gold bars have to be transferred. You have to arrange a transfer plan. This should be the last time to toss, don\'t lose the chain."

Hansen looked straight, his chest slammed, and he said confidently, "Good boss, in our site, if people take advantage of it, I can just jump into the sea and feed the sharks."

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand and patted Hansen on the shoulder, "It won\'t be enough, let\'s go busy, and I will get out in a while."

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