Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 471: Global EMI

"You didn\'t answer my question head-on. Why should we buy a company that is clearly in debt? What can you do to reverse the situation? Why is Vivendi Group willing to give up its business in the world\'s second largest music market?"

Yang Cheng watched Liu Jianjun aggressively, "If you can\'t solve these questions perfectly, I won\'t agree to this acquisition!"

Liu Jianjun looked like he had known this for a long time, and he had previewed all kinds of difficult problems before he came, otherwise he would not have travelled all the way to the United States to scold him.

"Let’s not mention the issue of debt. The acquisition of Universal Music’s footbass business can allow CY Entertainment to complete the partial monopoly of the Korean and Japanese music circles. Boss, you should also know that footbass is the same as South Korea. But the difference is that the so-called Korean Wave is actively expanding globally to achieve the purpose of cultural output, but the local music of the foot basin does not care about the expansion of overseas markets. Similarly, it is difficult for foreign music to find resonance in the foot basin. In the same year, Taylor Swift also achieved good record sales in the foot basin.

However, it is precisely the idol groups from South Korea. From the earliest TVXQ to the bigbang and girls’ generation in recent years, they have all set off a wave of craze in the footbass, and the Korean and Japanese economic companies that signed these idol groups have made a lot of money. Poman, although CY Entertainment does not produce idol groups, it does not mean that we cannot take a share of this market.

After we won the business of Universal Music\'s foot pot, we can not only make money in the local market of foot pot, but also sign more Korean artists, and go to the foot pot to make money for us. Not to mention the record, a concert tour is enough for us to recover the cost. , Don’t forget that we are still SM’s second largest shareholder and can make money on both sides.

At present, the subsidiaries of Universal EMI have signed a number of Korean girl groups and top solo female singers, including Girls’ Generation, APINK, and IU. This is a good opportunity. We can use this as a temptation to sign more. Many Korean idol groups, and the local artists signed by EMI are all powerful players. Record sales are very stable. As long as we plan well and the global music market recovers, it is only a matter of time before we can get rid of the quagmire of debt.

In addition, as to why Vivendi Group took the initiative to abandon the world\'s second largest music market, I guess it is related to cultural conflicts. Their management model is not suitable for the East Asian market that advocates Confucian culture, and the traditions of small Japan and subjugation are not a day or two. Now, whether it is Vivendi Group or Universal Music Headquarters, they are very dissatisfied with this market that has always been independent of the group. It happens that they are eager to seek listing and take the opportunity to get rid of the burden.

The most important thing is that once we complete the integration of Global EMI, CY Entertainment will become a new Asian entertainment giant based in the East Asian market. After the break-in, it might not be impossible to consider splitting CY Entertainment from New Times Media and go to Xiangjiang. Going public, with the financing channels, even if there is a slight loss in the foot basin market, it is completely acceptable! "

Having said so much, Liu Jianjun, who was dry-mouthed, took a few sips of the water cup, and said what he had to say, and finally had to rely on Yang Cheng to decide.

"US$300 million? This is just a valuation, right? The final transaction price will rise. This is not a small sum!" Yang Cheng muttered to himself thoughtfully with his hands resting on the back of his head.

However, the scenes Liu Jianjun described to him are still very exciting. Today\'s CY Entertainment has integrated most of the Korean entertainment industry, including the actor agency BH Entertainment, the film and television production company NEW, and the third largest theater in South Korea. megabox is also the second largest shareholder of SM, the largest star-making factory in Korea;

Not only that, he and Jack Ma’s super theater chain in Country Z has also been linked to CY Entertainment. If the business integration of Global EMI is completed, a new Asian entertainment giant will rise. It\'s not a big deal to go public, this kind of future is indeed very attractive.

But the valuation is only 300 million U.S. dollars. Even if estimated at the most optimistic 20% premium, the final purchase price will exceed 360 million U.S. dollars. He is not worried about the problem of returning the cost, mainly because of spending such a large amount of cash at once. It makes him feel distressed.

Fortunately, Allen is constantly reaping US dollars in the stock market. The 360 ​​million will be earned back in a few months. There is no way. The gods who have recently fallen in biopharmaceutical stocks are crying, although it is because of Switzerland. The incident delayed the layout time, but Allen, this guy, has used his gangsters to the extreme and grabbed a lot of empty orders from some small funds, causing Wall Street to complain.

However, they can only curse a few words and have been addicted to the would dare to come and settle accounts? Alan\'s greedy appetite has already broken through the sky, so he hates to offend others, and has an excuse to make money.

Of course, Allen is a rogue. He always picks soft persimmons. Those giant crocodiles that are not easy to look at have always stayed away, but once they encounter those who can knead at will, they will be merciless. He opened his mouth and opened his mouth. Sharp teeth wanted to chew up their bones. Recently, in some public places, employees of some newly emerging small investment companies saw Allen avoiding 10 meters without consciously, for fear of being infected by Ai. Lun took a look, and was stripped alive!

Although it seems cruel, this is the reality of Wall Street. He is not the only one who does this. How did the giants come into being? Isn\'t it swelling up gradually with waves of wool?

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng already had a decision in his heart to make money. He never struggled for too long, and he never lacked adventurous spirit. However, he was not ready to agree immediately. He wanted to teach Liu Jianjun a lesson. Shan\'s, he made such a serious low-level mistake, and he must not fool it without saying a word. If his staff did this, the company would be completely messed up.

In order to teach Liu Jianjun a lesson, Yang Cheng said blankly, "Let\'s do it today. I will think about what you said. Let White arrange a room for you to rest and rest. I will give you an answer after I think about it."

After finishing talking, he ignored Liu Jianjun, who was anxious and panicked, and went upstairs to his bedroom. Tomorrow, the manor will be cleaned once a month, and he is not allowed to sleep in, just as welcoming Xu Lingyue\'s arrival.

According to the flight he booked, he would not be able to arrive in Los Angeles until tomorrow night at the earliest. Yang Cheng was able to welcome the arrival of the young lady with the best appearance. As for the old comrade Liu, he could only wait hard. This psychological torment process, Enough to punish his fault.