Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2118: Difficulties

As night falls, in this dimensional place, summer days are long and nights are short, and there are only three or four hours of night every day. A group of eight people live in the primeval forest, far from the city, and the surroundings are surprisingly quiet, as if a needle fell on the ground. It can be heard, and it is so quiet that it makes the scalp numb and the heart feels hairy.

But as long as there are animals, the sound is amazing! Lying on the windowsill but seeing nothing, the howling of wolves and the roar of brown bears will wake people from their dreams every time.

Yang Cheng would also get up to check at the beginning, but she didn\'t bother to get up when she got too many times. When she woke up, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The next day, they got up very early, simply ate some quick breakfast, packed their bags and restored the wooden house to its original condition, leaving another $200 and a note on the table, hoping that the host could see it when they came back.

Then he set off, pushing the canoe back into the lake, and the lake surface changed from yesterday\'s sinisterness, and it was crystal clear with slight ripples.

Rowing a canoe to the depths of LAKELABERGE, according to the map, the lake is about 5 kilometers wide and 50 kilometers long. There are many islands in the lake. The shore of the lake is winding and the bay is deep and long, protruding into the water. Most of them are rocks.

For safety reasons, they did not dare to go deep into the center of the lake. They could only row along the lake for about 30-50 meters. Even if the canoe overturned, they could swim to the shore.

After paddling for about an hour, the wind raged, and the lake began to turmoil again. The waves were bigger than the waves. At this time, the waves in the center of the lake were smaller. Under the command of David Ellison, everyone hurried to the center of the lake. , But what they didn\'t expect was that there was an irregular undercurrent in the center of the lake, constantly sucking down, so they swept out in a panic, and their physical strength was inadvertently lost.

If this is accidentally turned down, they will not have the energy to swim to the shore. It is estimated that it will not be long before news will come out-British princes, American billionaires, Hollywood stars are in trouble and die in water.

Now it was too late to think too much. They struggled to control the boat, chose a safe route, insisted on paddling several bays, and finally hit the shore mercilessly by the big waves.

There was a rocky beach on the shore, and the wind was so strong that it was impossible to camp. At this time, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the lake water rolled up waves and rushed to the lake shore, making a huge beating sound.

At this time it was not midday, and less than 4 hours had passed since their departure time. According to the schedule, at least 7 hours should be set a day to reach the end as scheduled.

But in this case it is impossible to move on anyway! They had to find a relatively flat place on the rocky beach, brought in a few dead tree trunks that fell on the ground, reluctantly set up a tent, and tried to light a bonfire.

Luckily, it succeeded once. The raging fire drives away the chill, drives away mosquitoes and possible animals, and soothes their tired body and mind.

The embarrassing situation did not depress them. After all, they were prepared to deal with all difficulties before they set off. They also enjoyed the situation at this moment. Shouldn\'t the adventure be so exciting? It\'s not very interesting to go smoothly.

In this way, facing the big waves that were constantly beating the shore, they stayed guarding the thin canoe. When they were bored, they also took hunting knives to explore nearby. They didn\'t dare to go too far, just made sure they were around one The kilometer is safe, so they returned one after another.

At five o\'clock in the morning the next morning, I was frightened by howling the wolf again. I got out of the tent and saw that the lake where I thought the waves would be smaller was still glowing with white waves.

But they didn\'t hesitate this time, the ghost knew when the evil wind would stop? Any more delays will miss the wedding, so they reached a consensus and moved forward against the waves.

The idea is good, and the courage is also very commendable, but the reality gave them a terrible blow. Just two meters away, a big wave came over and directly overturned their canoe, and everyone and their luggage fell into the water.

It was good now, the clothes and shoes were all wet, and the courage before departure was also consumed.

Fortunately, not far from the shore, I hurriedly dragged the canoe back to the shore and lit the bonfire that burned yesterday. Several people gathered in a group and burned on the fire. No matter what, the clothes must be dried. Otherwise, it will be easy to get sick if it gets wet. .

As the fire was burning, David Ellison said anxiously, "It\'s troublesome to get out. We have to get to the destination at the specified time, or the wedding will be late."

Little Lizi rarely puts away his smile, and said sternly, "Otherwise, call the helicopter. Actually, we have experienced drifting and it is enough. There is no need to go the whole way."

William had a different view. "I think it\'s better to wait. It really doesn\'t work. Isn\'t our bodyguard at the starting point? Call to let them sail over?"

Xiao Lizi asked, "What\'s the difference between that and calling a helicopter?"

They brought satellite phones, and for insurance, they brought four, one for each!

So there is no need to worry about life safety. Just like Xiao Lizi said, if it doesn\'t work, call helicopter rescue. With the financial resources of the few of them, this little money is nothing at all.

But everyone will be unwilling, no one likes to give up halfway, especially those who are rich and successful, they hate giving up this kind of thing halfway.

Everyone has different opinions. Yang Cheng needs to express his opinion at this time. After all, it is his wedding that will be delayed. If it is not the wedding soon, they can wait forever. Anyway, they bring enough food, and it will be no problem to eat for half a month. No matter how bad it is, you can call the helicopter to drop supplies.

Yang Cheng pondered, "Let\'s wait for a few more hours. If the lake surface still doesn\'t improve, call the bodyguards and let them set off the boat. There are rocky beaches here. The helicopter can\'t land. The boat is safer."

Xiao Lizi looked around and looked at it. There is no flat place for the helicopter to land in this ghost place. Is it necessary to climb a suspended ladder like a movie? It\'s not worth the loss if you accidentally fall to pieces.

After everyone accepted Yang Cheng\'s opinion, they settled down. The young models have no right to speak. Anyway, they know that they can\'t die, so they just settle down as they go. UU Reading www. is still taking pictures of the surging waves.

After waiting for 3 hours, not only was the lake surface not calm, but the waves were getting higher and higher, and the roaring wind made them unsteady standing on the shore, let alone going into the water.

There is no other way but to call the bodyguards and ask them to find a way to sail to rescue.

The waves here are hard to resist for a canoe, but for a boat with an engine, it is nothing. At most, it shakes a lot, but it won\'t overturn.

After an unknown period of time, everyone heard the sound of motorboats roaring from a distance.

Yang Cheng set up the awning to look out, and Andrew\'s dark figure was particularly dazzling!

Looking at the group of motorboats behind, everyone finally waited for hope, and they called out excitedly to signal that they were here.

However, the waves here were so great that the motorboat couldn\'t get to the shore for a while. In desperation, Andrew could only gesture a few tens of meters away to signal Yang Cheng and the others to go forward. There was a flatter beach in front of them.

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