Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 178: quora

(This chapter is not written well... Depressed!)

"Boss, do you need to hold a press conference?" Ritz confirmed to Yang Orange before leaving.

"Open, but I won\'t be there. You can clarify for me. 80 million is the best proof." Yang Cheng thought for a while or gave up this opportunity to show his face in public. He is not a star and does not need too much exposure. , And he personally explained this kind of thing, it will create the illusion of his guilty conscience, but fluttering away 80 million US dollars lightly, it is easier to deepen the goodwill of the people who eat melons towards him.

He paused for a moment, and continued, "By the way, the initiator of this time has been found out. It is from the Hearst family."

Seeing Ryze\'s incomprehensible look, Yang Cheng waved his hand, "It\'s not Amanda, but someone else, trying to remove Hearst Group from the list of shareholders of New Times Media."

Ritz said without hesitation, "Simply, a few rounds of financing can dilute Hearst Group\'s holdings indefinitely."

"This is not possible. The Hearst Group has the same voting rights." Yang Cheng rejected this method for the first time. He also knew that dilution was the easiest and most direct method, but it was Amanda who made the contract sign at that time. It doesn\'t work if you don\'t give right to vote.

"Then we can only start from the outside and figure out how to make them give up."

"It\'s more difficult. Go ahead and let me know if you have any good ideas." When Yang Cheng thought of Paris Hilton\'s evaluation of William IV, he was not optimistic about it.

To be honest, Yang Cheng thought about it all night and didn\'t feel that he slept well. He turned into a national treasure panda in the morning, but he never found a place to fight back. It\'s not that the opponent was too strong, probably because Yang Cheng didn\'t know enough about William. , There is no way to start, no force to use, let alone counterattack, now even the opponent\'s person can\'t be found anywhere.

But the way of heaven is reincarnation. Sooner or later, you have to pay it back. No, Yang Cheng was invited to attend an investment cocktail party in the evening. At the cocktail party, he ran into the person whom he "worried about" in his heart, William IV. Coincidence often happens, especially this year. .

. . .

The organizer of this cocktail party is Bill Ackerman’s Pershing Plaza Company. The purpose is to create this platform and conditions so that managers of small and medium-sized startups have the opportunity to have in-depth exchanges with Wall Street investment companies and provide more convenient financing shortcut.

There are countless such cocktail parties in Manhattan, almost every week, but they are of different scales. A cocktail party held by an influential figure like Bill Ackerman on Wall Street, the participants flocked to and flocked, and Yang Cheng was alone tonight. Come, I didn\'t expect to find a golden rooster here that has not laid eggs. The company with real potential has been divided up as early as the incubation stage. Is it his turn?

Holding a champagne glass, dangling through the venue, the chattering in the ear buzzed like a mosquito, it was very noisy, especially the flattering faces of some entrepreneurs, it really made people sick. Otherwise, you will have a bit of spine, and maintain an attitude of neither humble nor arrogant from beginning to end, but can be respected by others. I hate this kind of fashion grandson who finds someone to ask for money. After looking back, I have the confidence to develop, and I start to be proud and try my best to invest. People kicked away.

Just as he drank the champagne in his mouth and was about to find a goodbye to leave, a figure caught Yang Cheng’s attention, looking at the vigorous white man, and the handsome side face. A layer of goose bumps surfaced on his body. Last night he specially asked for a picture of William from Paris Hilton and looked at it for a long time. At this time, he still remembered still fresh, he would not admit it was William IV.

The Emperor really paid his attention, beckoning to the waiter with the wine tray to come over, changing a glass of red wine, standing quietly near William, listening to his energetic speech.

"To be honest, Charlie, I do not agree with your company\'s operating philosophy. Most of the funds raised by Quora so far are in the bank. I understand that your concerns are nothing more than to prevent financial crises or other special circumstances.

But from the perspective of investors, this is a waste of resources! And Quora\'s expansion is too slow. Obviously you and your partner are not qualified managers. It is better to sell to me. With the help of Hearst Group, Quora will go further. You can enjoy this with the money. Colorful world. "

The Quora in William\'s mouth gave Yang Cheng a glimpse, but it was fleeting. He seemed to have heard the term, or heard of this company, but couldn\'t remember what it was for.

Looking across from William, the fat white man named Charlie with brown-red curly hair seemed to have never seen him before, and he was puzzled.

Just listen to the fat man named Charlie\'s disdainful rebuttal, "Hmph, the reason for this is to prevent you from trying to swallow our crocodiles, to ensure that our products and services can always survive and remain independent forever. It is me and us. The consensus of the company, and every time we expand, we are very practical and will not be rootless duckweed."

Charlie is very dissatisfied with William’s arrogant attitude, but he can see that he is not a radical guy, and is still trying to use data to change William’s view of his company. "And so far, Quora has never announced its products to users. The statistics, I can tell you clearly, and everyone present, in the United States, Quora had 5 million visitors in February this year, far higher than the outside estimate of less than 2 million."

"So? You still haven\'t found a profit direction!" William\'s contempt was on his face, making no secret.

"Mr. William, UU Reading Hearst Group is great, but obviously we are not all the same, looking forward to our next cooperation." Charlie did not know how to refute, flushed and forced a polite face. Smile, turn and leave.

At this time, Yang Cheng suddenly remembered what Quora is. A question-and-answer website in the United States is similar to Zhihu in Country Z. Of course, they are the pioneers. The original version of the question-and-answer website was developed as early as 2009. In the following years The rapid development of this website has made this website move closer in the direction of Google and Yahoo. With a huge database of first-hand information, it is the second largest encyclopedia in the world after Wikipedia, and it has successfully ranked among the unicorns.

Looking at Charlie again, his eyes are full of ‘desire’, because the future big data plan of Toutiao’s app will be more effective if Quora’s help.

A sneer at William\'s back, their accounts will be calculated later!

Yang Cheng didn\'t linger too much, and chased in the direction where Charlie had left.

"Mr. Charlie, please wait a moment, I wonder if I can talk a bit?" Yang Cheng didn\'t go far before catching up with Charlie, and stepped forward to stop and said.

Charlie\'s mood was a little low. He raised his head when he heard the words, and was about to get angry, but found a familiar face that had frequently appeared in the public recently.

"Uh~ maybe you are Mr. Jason Yang from 4D Space?" Charlie scratched his head and asked uncertainly.

Speaking poorly and dressing plainly, this is the first impression that Charlie left on Yang Cheng, a typical code farmer.

"Yes, you know me? That\'s great. Can we take a few minutes and we can talk about your company, Quora, right? An interesting name." Yang Cheng smiled gracefully, and Charlie felt that He is very old fashioned.

Shyly scratching his head, rubbing his hands, "Okay, I have time."