Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 134: Cyclonus Vegas

When Liande Witt walked, his steps were slightly heavy. Yang Cheng and David Ellison stood by the window of the conference room, watched her go down the steps and boarded a black Mercedes. Ellison slapped her lips. "She still has some brains."

Yang Cheng put her hands in her pockets and snorted, "She doesn\'t have a brain, but is afraid of Tom Cruise."

"Afraid of Tom?" Ellison looked at Yang Orange in confusion.

"She pointed to Tom Cruise for dinner, not seeking merit but no demerits, as long as she did not make a big mistake, she would have at least a stable and expensive income, but once Tom Cruise lost profits due to her decision, she lost It\'s not just work." Yang Cheng squinted and stretched out to face the setting sun. After explaining, he turned around and smiled at Zhang Jingchu who was sitting quietly.

"Well, I hope your proposal can impress Tom, where to play in a while?" Ellison asked eagerly.

Yang Cheng didn\'t have any idea, she thought about it and shook her head, "I don\'t know, do you have any good ideas?"

David Ellison looked frustrated, "I hate August. All sports events are in the off-season. The students are on vacation all over the world. There is only one carnival event and I almost have fun."

Yang Chenggang was about to nod his head in agreement. Suddenly he found a green chip in Ellison\'s bag. He was inspired and patted Ellison on the shoulder. "Hey, man, I have an idea. Let\'s call some friends to How about Gas Carnival? Drive!"

"This is a genius idea, I love you Jason." David Ellison didn\'t hesitate for a moment, he immediately laughed and cheered with his arms around Yang Cheng.

"Fuck off, I\'m not gay, that\'s it. You come to call someone. I will go back to the hotel and change clothes and change the car. I will gather at the entrance of Highway 15 after an hour. How about?" Yang Cheng rolled his eyes and patted away. Ellison\'s paw said.

"No problem, how about calling plum?"

"It\'s up to you, I\'ll go first, otherwise time is too late, see you later."

"Ok, see you later."

. . .

Highway 15 is an intercontinental highway from San Diego in the south to Montana in the north and directly to the Canadian border. It is known by the locals as a highway very close to the sky. At first glance, you can see the blue sky with only gray roads. Scale and style are the characteristics of Highway 15. It is not as magnificent and magnificent as Highway 1, but has a special flavor.

After a while, Yang Cheng drove his white Rafa at the entrance of Highway 15. This is also his debut after buying this Rafa. The blue sky and white clouds above his head are surrounded by the empty Gobi Desert. A sense of vastness between the horizon and the earth emerges spontaneously.

As the butterfly door slowly opened, Yang Cheng was also dressed casually in shorts and shirts and got out of the car to greet Ellison, who had just parked the car, "Hey, am I late?"

"Roar, look, what a great car." Ellison didn\'t pick up, and walked around Yang Cheng and touched the white body like a woman caressing. From the side, the white drawing has an unattractive beauty.

"Wait, you bought this at Ferrari\'s Beverly Hills store, right?" Ellison nodded and greeted Zhang Jingchu, who was sitting in the car, and asked in amazement.

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Yes, not long ago."

"Shit, my car looks so familiar." Ellison patted his forehead regretfully.

"Hehe, who told you to be late." Yang Cheng didn\'t have any morals to make up the knife.

"Damn it, when I first saw this car, I felt ugly, so I didn\'t place an order. Later, I found out that laferrari became more and more sexy. When I wanted to place an order, I ran out of balance. I didn\'t want to drive a used car."

At this time, there was another engine noise, but the sound was very clean, unlike the violent and tearing noise of ordinary sports cars.

Looking back, a sports car Yang Cheng had never seen before stopped behind Rafa. It looked a bit like a Chevrolet Corvette, but the logo was not.

"Plum is here." Ellison glanced at the sports car.

"What kind of car is this? I have never seen it before." Yang Cheng asked curiously.

Ellison explained with a chuckle, "Li Zi is a determined environmentalist. He usually drives an electric car. This is an electric sports car from Fiskerkarma. It has more than 600 horsepower, 5.9 seconds to break 100, and outstanding performance."

"Hey, good afternoon David and Jason."

Unsurprisingly, Li Zi took his latest supermodel girlfriend over, "Introduce me, this is my girlfriend, Tony Garn, from Germany, who just appeared on the Victoria\'s Secret stage last year."

"Tony, do you know these two? David Ellison and Jason Yang, the big tyrants from Silicon Valley and Wall Street, respectively, eat and drink casually tonight, and someone pays the bill."

Yang Cheng looked at Tony Galen’s beautiful face, which was slightly young and immature, and could not help but laugh and curse, "Fuck, Leon, you are so charming. If you want my Victoria’s Secret, you should give you a medal. You are free for so many years. How many models have you helped them become popular?"

Ellison nodded in agreement, "I raise my hands in agreement. You are an animal, and you are also specializing in Victoria\'s Secret model."

Li Zi had never heard the word shameless. He accepted the "praise" from the two very calmly, and gave a gentleman\'s salute, "Thank you, I will continue to work hard, Jason, Miranda did not come? I still want to let her and Tony has a good conversation."

The probe forgot to look inside Rafa\'s car and found that it was an unknown Chinese girl, and asked with a polite smile.

"Ah~ we are just temporary playmates." Yang Cheng said in a perfunctory remark.

"Okay, what can we say before we arrive in Vegas, shall we go? Destination-Sin City." Ellison stood on the side of the road nervously, shouting at the passing cars, Yang Cheng and Li Zi agreed. Back in their cars, they couldn\'t afford to lose this person.

A line of three supercars and six SUVs driven by their own bodyguards, consisting of a total of six pull-wind convoys, ran wildly on Highway 15. Ellison was the first to be lonely. He kicked the accelerator and went down like a Bugatti Veyron rocket. Shoot out, it is the king born for speed.

Yang Cheng couldn\'t take any interest in a race that was clearly impossible to run, let alone a woman sitting in the car.

But sometimes you don’t ask for trouble. Trouble comes to you. Perhaps someone can’t watch Yang Cheng driving such a good sports car without speeding. A Porsche 911gt2 behind is constantly changing lanes, flashing high beams, and sometimes Charged up and challenged Yang Cheng side by side.

Decisively unbearable, 911gt2 is a racing car that can legally go on the road. It is true that it can kill BMW and Mercedes-Benz, and even compete with Lamborghini. No one doubts, but such a bright provocation of Rafa will not pass.

Yang Cheng was not a good and safe boy. He lowered the window, held the steering wheel with one hand, and straightened his right middle finger, compared to an international gesture. Regardless of the opponent\'s frustration, he switched to the track mode and laughed. Push the throttle to the end.

With a "boom", the white Rafa was like a stream of light, and it opened the distance from 911 in an instant, without letting go of the accelerator, and there was a big straight ahead. Except for the looming Bugatti in front, no car with long eyes dared to approach the inner road. , With the acceleration space to let him gallop freely, why hesitate? Let\'s sprinkle some wild!

The 6.3l12-cylinder engine feels the owner’s state of mind, and is madly outputting horsepower. In the blink of an eye, the speedometer on the LCD screen has been pulled to a position close to 200. From the perspective of the plum car behind, you can see the wind wing of Rafa’s anger slowly rising Start, like a Transformer, provide stable downforce for the body and ensure that the car can fly close to the ground.

Yang Cheng, who clasped the steering wheel with both hands, had no time to take into account the scenes of fast retreat like movie special effects on both sides, staring straight ahead, feeling the adrenaline soaring in his body, the strong stimulating feeling of pushing his back, and the body being blown by the air flow after the tail was raised The oppressive feeling of the package made him scream. It was too exciting. This is the charm of supercars.

The car drove faster and faster, and within a few seconds it caught up with Bugatti, who was beginning to slow down. It was not until Zhang Jingchu could not suppress the fear caused by the stall and screamed, Yang Cheng released the accelerator and put her right foot on the brake. I didn\'t step on it, and just tapped the direction lightly. Because there was a curve ahead, it was too fatal to step on the brakes and turn the wheels at this time. It is a normal operation to let the car slowly slow down by its own traction.

"Hahaha, cool!" Yang Cheng suddenly laughed while maintaining the speed of about 130 kilometers per hour.

"Are you crazy?" Zhang Jingchu\'s face was pale, her face was pale, her hands tightly gripped on the seat belt, and she shouted at Yang Orange.

"In life, you should find some excitement, don\'t be afraid, UU reading must believe in my car skills." Yang Cheng spared a hand and patted the woman\'s curled up thigh.

"Why didn\'t I realize that you are a lunatic!" Zhang Jingchu scolded with a grin.

Yang Cheng didn\'t mind, and asked with a smile, "Scared?"

"A little bit, how far did you drive just now?" Zhang Jingchu patted her chest in shock, her eyes dizzy as she stared blankly.

"It\'s about 240, I don\'t dare to step on it anymore." Just after a high-speed gallop, the vision has not recovered, and now the speed of about 130 seems to be about 60.

This is just like when we usually drive. When we just get off the highway, it is difficult to notice the speed change. This stage is also the easiest time for accidents.

"You\'re honest, did you have a shi just now?" Yang Orange smiled very cheaply, and suddenly came out without a word.

Zhang Jingchu was taken aback for a moment, and then she blushed as she reacted, biting her lip and said angrily, "Go away!"

After driving for about 1 hour, the convoy entered the service area, bought some snacks while refueling, and took a short break to continue on the road. They planned to rush to the hotel before dark, and after a big meal, they entered the stadium and stayed overnight. carnival.

Las Vegas is a truly unique and romantic city that never sleeps. Unlike other cities, the night in Las Vegas is more noisy than during the day, and even the empty streets in the daytime often happen because people are sleeping!

The motorcade drove past the long yellow sand Gobi, and saw the neon flashing from a distance. Everyone cheered involuntarily in their cars. An ultra-long limousine car passed by the motorcade in the endless stream. People pressed the car window and pointed their thumbs at the caravan. The night in Las Vegas was dressed up gorgeously and brightly by the chaotic dazzling lights and colorful neon.