Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 127: New York Fashion Week (1)

"So I decided to use this big contract to entangle the lover. The total transaction amount reached 1 billion US dollars. Even if he sold him, it was not worth 1 billion. But the reason why humans are humans is because humans have original sin and greed. It was one of them, and I specifically limited the payment deadline so that I didn\'t give him too much time to raise funds, so I could only help Sister Lehman."

Allen continued to tell his story in Rio, Yang Cheng interrupted and asked questions from time to time, "Wait, that lover wouldn\'t even place an order without seeing the goods?"

Spitting chicken bones, Alan was full of disdain, sneered and mocked, "How could I not ask to see the goods, but all I showed him were the real ones I bought from the Colombian warlord. The quantity is not large, but it is enough to prove My strength, coupled with my generous shot, full of confidence, it is not too easy to blind a pair of greedy eyes."

"Then Sister Lehman is not so stupid as to use her own shares to trade with you for her lover, right?" Yang Orange asked with an incredible open hand.

"You don\'t understand this, right? This is called stinking."

Yang Cheng is full of black lines, when is the foreigner\'s turn to teach himself idioms?

"Can you finish it in one breath? It\'s easy to suffocate people with a big gasp!" Angrily spit out, the most annoying TV drama is to show ads in gc plots, or write out of chapter dogs!

"Ahem~" Allen was sprayed almost choking on the French fries, staring at Yang Cheng and drinking smoothly, and then the thief smiled and said, "The second Lehman sister disagreed at first, but I set The payment deadline was very short, and it was overdue within a few days. In order to reflect our arms dealer’s mighty domineering and not tolerant of deception, Lehman Manor was immediately blown up as a warning, and then the two cowardly greedy and fearful of death became scared. ."

"Haha~ The things behind will be smoothly completed." Alan was happy, and he couldn\'t help but bloom.

The next thing doesn\'t need Ellen, Yang Cheng can guess it with his ass. It\'s nothing more than the two are scared and plan to use a share loan. As a result, Ellen doesn\'t agree to grab the contract directly. As for arms? Ha ha. . .

Yang Cheng clinked glasses with Allen, her eyes rolled, and she had an idea, "Allen, this matter is not over yet, you have to work hard, continue to pretend to be an arms dealer, and find a way to contact the other two partners of 3g Capital. Sell ​​the shares to them, and sell them as high as possible."

Alan was surprised, stopped drinking and asked, "Are you not going to pit Louis Lehman?"

Yang Cheng smiled meaningfully, "It\'s not clear to him that we did what we did, do you want to do something to his sister? It will affect our reputation, but instead sell the shares to two other partners, not only Can exchange for a large amount of cash, but also add to Louis Lehman by the way, why not do the best of both worlds."

Allen smiled badly, with an expression that I understand you, "You are still bad, but I like it!"

Yang Cheng rolled his eyes, leaned back, took a leisurely sip, and said, "Also, you and I are half of the money in exchange for the shares, don\'t refuse."

"Fuck off, who is going to refuse? I want to put all this money into your four-dimensional space. Even if I invest in shares, I usually don\'t need that much money." Allen originally wanted to refuse, but Yang Cheng was so. He immediately changed his tone, and the brothers didn\'t need to be polite.

"That\'s okay. Give you 5%. By the way, I will have an investment director. It saves you that you can eat burgers every day when you have nothing to do at home. If you haven\'t come back, you guys have done a big thing these days, it\'s cheaper for you." Yang Chenghao He nodded without hesitation and agreed. He also needs money recently. Many of the investment plans of 4D Space have been temporarily shelved by him because of insufficient funds and unable to promote. If there is no more movement, the employees will revolt.

Don’t think that New Era Media has raised RMB 3 billion, and Yang Cheng doesn’t need to worry about funding. In fact, that RMB 3 billion can only be used for the development of the media group. At the same time as the company’s financing, shareholders are also introduced. It is to supervise the company\'s development path without deviation, and at the same time, it will send financial personnel to ensure that his own interests are not lost. Yang Cheng wants to embezzle the money privately, which is equivalent to shaking the interests of shareholders. How could it be allowed.

Yang Cheng accompanied Alan to drink and chat. After a few shots of billiards, he sent him home to rest. In Rio, he was always nervous and couldn\'t sleep well. The big fat man like Alan also lost weight. A few kilograms, busy is the best medicine for weight loss.

Time came to the afternoon in a blink of an eye, the scorching golden light made people dare not look up, the leaves on the street did not move, the\'wind\' seemed to be unable to resist this hot summer, and they chose to strike, without them bringing the coolness of the Atlantic Ocean into it. In the city, people had to use various physical methods to cool down.

Perhaps in such weather, selling ice cream or cold drinks or shaved ice is a good idea to make a fortune.

Yang Cheng stood on the street outside the building, with his left hand in his pocket, and his right hand on the pergola to watch Alan hit home. After standing for less than 10 seconds, a layer of fine sweat appeared on his skin, and he murmured, " This **** weather."

Turning around and about to return to the room to blow the air-conditioning, the phone\'s ringing sounded loudly, and I didn\'t even look at the display. I heard it directly, and the tone was a little anxious, "I\'m Yang Cheng."

"Uh~oppa, are you inconvenient to answer the phone?" Yang Cheng instinctively calmed down the familiar Korean language with the attributes of acting like a baby, and replied as softly as possible, "No, the weather is too hot, I am irritated when it is hot. ."

"Haha, Seoul is the same, today\'s body temperature is estimated to exceed 35 degrees." Sunny echoed deeply.

"Aren\'t you busy today? You actually have time to call me?" Yang Cheng stared at the hot beauties who passed by. Of course, it was not their concavity and convexity, but the cold cones in their hands. Licked his lips and asked.

"Oppa, can\'t I call you if I\'m okay?" Sunny\'s feigned voice is no different from Jiao\'s.

"That means you must beg me for something." Yang Cheng didn\'t take this set, he just wanted to cool down now.

"Hey, it\'s really something, but it\'s not my business." Sunny was embarrassed, weakly pleased.

"Right, you\'re polite with me?" Yang Cheng walked quickly into the building, beckoned to let the beauties at the front desk come over, took out two Benjamin from Hansen\'s pocket and handed them over, looking quickly from the nameplate on the front desk. Then he covered the microphone and said, "Thank you Linda, please help me buy some ice cream, you and your colleague would like to have any flavours together. I treat you, thank you Linda."

This front desk was when Yang Cheng came to the company for the first time. The brown-haired girl who was yy to Yang Cheng has been in the company for more than a month. She has been working hard and has welcomed everyone from the company with her sweet appearance and enthusiastic and cheerful personality. Favored by males, especially the coders on the 20th floor who have just joined the Toutiao app project.

"Ah~Thank you boss, what kind of flavor do you need?" Perhaps this is the first time I had a direct conversation with the big boss, Yang Cheng. It was a little flustered, especially Yang Cheng’s gentle smile, the chic temperament when holding the phone, making it simple Of course, the whole company knows that the boss has completed a multi-billion dollar financing. With the blessing of wealth buff, Linda feels that she is about to sink.

"Vanilla, I want two large portions! Thank you." Yang Cheng pointed at Hansen and the others, motioned Linda to ask the bodyguards what flavor they wanted, and then stepped back to the reception area in the corner of the hall. Sit down on a sofa and raise Erlang\'s legs.

"Oppa, it’s Taeyeon and the others. I was having trouble participating in the fashion week. It seems that the invitation letter and the list in the computer do not match. They are now blocked outside the venue and are not allowed to enter. The key is that there are still many Korean media tracking reports on the scene. , I would be embarrassed if I can\'t get in." Sunny explained for a while, Yang Cheng just talked to Linda, and didn\'t catch the key words.

"I just can\'t get into the fashion week venue, right? Didn\'t I remember that you exchanged phone calls with your young man? How good is it to call me directly? You still need to go around?" Yang Cheng rubbed the sun. The hot scalp asked with a smile.

There is another sentence that he held back in his heart and didn\'t vomit out. Isn\'t this unnecessary to take off his pants and fart?

"Maybe you were scared by the scene where you took the gun last time, huh, oppa, can you help?" Sunny explained, and then took out the woman\'s most powerful weapon, acting like a baby! Threatened.

Yang Cheng\'s tongue turned around in the hot mouth, he still wanted to eat ice cream.

But the great cause of picking up girls should not be delayed, so I had to laugh, "I know, you have spoken, can I not help? You call Taeyeon and the others, UU reads and asks them to stay calm, I will go over immediately. Pay attention to answer my call."

"Ok, oppa is the best, pay attention to safety on the road." Sunny patted her flattery, and she was still very warm when she came to the line of concern.

I hung up Sunny\'s phone, thought about it, and started to call someone again. After inquiring about it, I realized that the next show was a special show for Victoria Beckham. Well, this is an acquaintance, so I save trouble mom.

. . .

Located on the west side of Central Park, between Columbia Avenue and Amsterdam Avenue, Lincoln Center is not only the center of New York’s classical music scene, but also a mecca for all artists. It is also the world’s largest art venue, including the fountain square as the center. Three theaters, including the Metropolitan Opera, can accommodate more than 10 spectators to participate in cultural activities at the same time.

And because of its strong artistic atmosphere, this place is also loved by many celebrities in the literary and artistic circles. From the initial slum to the art hall, only 50 years have passed and it has become the most coveted residential area in New York. To the east is the tree-lined Central Park. Avenue, the riverside park to the west, elegantly decorated restaurants, modern libraries, museums, cafes scattered around.

Similarly, Lincoln Center has also become the preferred venue for New York Fashion Week. This year, img, the organizer and organizer of New York Fashion Week, once again visited Lincoln Center, hoping to reawaken high-end people to New York with the excellent location of Lincoln Center. Fashion week attention.

Andrew drove the Audi S8 slowly in front of the fountain square. Yang Cheng kept his eyes on the passing crowd, trying to find Taeyeon and the others. Unfortunately, he did not have eagle eyes and could not determine the target from the crowded heads. Had to take out the number that no one answered after calling it several times.