Indestructible God King

Chapter 389

King can use the seal of God King to suppress Zhou Lin in an instant!

Zhang Zhengdao is already in the Yuan Dynasty, and his combat effectiveness is also very good. He has been fighting Nie Tianba because he has taken the lead. The snake king and the rat king are old enemies, and they are fiercely entangled at the moment.


Sandstorms roared all over the sky.

Wang Ke took a long knife and put it around Zhou Lin's neck.

"Come on, whoever dares to come here, I'll let Zhou Lin's head fall to the ground. Believe it or not, you can try it! Or, who has a grudge against Zhou Lin and wants to kill with a knife, step forward! " Wang Ke shouts to the blood demons all around.

All around, the blood devil's face turned ugly, but no one came forward.

"Wang Ke, did you attack me? Today, none of you can leave! " Zhou Lin is ferocious.


The long knife stuck to Zhou Lin's neck. In an instant, Zhou Lin counseled.

"Rat king, if you don't stop, I'll kill Zhou Lin!" Wang Ke roared at the rat king.

In the distance, in the battle between the rat king and the snake king, he glanced at the location of Wang Ke and ignored him.

"Didn't you hear me? If we don't stop, Zhou Lin will die! " Cried Wang Ke.

"I don't care if he dies!" The rat king didn't care.

Wang Ke; ".......!"

Zhou Lin

"Isn't this rat king so inhuman, watching you die?" Wang Ke looks at Zhou Lin strangely.

"Hum!" Zhou Lin is so depressed that he doesn't want to speak!

"Don't ask, Nie Tianba must care more about your life! Especially, Zhou Lin, why are you so popular? No one wants to save you! " Wang Ke looks strange.

Zhou Lin "......!"

"Come on, idle is also idle. Let's have a chat. Nie Tianba used to be in front of you and the rat king. He didn't even dare to breathe. How can you suddenly recognize Nie Tianba as the boss now? This is not reasonable. I think Nie Tianba's strength is just average? I can't even beat Zhang Zhengdao! " Wang Ke looks curious.

"You know shit!" Zhou Lin scolded.


Wang Ke's eyes glared, his long knife trembled, and the blade trembled around Zhou Lin's neck, which immediately made Zhou Lin's hair stand up and recognize him again.

"After the last battle of Sirius, I went back to Lianhua blood cave and accepted the blood demons of Lianhua blood cave. The rat king came here to fight for the boundary of Lianhua blood cave. Before we finished fighting, Nie Tianba came and suppressed us! No, to be exact, it was the strong in Nie Tianba's body that suppressed us! " Zhou Lin's explanation of pouring beans in bamboo tube was clear immediately.

"The strong man in Nie Tianba's body? The red eye? No, it should be dragon blood? " Wang Ke's face moved.

"Do you know dragon blood?" Zhou Lin was surprised.

"Nonsense, what don't I know? I ask you, "where is Zhang Shenxu?" Wang Ke asked.

"On the altar of lotus blood cave. Dragon blood should use Zhang Shenxu's blood to open the seal. I took a whole body of blood last night, but it's not enough. Now I've saved my life. I'll give it back to him. Only when Zhang Shenxu's blood is filled up, can I take another time to open the seal of lotus blood cave! " Zhou Lin said in a deep voice.

"Not enough blood?" Wang Ke's face moved.

"Hum, Wang Ke, I advise you to run quickly. Lord, the dragon blood sleeps in Nie Tianba's body. When you wake up, none of you can leave!" Zhou Lin said in a deep voice.

"Are you kidding me? How can I go?" Wang Ke immediately disdains a way.

"Die for me!" Zhang Zhengdao roared in the distance.


With a loud noise, Nie Tianba fell from the sky and suddenly fell out of the sandstorm.

"Ha ha ha, Nie Tianba, you are the third strength of yuanyingjing. Do you want to stop me? Hand in Zhang Shenxu Zhang Zhengdao cut it with one sword.


A sword light rushed straight out. Where he passed, he cut the wind and broke the sand, and Nie Tianba's face changed wildly.

"Lord, help Nie Tianba exclaimed.

At this moment, countless blood mist suddenly appeared on Nie Tianba's body surface, and the blood mist immediately covered Nie Tianba.

"Just hide in the blood fog? Go Zhang Zhengdao stopped drinking.


A loud noise, blood fog burst, but, Zhang Zhengdao also set there, but the sword in his hand seems to be stuck in general.

"Why?" Zhang Zhengdao kept drawing his sword with a scream.

But the sword didn't move. But Nie Tianba, who was blown open by the blood fog, was sandwiched between two fingers. At the moment, Nie Tianba's right eye was covered with a layer of blood fog.

"Why, how could that be?" Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.

At this moment, a soft voice came from Nie Tianba's mouth.

"Nie Tianba, you really let me down. I give you so much strength. You can't fight against this man?"

That voice is very soft, let a person listen to have a kind of creepy feeling.

"Nie Tianba? You, how do you make a sissy voice? " Zhang Zhengdao was shocked.

"Well?" The soft voice was filled with anger.

As you can see, Nie Tianba has a little finger.


The sword in Zhang Zhengdao's hand burst open, and this finger popped out. It seemed that a huge finger Gang rushed to Zhang Zhengdao's chest in an instant.

"What?" Zhang Zhengdao exclaimed.


That finger Gang instant will Zhang Zhengdao bomb fly out, far throw, fall to the ground, chest collapse. A puff of blood.

"What, what? Nie Tianba, how did you suddenly become so powerful? The power of yuanshenjing? No way Zhang Zhengdao covered his chest and exclaimed.

Just now, it's not as good as myself, but now it's so terrible. How can I hurt myself so much with one finger?

"My Lord, my subordinates are incompetent!" Nie Tianba's voice returned to his usual begging for mercy.

"Hum, it's a waste of my power to attach to you The voice of Yin Rou comes out from Nie Tianba's mouth again.

With that, Nie Tianba walked slowly to Zhang Zhengdao. Nie Tianba's whole body is surrounded by a blood mist at the moment. He looks like a hell devil.

"Nie Tianba, you, you are not Nie Tianba?" Zhang Zhengdao screamed, covering his chest and retreating.

"Lord, help me!" In the distance, Zhou Lin called out.

Wang Ke's face changed at the moment: "what are you talking about?"

But see, Yin Rou Nie Tian Ba suddenly turns head to see Wang Ke.

"Ha ha? Are you Wang Ke? Innate merit? "The seal of heaven?" Yin Rou Nie Tianba showed a cold smile.

"It's me, master Longxue. Do you know me?" Wang Ke showed a worried smile.

Yinrou Nie Tianba showed a sneer and waved his hand.


Around the desert, suddenly the sky and countless yellow sand, flying into the air, into a sand condensation dragon.

"High!"“ High“ Thank you very much

One by one, the sandstorm dragons roared straight to where Wang Ke was.

"Master, you have something to say!" Wang Ke exclaimed.

While screaming, he urged the seal of the king to resist.


One by one, the sandstorm dragons bumped into the seal of the God King, and they saw that the seal of the God King was shaking wildly, and the shaking became smaller and smaller!

"Master, misunderstanding, master!" Wang Ke exclaimed.


The sandstorm dragon continued to flow. After a while, the seal of God King had been reduced to its original size.

"The innate merits of Fantian seal have been consumed! Now, you have no treasure to use Yinrou Nie Tianba showed a grim sneer.

Wang Ke grabs the God King seal which has become smaller, and his face looks ugly.

Countless sandstorm dragons didn't disappear, but with the Yin Rou Nie Tianba's finger, they immediately rushed to the snake king!

The snake king and the rat king are fighting. When the two animals are fighting, countless sandstorm dragons rush in. Suddenly, their faces change and they suddenly separate.

"Ah, Wang Ke, what is this, ah ~ ~"


The scream of the snake king was soon drowned in the huge sandstorm.

After a long time, without the king's voice, the sandstorm stopped.

The sandstorm stopped, revealing the dying snake king, who was full of holes and blood. That ordinary sand condensation salon, actually has this terrible power?

Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao both took a cold breath.

"Well, is it just a part of dragon blood? Is it like a chicken? No wonder Nie Tianba won't listen to Nie Qingqing! All in all to be loyal to him? " Wang Ke was shocked.

Not far away, the rat king looked at the miserable image of the snake king, and his scalp immediately became numb. That day, Zhou Lin and I almost went all out with dragon blood? If I was not loyal to dragon blood at that time, now, is the snake king my end?

"Wang Ke, what should I do?" Zhang Zhengdao said anxiously.

At this moment, Zhang Zhengdao didn't dare to move. This Yinrou Nie Tianba is too terrible.

"Thank you, Lord!" Zhou Lin and rat Wang were frightened.

"You three are all in yuanyingjing. How can you be beaten by them? What a fool! Shame Yin Rou Nie Tian BA's cold voice.

"Lord, they're sneaking!" Nie Tianba's voice came angrily.

"When I speak with this body, should you interrupt?" The soft voice came from Nie Tianba's mouth.

"Yes, I dare not!" Nie Tianba's voice immediately trembled.

"Lord, although Nie Tianba's words are not good, they are reasonable. Wang Ke is too cunning and has done me harm many times. Please give him to me and let me take revenge to eliminate my hatred!" Zhou Lin said in a hateful voice.

"Please give me the king and the snake king to avenge me!" The rat king also hates the voice.

Yinrou Nie Tianba looks at them, then looks at Wang Ke who is not far away and shakes his head.

"Lord?" Zhou Lin and the rat king looked anxious“ Wang Ke? I don't care how he provokes you, but a few days ago, I promised the keel. If I catch the king, I can give it to the keel. The keel is willing to listen to me! So Wang can't die now! " Yinrou Nie Tianba said in a deep voice. Not far away, Wang Ke heard that, suddenly, a heart hanging down. And the good thing“ Lord, I don't want to kill Wang Ke. Would you please give him to torture me for a period of time to kill the resentment in my heart? " Zhou Lin said anxiously“ Me too, Lord. We promise that after tormenting Wang Ke, he is still alive! " The rat king said eagerly. Yin Rou Nie Tianba frowned slightly, as if thinking. But Wang's face changed and he tortured you? How can this be done“ Master Longxue, I have a sudden heart disease. I can't be frightened or tortured. Once I am tortured, I will die suddenly! " Wang Ke said anxiously. Zhou Lin "......!" Rat king "......!" You are so thick skinned that you can't be frightened? Sudden death? Who are you lying to? Yinrou Nie Tianba stares at Wang Ke for a while. After a while, he squints and says, "don't move Wang Ke. Seal up his accomplishments and imprison him until the keel arrives!"“ Lord Zhou Lin and the rat King were reluctant“ Huh? My words don't work? " Nie Tianba's eyes were cold“ Yes! I dare not! " Two people immediately dare not refute“ As for Zhang Zhengdao and the snake king A murderous spirit flashed in Nie Tianba's eyes“ Master Longxue, I also have sudden heart disease. I will die suddenly too! " Zhang Zhengdao cried in horror. PS: the first one!