Immortality Cultivation Era

Chapter 17

Although LV you grabbed Gao Song\'s neck, he didn\'t really use any strength.

After all, the kind of brain crippling plot in TV series will not appear. While pinching each other\'s neck and pressing questions - can people still speak?

"This kind of fruit, called Lei YangGuo, can effectively improve strength and even help open up the martial vein." Sing.

LV you\'s eyes jumped.

"It seems that I was really wrong to define you as ordinary."

LV you felt that singing knew too much.

How can ordinary people know the powerful Qi and martial pulse?

Sing a mysterious smile.

"Eat it." LV you stretched out his hand and handed over a fruit.

Singing, slightly stunned.

LV you sneered and said, "don\'t you think I\'m really a fool? I believe what you say?"

Sing and don\'t move.

"Why, I have a very good attitude. I\'m going to let me feed you?" LV you asked.

Gao Ge smiled and said, "since the little patriarch can\'t trust me and let me eat, I won\'t refuse. After all, this kind of good thing is rare. Even a Leiyang tree has only two Leiyang fruits."

After saying that, Gao Ge stretched out his hand to take a fruit, tore off the upper layer of skin and began to put it into his mouth.

LV you just looked at it quietly and didn\'t stop it.

Say let Gaoge eat one, that is, eat one.

Definitely not to cheat each other.

As an immortal, although LV you is the young leader of thunder sect, he also knows the danger of people\'s hearts.

Even if it seemed to him that singing could not bind a chicken, he had to be careful not to capsize in the gutter.

Then, singing began to spit out fruit stones, only the size of fingernail, spit out seven or eight.

"Now, do you believe me?" Singing and burping.

LV you smiled and peeled another fruit into his mouth, learning to sing and spit out the core.

When the fruit was swallowed, LV you immediately felt a heat flow flowing in his body.

Immediately, the energy in his body began to stir up, so that his face turned red, and the energy was still growing in his body.

"This is really a good thing!" LV you said with a smile, "if I hadn\'t had more eyes and came with you, I would have been cheated by you. What a comeback! But didn\'t you expect? I caught you as soon as I got it."

Singing and smiling suddenly made LV you feel very uncomfortable.

"Why, aren\'t you unconvinced?"

"You vomited ten nuts." Sing and say.

LV you\'s heart jerked.

"What are you talking about?"

Gao Song took a step back and pointed with his toes.

"You see, I only vomited eight nuts. As a result, you vomited ten. In fact, the number of nuts of Lei YangGuo is the same, eight."

LV you\'s eyes suddenly turned red.

He already knew what singing meant.

Be careful, be careful, you\'re still in a hole?

He was furious.

There is a feeling of being teased by monkeys.

"Damn you!"

With these words, LV you took a step forward, stretched out his hand and slapped it at the high song.

Singing just stepped back a little, but laughing more.

When LV you began to use his energy, the heat flow in his body was faster.

At the moment when the palm that clapped at the singing failed, a sense of powerlessness hit, and the strength in the body fell to the ground as if it had been quickly pumped out by a water pipe.

"I forgot to tell you, in fact, Lei YangGuo is basically not toxic. Ordinary people will be discharged from the body after eating it for only three days, and there will be some pain within three days at most. However, when you run strong Qi, it will stimulate the toxicity, and the toxicity in Lei YangGuo will begin to corrode your bones." Gao Ge squatted down and looked at LV you lying on the ground.

look down from a height.

LV you put his hands on the ground and wanted to get up. He tried several times and ended in failure. It seemed that what supported his body was no longer bones, but soft straw.

"The stone of Lei YangGuo is the best antidote. One or two stones can get rid of the toxicity." Sing.

LV you was completely speechless.

He tilted his chin as far as he could so that he could see the singing face.

It\'s nothing to watch before.

But now, as he reexamines his singing, there is more fear in his eyes.

It is hard for him to imagine why there are such terrible young people in this world.

Is the mind like a demon?

Pretend to have a stomachache and draw yourself in with excrement and urine.

He knew he would come with him!

LV you didn\'t understand that he didn\'t know Gao Ge for long. Why was the other party so sure? How can you calculate each step so tightly?

"Help me, I won\'t embarrass you. I\'ll also give you martial arts, Kung Fu and pills. If you want money, I\'m not short of money..." Lv you struggled and said.

The voice is getting smaller and smaller.

He is also a smart man, but he lost to Gao Ge on the point of abdominal darkness.

He knew that he threatened to sing at this time, that is, not to dig his own grave. The only way to live was to hope that Xia Lu could come, or pray for kindness. Although it was ridiculous, this was the only thing LV still could do when his desire for survival broke out.

"Guess if I believe it?" Sang loudly and sighed, "you can\'t live. You must die. Anyway, you have to die. Otherwise, how can I live in peace? As for your thunder sect, they can\'t find me. Of course, when I develop, I may go to your thunder sect. I\'m not popular, eh?"

Speaking of this, it stopped suddenly.

At this time, LV you\'s pupil has gradually spread, and his pulse is not fluctuating. He\'s completely hung up.

Life has always been so fragile. Although human beings have always stood at the top of the earth\'s food chain, in fact, lions and tigers can easily tear a strong man up without any weapons and firearms.

Therefore, the most powerful weapon of mankind has always been not physical strength, but brain.

Even in the immortal world, it is still the same.

Gao Ge stood up slowly, patted the dust on his clothes, and his face burst into a smile again.

It\'s nice to kill someone who looks extremely unhappy.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a strong wind behind him.

When he turned around, a foul smell had come to his face.


The bloody mouth roared, sang loudly and waved it with a fist. It hit the huge head, but the effect was similar to that of hitting the iron block. The pain spread along his arm. Fortunately, he turned his lower body in time to avoid the sharp teeth in the fierce beast\'s mouth, but his body was still knocked out.

Flying out of the moment, singing in curse.

Damn it.

Is retribution coming so fast?