Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 981

"The star beast has not left, it lingers nearby"! A monk screamed in horror, pointing to the star beast swimming around. His face was very ugly.

When the star beast just attacked the human friar, everyone also saw that the fierce beast was too fast and powerful, which made many people afraid.

Lin Feng seemed relatively low-key and stood behind Li yingdie.

The star beast didn\'t rush over immediately. The star beast is not only powerful, but also very cautious. It is looking for the best time and won\'t act rashly.

Something floated from the star river.

It is a small island with a range of more than ten meters.

There are three star lotus and a star moon stone on it.

This is enough to make many people crazy.

Whether it is star lotus or star moon stone, it can greatly improve the spiritual strength of monks, and the star moon stone itself can be forged into a powerful magic weapon.


Many people made a move, and a big energy hand condensed out of the void, grabbed at the star lotus and the star moon stone.


But at this time, a big wave suddenly rolled up in the star river.

"Hurry up...".

Many monks cried out in surprise. They had no time to grab the star lotus and star moon stone. They had to avoid the tide rolled up by the Star River, because once they were involved in the Star River, they would die.

Lin Feng and Li yingdie retreated again. Many people retreated with them, and some monks fled in other directions.

At this time, the star beast rose into the sky, opened his big mouth and swallowed the three friars directly.

Click, click!

The star beast chewed the flesh of the three friars.

The three monks uttered a shrill scream.

Soon there was no sound, and all the broken limbs and arms were swallowed up by the star beast.

"The island is sinking.". Li yingdie exclaimed.

Things in the galaxy will not always be outside, but will sink to the bottom of the Galaxy after a period of time.


A big energy hand was condensed and suddenly grabbed a star lotus.

The other two star lotus and star moon stone sank with the island.

"What a powerful Galaxy world, not only the air is forbidden, but also the mana is greatly suppressed.".

Lin Feng was surprised.

He just condensed an energy hand with mana, and he felt extremely tired.

The world of stars is full of strangeness.

However, he got the star lotus and played with it in his hand. This star lotus contains the pure power of stars. If it is refined, it will be very good for cultivating nature.

"Boy, give me this star Lotus".

A young man in blue looked down at Lin Feng with a high expression.

His tone is indisputable. It seems that Lin Feng will kill Lin Feng immediately as long as he dares to refuse.

He didn\'t act alone. He was surrounded by more than a dozen monks with good strength.

"Lan Ruogu! Is this the registered disciple of the temple of heavenly gods?" someone said in surprise.

The temple of heaven is an ancient and powerful force with immortal inheritance. There are imperial soldiers to suppress Qi luck. Even now, it is still the top force in tianwu mainland.

The temple of Heavenly God is divided into true disciples and registered disciples.

The number of true disciples is very small. After all, there are only dozens of people in the whole temple of God.

These dozens of people include the temple Lord, elders, deacons and disciples.

The temple of heaven is the core of the temple of heaven.

Registered disciples are generally accepted by some elders of the temple of God. If they can show extraordinary ability in the future, they may become formal disciples.

Only formal disciples can be regarded as people in the temple of God.

Just like emperor Shengtian, he is an official disciple and the first Tianjiao.

Even if he is only a registered disciple of the temple of heavenly gods, his identity is already very rebellious. He is definitely a person who can walk sideways.

Countless top forces want to send their children to the temple of heaven for training. They try their best to compete for the number of registered disciples.

Hearing that the blue friar was a registered disciple of the temple of God, many people around showed awe.

LAN Ruogu also has an arrogant expression.

"Get out...".

But what everyone didn\'t expect was that Lin Feng only said one word to the people in the temple of God.

Many people are stupid.

Is this boy crazy?

Dare you let the people in the temple of heaven go?

"Boy, are you looking for death?". LAN Ruogu\'s cold eyes looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "it\'s ridiculous. People in the temple of heaven can ask for other people\'s things with a high attitude? Can they easily decide other people\'s life and death?".

LAN Ruogu looked indifferent and said, "that\'s right! The people in my temple of God can decide the life and death of others. It\'s a dragon. You should also be coiled in front of my temple of God. It\'s a tiger. You should also lie down in front of my temple of God. My temple of God asks you to go east, you must not go west. My temple of God asks you to kneel down, you must not stand...".

"Is it true that the temple unified the tianwu continent?". Lin Feng sneered.

"Throw this boy down and feed the star beast".

LAN Ruogu looks cold. As a registered disciple of the temple of heavenly gods, he is high above the world. Naturally, he will not pay attention to the "low" friars like Lin Feng. The realm of creation is just heaven. Such a person can be crushed to death with his fingers.


When even two monks swooped at Lin Feng.

These monks are attached to the worship under the temple of heaven, with their backs against the big tree to enjoy the cool.

Because there are only dozens of people in the temple of heaven, the number is too small, but the sphere of influence they control is too large. Naturally, it is impossible for the people in the temple of heaven to do things themselves. Many things are left to these offerings.

"Elder martial brother Lin, let me help you"!


Li yingdie comes forward. Lin Feng is just a heaven in the realm of creation. In Li yingdie\'s opinion, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of the temple of God, so he wants to help Lin Feng.

"It\'s just a few miscellaneous fish. If it\'s not secure, younger martial Sister Li will do it.". Lin Feng said, sticking out his right hand, the void shook, and instantly broke the two gods enshrined in the temple of heaven, and then grabbed one person with one hand.

Seeing that Lin Feng captured two masters of the triple heaven of the realm of creation in an instant, Li yingdie was also surprised. She didn\'t expect Lin Feng to be so powerful.

Generally, a friar who can defeat a high-level friar at a low level can be called a demon.

Obviously, Lin Feng should be such a person.

"Boy, let us go. We are the offerings of the temple of God. If you don\'t let us go, you will die without a place to die.".

The two worshippers looked at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes.

"I don\'t know how to live or die"!

Lin Feng sneered.

He threw it at random.

The two monks in the temple of heaven were immediately thrown to the star beast by Lin Feng.


The two monks cried in horror.

Now they can\'t fly, they can only watch themselves fall to the star beast.

The original arrogance disappeared in an instant, and some were just deeply frightened.

The next moment.

The star beast rushed out of the Star River, opened his big mouth and swallowed up the two friars in the temple of God.