Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 826

The strength of the golden giant is outrageous. Even the existence of Tyrannosaurus Rex is so powerful that it was smashed away with a stone hammer. It can be seen how powerful its combat power is.

Now the golden giant was completely angered. He roared and killed Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the huge wound on his shoulder was still bleeding.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex roared. It jumped up from the ground, shook its huge tail and pulled directly at the golden giant.

The golden giant grabbed the Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s tail and threw it thousands of meters directly.

There was a loud bang.

A large area of mountain forest was destroyed.

"The strength of the golden giant is too rebellious?". Some surviving friars swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and now they are very lucky to get back their lives.

Lin Feng said, "it\'s really worthy of being the servant of God in the rumors. This strength even crushed the Tyrannosaurus Rex.".

Tyrannosaurus Rex got up from the ground again, and its ferocity was completely activated.

Tyrannosaurus Rex opened his big mouth, spewed out huge energy attacks, and smashed at the golden giant.

The golden giant waved a stone hammer and smashed the energy attacks.

Then the golden giant catapulted out and came to the Tyrannosaurus Rex in an instant.

The huge stone hammer swept at the Tyrannosaurus Rex again.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex failed to escape and was hit by a stone hammer.

A clicking sound came out.

This is the sound of bone fracture.

I don\'t know how many bones on Tyrannosaurus Rex were broken by the blow of the golden giant.

Tyrannosaurus Rex roared in pain. It jumped up quickly and fled to the depths of the mountain forest.

The golden giant is in hot pursuit.

"Elder martial brother, you died miserably...".

When the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the golden giant left, a monk rushed out, knelt in front of a body and cried bitterly.

There are only a dozen of more than 100 people left, which is really too tragic.

Looking at the mess, Lin Feng sighed.

This is the most real world of practitioners.

He didn\'t stop. He left quickly to find a place to heal.

Lin Feng stopped in a valley and arranged several Dharma arrays to cover the valley.

The nine drops of immortal blood in the body worked, and Lin Feng recovered quickly.

Three hours later, Lin Feng has recovered from his injury.

"If you want to activate your special constitution, the blood in your body should at least recover more than 10%, and I\'m only recovering nine drops of immortal blood now, which is far from enough.".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Then he thought of the terrible golden giant.

Since there is a golden giant in the misty forest, there must be a falling golden giant.

If you can find the nest of the golden giant and get the bones of the golden giant.

You can go to the mysterious forging master in the heavenly holy city and ask her to forge her seven treasures glass tower into a real Taoist weapon.

Lin Feng set out and continued to walk towards the depths. In the next few days, more and more monks poured into the depths of the misty forest.

Lin Feng got an amazing news from a group of monks.

It is said that a meteorite brought out by those top forces recorded an ancient magic power, but that ancient magic power is incomplete.

Apparently some meteorites fell somewhere else.

The incomplete ancient supernatural powers could not be cultivated, and many great forces could not wait to enter the fog forest again, hoping to find new meteorites.


The roar shook the sky, and a huge centipede thousands of meters high woke up from his deep sleep.

This is a terrible creature in the depths of a misty forest.

After waking up, he began to hunt.

Many monks who entered the misty forest became prey.

There were more than one such war. Powerful creatures in the fog forest killed monks who entered the fog forest.

But some powerful creatures in the fog forest were killed by monks.

In the misty forest, there are battlefields everywhere.

"A badly injured Tyrannosaurus Rex laid dragon eggs. Now many people have gone to the Dragon Nest to rob Tyrannosaurus Rex\'s eggs.".

On the way, many monks were talking about it. Many monks quickly flew in the direction of the Dragon Nest.

"The Tyrannosaurus Rex wounded by the golden giant?".

Lin Feng was surprised and quickly flew in the direction of the Dragon Nest.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is the overlord among the earth dragons.

Stronger than the friars in the realm of human creation.

If we can get dragon eggs and hatch them, it will be equivalent to cultivating a strong man close to the level of eternal giants in the future.

Of course, even if you don\'t intend to hatch.

Dragon eggs will also be sold at a sky high price when they are auctioned.

Maybe exchange it with others for what you need.

Now that Tyrannosaurus Rex is injured, it is a good opportunity to grab dragon eggs.

An hour later, Lin Feng came to the Dragon Nest.

The dragon\'s nest is close to the cliff, and the terrain is steep.

There was a roar all over the sky. A total of five T-Rex built their nests here.

Thousands of monks launched a crazy siege on the five Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although Tyrannosaurus rex was powerful, it was besieged by so many monks and fell into crisis.

Deep in the dragon\'s nest, the injured Tyrannosaurus Rex is guarding a dragon egg.

Now, more than a dozen monks have broken through the defense circle of the four T-Rex at the periphery and killed to the depths.

The injured Tyrannosaurus Rex roared and fought with more than a dozen monks, but the Tyrannosaurus rex was hurt again by more than a dozen monks, and its huge body fell directly off the cliff.

Then the dozen monks fought inside again.

Lin Feng knows Dugu Xuan among more than a dozen monks. Now Dugu Xuan has activated his own blood. His combat power can be called against the sky and wounded a former monk.

There was also a masked woman with extremely strong cultivation. She defeated several monks.

"Bang......". The old Xu beside Dugu Xuan slapped the masked woman out. He was a strong man in the realm of creation.

Xu said in a deep voice, "xuan\'er, go and collect the dragon eggs. I\'ll deal with these people.".

The voice fell, and a palm shrouded the remaining seven strong men.

Dugu Xuan nodded and rushed to the dragon egg.

"Hahaha, this dragon egg is mine.". Dugu Xuan roared excitedly and reached for the dragon egg.


Suddenly, behind Dugu Xuan, a figure rushed out of the tree and hit Dugu Xuan with a fist.

This is Lin Feng, who is hiding in the big tree, attacking Dugu Xuan.

"Who dares to attack me?". Dugu Xuan felt the wave behind him and roared, but he was not prepared enough and was blown out by Lin Feng.

Wow, Dugu Xuan spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"The dragon egg is mine", Lin Feng looked indifferent and put it away directly.

"Boy, you want to die.".

Seeing that the dragon\'s eggs were collected by Lin Feng, Dugu Xuan\'s eyes became blood red, and he was furious.