Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7880

Lin Feng quickly flew to the place where the sound came from.

The wind swept the world.

But there was no terrible presence in the wind.

This kind of place is dry and cold. If you stay here for a long time, you have to go crazy.

The sound in the wind sounded intermittently.

I don\'t know who made the sound. Due to the strong suppression of perception, Lin Feng can\'t judge whether he is a member of the strongest tiantuan.

About three hours later.

Lin Feng saw that there was a friar sitting on a huge and smooth stone. The friar was very thin. He was only skin and bones. He was not the member of the strongest heaven regiment, and the presence of sound was the friar.

When Lin Feng came over, the friar also saw Lin Feng.

"Eh, the living...".

After seeing Lin Feng, the friar was very surprised. He quickly swept towards Lin Feng.

The monk was fast and looked weak, but he came to Lin Feng not far away in the blink of an eye.

He said, "Wow, it must be delicious, boy. I\'m hungry. I\'ll eat you!".

With this, the friar rushed at Lin Feng.


Lin Feng kicked the friar hard and kicked the friar out directly.

This guy\'s strength is actually quite strong. The quasi creator realm is also a giant level existence outside, but it\'s nothing in front of Lin Feng.

The friar fell to the ground in great embarrassment. He rubbed his ass and said depressed, "shit! Don\'t you see, you\'re still a pervert?".

"Stone man?". Lin Feng looked at the Friar and frowned slightly.

Although he is human, his essence is stone man.

The stone Holy Spirit, even the stone man and Lin Feng have seen more than one.

Weak, strong.

But he had never seen a stone man. He was as thin as the guy in front of him. Lin Feng was really worried. A wind blew over and blew the guy away directly.

The friar grinned, "why? Can\'t you?".

Lin Feng said, "I didn\'t say no, but you are so small that you dare to trouble me? Is this self abuse?".

After hearing Lin Feng\'s sarcastic words, the friar couldn\'t help staring at Lin Feng and said, "do you think I want to do this? I\'m not hungry because I don\'t have anything to eat!".

Hearing the speech, Lin Feng almost laughed.

A stone man was starved into skin and bones.

That\'s funny.

The friar said, "do you want to laugh? You have a joke on me. If you are trapped in this place for a long time, your situation is not much better than me!".

Lin Feng gave the friar some natural treasures.

Compared with food, these things have a greater effect on him.

The friar quickly swallowed up those natural and earth treasures. He looked at Lin Feng and said, "brother, it\'s not enough. I\'m still hungry. Have more!".

Lin Feng said, "if you answer my question, you will have food.".

The friar said quickly, "ask me, I know everything I know!".

Lin Feng asked, "what\'s your name?".

The friar said proudly, "my name shocked many worlds. You must have heard it!".

The friar also deliberately sold the statue for a moment, paused and said, "I am the famous emperor in the stone! Heaven in the stone!".

"Emperor in stone, heaven in stone?". Lin Feng was slightly stunned and tried to search out the existence from his mind.

Unfortunately, he had never heard of the so-called holy emperor in stone.

Lin Feng said, "sorry, I haven\'t heard of it!".

"What? Haven\'t you heard of my name? You haven\'t heard of such a loud name?". Shi Zhongtian immediately shouted.

Lin Feng shrugged and said, "I really haven\'t heard of it!".

Shi Zhongtian said, "I know. I must have been trapped in this place for too long, so people outside don\'t know my name!".

The guy walked back and forth around Lin Feng and said to himself, "I think how natural and unrestrained and powerful I was in those years. If I hadn\'t been trapped in this place where birds don\'t shit, I would have broken through the realm of the creator. I\'m really jealous of talents!".

Lin Feng really wants to slap this guy. Why is he so narcissistic?

It\'s almost a fight with poison Zu.

This guy is mixed with poison ancestor. It is estimated that he has a lot in common.

Lin Feng asked, "what kind of world is this?".

Shi Zhongtian widened his eyes and said, "shit... You have entered this world. You don\'t know where this world is?".

Lin Feng said, "I came in unintentionally, so I don\'t know this place!".

"OK...". Shi Zhongtian nodded helplessly.

Then he said, "This place is an extremely terrible place. At the time of reincarnation, there will be some death worlds. This world is the death world produced at the time of the last reincarnation. This death world is much more terrible than hell. There will be various vegetation and even natural treasures in hell, but there will be no death world here Vegetation or "natural materials and earth treasures".

"If something is really born, it basically only works on the dead. If we friars devour those things, we will definitely die. Therefore, since we are trapped in this damn place, we can\'t find anything to eat. The heaven and earth aura here is also extremely strange. We can\'t absorb them directly, we can only absorb them selectively, and we can\'t satisfy the body at all Fortunately, I am a stone race. If I were a different race, I would have starved to death! ".

Lin Feng was surprised. Unexpectedly, it was such a world.

This world is really special.

Lin Feng asked, "how were you trapped here in those years?".

"Speaking of it, I\'m angry. I was calculated by a grandson of the world imperial family who was behind the scenes, and then I was trapped in this place and couldn\'t go out. If I could go out, I had to kill that grandson!" said Shi Zhongtian fiercely.

No wonder he is so angry. He is still in the realm of quasi creator. Even if he didn\'t break through the creator in those years, he is much stronger than now. Maybe even one foot has entered the realm of Creator. Give him time, he can break through the realm of Creator.

However, he was finally trapped here because he was calculated. After a long time, let alone a breakthrough, his cultivation has also decreased a lot.

even to the extent that.

He almost starved to death in this place. How can he not hate it in his heart?
