Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 530

The elders of the peaks looked at all this indifferently. Originally, they didn\'t expect to see a dark horse like Lin Feng. In their opinion, the top talents of the other peaks should be among Bozhong.

Therefore, the way of scuffle is more exciting, more thrilling and, of course, more cruel.

But now there is Lin Feng, whose strength is not particularly clear, but who can definitely pose a threat to anyone, and the rest of them can no longer be as imagined by many elders.

They will certainly choose to solve Lin Feng, who poses a great threat to anyone.

That\'s why it\'s five to one.



Elder Qiao Yunqiu\'s face was livid with anger, but she was full of helplessness. She had no ability to change the trend of the game.

"It seems that the five geniuses have to solve Lin Feng\'s trouble first.".

"That\'s right! Lin Feng\'s threat is too great. If we don\'t solve him quickly, the five talents will obviously be greatly restricted and troublesome!"

Many people began to talk.

The disciples of butianfeng looked at Lin Feng worried.

This war is too troublesome for Lin Feng.

One to five, this is almost a situation of inevitable defeat.


Lin Feng raised his eyelids and looked at the five people. He said faintly, "do you want to deal with me together?".

The five geniuses did not speak.

Although they also feel that even if they win five against one, they can\'t win, but so what? Xiaobi is supposed to compete for the first place. Others will only remember the winner rather than the loser.


Five genius moved.

Li Mengjie showed a soft bone fist and hit Lin Feng\'s chest.

"Thunder fist".

The waves roared, and the power of thunder shrouded in their fists.

"Lightning fist".

Shui Wenjie roared, purple lightning intertwined, and also punched Lin Feng.

"Longyou heaven and earth".

Yang Jian gave a big drink, and his body jumped out, and his back suddenly swung. Like a dragon going to sea, it drove the strength of his whole body. A terrible blow broke out in an instant and went to Lin Feng.

"Bright moon sword Qi".

Wu Ke waved his right hand and cut out the sword Qi. The sword Qi came from the vertical and horizontal fierce shooting. There was a faint shadow of the bright moon to be revealed. This power is really amazing.

"I did it...".

"Won\'t be defeated in an instant?".

"It\'s very possible. After all, it\'s the siege of the five geniuses.".

Many people exclaimed.

All the elders stared at the battle on the challenge arena and dared not miss any action.

"Hum, five small miscellaneous fish dare to show off their ferocity?".

Lin Feng sneered.

Many people are stunned and besieged by the five geniuses. Does this guy dare to ridicule that the five geniuses are five small miscellaneous fish?

So enraged the five geniuses, can the five geniuses let you go?

"This guy......" elder Qiao Yunqiu is about to be angry with Lin Feng.

But she found that Lin Feng was really too calm.

At this time, elder Qiao Yunqiu suddenly remembered what the peak Lord said to himself when he left.

"If I can\'t come back, I\'ll keep Lin Feng safe anyway.".

At that time, elder Qiao Yunqiu didn\'t understand the meaning of the peak Lord.

Now, it seems vaguely, some understand.

"You\'re looking for death.".

The five geniuses roared and urged their attacks to the extreme one by one.

They naturally have reason to be angry.

Lin Feng even called it a small miscellaneous fish.

The five geniuses also know that Lin Feng did it on purpose.

That\'s what I said to annoy them.

But even though he knew it was Lin Feng\'s intention.

The five geniuses are still very angry.

They were enraged by success.

Now the five geniuses just want to teach Lin Feng a lesson and let him know how stupid it is to despise them and what a heavy price to pay.

Anger rolls the wind and waves in the sky.

Between the roaring mountains and rivers.

I smile to the sky.

Momentum town eight wastelands.


Lin Feng gave a long roar.


Everyone felt a terrible "potential" in Lin Feng\'s body.

That is to clear all obstacles.

It\'s arrogant, domineering and fearless.

It was a battle between heaven and earth.

That is a kind of power that takes me as the Tao and is invincible in all worlds.

This is "potential".

"Potential" and "potential" are also different.

Lin Feng came out of thousands of troops, so he suddenly realized the "potential". His "potential" has an iron blood, fearless, fearless and sweeping temperament.

This "potential" is also most suitable for combat.

Bang Bang Bang

Everyone heard the sound of dull collisions.

One figure after another flew backwards.

"Five geniuses"!

"How can it be? Can\'t the five great talents resist the \'potential\' sent out by Lin Feng? How can his\' potential \'be so strong?".

Many people exclaimed, and their faces were full of shocking expressions.

Lin Feng\'s "potential" is really terrible, which makes everyone feel frightened.

"Sacrifice to Wu soul"


The five geniuses drank in unison.

At this time, they knew that if they didn\'t sacrifice the martial spirit and face Lin Feng, there would be no chance of winning.

Although it\'s frustrating.

But that\'s the truth.


The breath of terror filled the air, and the five geniuses sacrificed their martial spirits.

Li Mengjie\'s sea rises, the bright moon bursts out of the sky, the ocean emerges, and the bright moon rises slowly from the end of the sea.


The roar shook the sky, and Yang Jian\'s three spirits appeared. The three heads roared in the world, making many people\'s ears buzzing.

The loud "boom" sounded.

Shui Wentao\'s thunder and martial spirits are sacrificed. Large thunder clouds condense on the challenge arena.

Shui Wenjie\'s lightning spirit was sacrificed and the power of lightning was interwoven above the challenge arena.

Everyone saw that when thunder and lightning were intertwined, the power was increasing rapidly. These two kinds of martial spirits complement each other.

Wu Ke\'s sword of heaven was sacrificed. In the void, a shining sword was condensed and wrapped in the sacred breath.


The five geniuses shouted loudly, and they all rushed to Lin Feng.

Then, their soul stood up and went towards Lin Feng.

"What a terrible martial spirit.".

"You see, Lin Feng\'s\' potential \'can\'t suppress the five talents.".

"Lin Feng is going to be defeated.".

Many people roared in shock.

Even the elders of the major peaks nodded slightly. In the view of these elders, Lin Feng will be defeated if the five talents sacrifice their martial spirits.

Seeing that the attack of the five geniuses will be killed on Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s Dantian was full of light.

An amazing wave swept the world.


The next moment, a black hole emerges.

"Wu soul, his Wu soul". Wen Hongyun, the elder of Shenhun peak, stared at Lin Feng\'s martial spirit. She clearly remembered that when the twelve peaks selected people, she asked Lin Feng what the martial spirit was. Lin Feng said it was a kind of martial spirit with the ability of swallowing and imprisonment. At that time, Wen Hongyun didn\'t care much about this kind of martial spirit, but thought it was rare.

Now Lin Feng sacrificed his martial spirit.


The wind swept!

Everyone saw it.

In the ocean of Li Mengjie\'s condensation, the bright moon was instantly swallowed up by the distorted black hole.

Yang Jian\'s three spirits are struggling, but they can\'t escape being swallowed up.

The power of thunder and lightning intertwined on the thunder was also swallowed by the black hole.

The sword of that day came and disappeared into the black hole.

The martial spirits of the five geniuses, without even a little spray, have been swallowed up by the distorted black hole.

"It\'s impossible.".

The five geniuses shouted unbelievably.


At the next moment, Lin Feng stepped forward and a powerful "potential" surged out.

If the five geniuses were struck by lightning, they all moved out.


One after another, they all fell to the ground, and their faces became very pale.

"How could this happen? The five great talents showed their martial spirits, but they were still defeated.".

Countless people lost their souls and looked at the challenge arena. On each face, they couldn\'t accept all this.

That\'s the joint attack of the five geniuses.


When the wind blew, the handsome young man stood on the challenge arena like a perfect picture.

No one wants to break the peace of that moment.