Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 494

"I won\'t be dazzled, will I?".

"No! It can\'t be true. How could that guy defeat the strong man in the ten Heaven of the king of Wu realm?".

Many people were almost scared to death when they saw LV Shihai screaming with his head on the ground.

This is incredible.

"This, this, this..." Mo Shaoxie and others looked at the scene in front of them.

"This guy is so powerful.". Mo Miaoling\'s eyes twinkled with crystal light when he looked at Lin Feng.

Shuixinqi\'s eyes looked at Lin Feng without blinking.

The conflict here has long attracted many onlookers, and even many deacons have seen the duel.

"What a great boy".

Many deacons watching the excitement were also secretly surprised, because among many deacons in the ten Heaven of King Wu realm, LV Shihai\'s cultivation was enough to rank in the forefront, but now he was defeated.

"That boy must have practiced some powerful soul secret skill"!

The Deacon whispered.

Xingyun Pavilion is good at soul attack, but if it is said that the top soul secrets are not accessible to these deacons.

"Elder xingxuan is coming, get out of the way"!

In the distance, there was a cry. I heard that "elder xingxuan" was coming. Many people hurried to make their way out.

Elder xingxuan is one of the five elders in charge of the outer courtyard of Xingyun Pavilion. The strength of Yin-Yang realm also has an extraordinary position in the whole Xingyun Pavilion.

Soon, the elder xingxuan came over. The elder xingxuan was in his forties, wearing a blue robe and looking quite elegant.

Seeing the situation in front of him, elder xingxuan asked in a deep voice, "what\'s going on?".

A deacon hurried forward and told elder xingxuan exactly what he had learned. The Deacon did not favor any party and said it fairly.

Elder xingxuan then looked at Lin Feng and said, "did you hurt LV Shihai?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "yes, it\'s me"!

"It\'s really a hero\'s youth. LV Shihai\'s right and wrong are indiscriminate, which discredits the reputation of our Xingyun Pavilion. It\'s really hateful. Someone will detain LV Shihai, Zhou Yu and Wei Yantao.".

Elder xingxuan shouted in a deep voice.

The move of elder xingxuan immediately attracted a cry of praise.

Who is right and who is wrong is clear at a glance.

If the Xingyun Pavilion blindly covers up, it will damage the reputation. What the xingxuan elder has done is really popular.

"I don\'t know what to call you?". Elder xingxuan squinted at Lin Feng.

"Younger Lin Feng".

"But did you come to Xingyun pavilion to take the disciple test?". Elder xingxuan asked.

"Yes". Lin Feng nodded.

"Is there a letter of recommendation?" elder xingxuan continued.

"This is a letter of recommendation from my friend. This is a Dharma symbol given to me by an elder in Xingyun Pavilion.".

Lin Feng handed Han Shuo\'s recommendation letter and Dharma Fu to elder xingxuan.

Elder xingxuan glanced at Han Shuo\'s recommendation letter, and then looked at the Dharma symbol. He felt it carefully, and his look suddenly changed. Elder xingxuan looked at Lin Feng and said, "do you know Lord Zongyun?".

Lin Feng guessed that Lord Zongyun, as the elder Xuanxing said, should be the power of the Xingyun Pavilion.

Lin Feng simply said what had happened.

"The three boys mentioned by Lord Zongyun are you. There is no problem with your identity. Later, someone will arrange you to live in Xingyun Pavilion, and then someone will send the stargazing map to your residence. Xingyun Pavilion will give you ten days to observe the stargazing map. After ten days, you should draw out how many changes you have seen in the stargazing map, This is the first level test. After the first level test is completed, the second level test will be carried out.

Elder xingxuan said.


Lin Feng replied.

"Deacon Tao Xiyi, you take the three of them to rest. These three people are temporarily assigned to your name.".

Elder xingxuan waved his hand.

"Yes". A beautiful woman came out.

The beautiful woman looked about 30 years old, with a beautiful figure, delicate skin, beautiful face and charming eyes.

She smiled at Lin Feng and said, "call your two friends to leave with me.".

"Thank you, elder." Lin Feng saluted elder xingxuan.

Yu Fan and Han Shuo also saluted quickly, and the three left with Tao Xiyi.

The rest looked at Lin Feng, the first to leave, with envy.

Tao Xiyi twisted the snake\'s waist, and her plump and huge jade hips swung back and forth, full of temptation.

She turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "little brother, you are really lucky to make friends with Lord Zongyun. Lord Zongyun asked us to take good care of you three. Of course, although Lord Zongyun ordered, you should also be able to pass the test. If you can\'t pass the test, you will always fall into the hands of others".

"We know". Lin Feng nodded quickly.

"Hee hee, don\'t be so formal, sister. I\'m not a few years older than you. You can call me sister Xiyi.".

The beautiful woman said with a smile. Her eyes were watery and her breath was like orchid. Lin Feng always felt that the beautiful woman seemed to look at herself intentionally or unintentionally.

Before long, Tao Xiyi took Lin Feng and them to a separate courtyard area with elegant environment. Here are two-story independent courtyard, each with 49 rooms. This is the other courtyard where the disciples outside Xingyun Pavilion live, and everyone can be assigned to one room.

"This is the stargazing map. You can take a good look at the stargazing map during this period. We Xingyun Pavilion attach great importance to the soul power. The stronger the soul power, the more changes you can see.".

Tao Xiyi gave the three star maps to Lin Feng, Yu Fan and Han Shuo respectively.

Han Shuo scratched his head and asked, "I don\'t know how many pairs of star maps can be regarded as passing?".

Tao Xiyi smiled and said, "this stargazing map is a treasure accidentally found by the ancestor of Xingyun Pavilion, Xingyun God. Later, the ancestor rubbed it into a stargazing map. The stargazing map is changeable. To pass the first test, you need to observe nine different star maps and draw them.".

Lin Feng asked, "I don\'t know how many pairs of star maps are contained in this star view map?".

"I don\'t know. It is said that the nebula God respected his ancestors and observed 38000 pairs of star maps, but the ancestor said that he only observed part of them, so we don\'t know how many pairs of stars are contained in the star map, even if we Nebula Pavilion.".

"Is this stargazing map so extraordinary?". Lin Feng, Yu Fan and Han Shuo were surprised.

Tao Xiyi said, "That\'s nature. The stargazing chart is inherited from a powerful person in ancient times. It is said that the most powerful soul forging method is hidden. You should know that the soul can also be cultivated. There are two kinds of secret techniques for cultivating the soul. The first is a common attack technique, which is to use the soul power to condense the soul attack, but the attack technique can not improve the soul level. The second is One is the soul forging method. The soul forging method has no attack power, but can greatly increase the soul power. In the world of practitioners, the soul forging method is extremely rare, and the mysterious soul forging method hidden in the stargazing map has not been found even in Xingyun Pavilion ".

Yu fan asked, "how powerful is the soul forging method in the stargazing map?".

Tao Xiyi said, "In the ancient times, various powers competed with each other. The ancient dragon elephant formula is known as the first taboo divine skill of the ancient times, but it\'s not right. The ancient dragon elephant formula is the first taboo divine skill of quenching the flesh and refining the magic power, but it\'s not the first taboo divine skill of cultivating the soul. The first taboo divine skill of cultivating the soul in the ancient times is called the ancient star watching skill. It\'s rumored that it is hidden in the star watching map, but how, hundreds of thousands of years In recent years, no one can find the inheritance of archaic stargazing from the stargazing map.