Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 421


Lin Feng screamed.

Pain! He felt an indescribable pain.

He felt that the body was no longer his own, and the soul was no longer his own.

"Jie Jie Jie......".

A gloomy voice rang through my mind.

A pair of evil eyes appeared in Lin Feng\'s mind.

Those eyes were the culprit causing Lin Feng\'s soul to be hurt.

This is an evil eye formed by the power of soul and soul searching.

A pair of evil eyes, look through everything!

The evil eyes shot into Lin Feng\'s soul.

The power of this evil eye is very strange. It forcibly destroys the soul of the "soul searched" person and looks for the "information" they need in the soul fragments.


Lin Feng\'s soul escaped into the chaotic ancient lamp.

"Hoo Hoo..."

Lin Feng\'s soul villain gasped. After escaping into the chaotic ancient lamp, he felt much better.

At this time, Lin Feng forced himself to calm down.

He is not without any means of counterattack. If the monk in the realm of yin and Yang wants his life, he has become a dead man now.

But!! He didn\'t choose to kill himself immediately!

But to search for his soul, Lin Feng, who was originally desperate, saw the hope of survival.

Lin Feng estimated the soul power comparison between himself and the monk in the realm of yin and Yang.

He has the main and Deputy yuan gods. The competition simply from the power of the soul is definitely better than the monk of yin and Yang.

But the "soul searching Dharma" practiced by monks in Yin and yang can\'t compare with themselves.

Therefore, he is at a disadvantage, and he is caught by the dead man in Yin and Yang. If the dead man in Yin and Yang finds something wrong, for example, he finds that his soul power may threaten his soul, he may break his neck directly, so that he has no chance to resist.

Now the safest way is to hide in the chaotic ancient lamp for defense, and then wait for the flesh to recover its strength.

Lin Feng consumed too much because he urged the "five swallowing martial spirits in one" before.

He is too tired now. If Lin Feng gradually recovers, he can urge the "bronze fragments" at that time.

At such a close distance, even the dead in Yin and yang can\'t escape the attack of bronze fragments, can they?

Lin Feng knew that whether he could kill the monks of yin and Yang with bronze fragments was the most critical point. Moreover, he had only one chance. Once he failed, he would die.

And this opportunity needs to wait.


"Chaotic ancient lamp".

Seeing the chaotic ancient lamp suspended in Lin Feng\'s mind, the dead man in the realm of yin and Yang immediately cried out in disbelief.

He knew what the chaotic ancient lamp represented.

"Ha ha...".

He laughed excitedly, "this is a chaotic ancient lamp forged by chaotic ancestral Qi. You should have such a baby. God helps me too. Kill you, and this chaotic ancient lamp is also ours.".

"Bang bang"!

The voice fell, and the evil eyes flew to the side of the chaotic ancient lamp, shining evil eyes, and went towards the chaotic ancient lamp.

Bang Bang

One attack after another killed the chaotic ancient lamp, trying to break the defense of the chaotic ancient lamp.

The evil eyes are really powerful. They are worthy of the art of evil demons. They can not only "search the soul", but also release such a powerful attack.

However, the defense power of chaos ancient lamp is also very amazing. The falling light of chaos resists the attack of the other party.

"It\'s really a good treasure. I can\'t wait to get it. Boy, do you think you can use this treasure to resist my attack? That\'s a arabian night. If I can\'t break your defense, I\'ll break your neck. Although I\'ll lose my separation secret skill, I\'m ready to get this chaotic ancient lamp I\'m satisfied. ".

The voice of the Yin and Yang dead came out.

"Hehe, really? Break my neck? I don\'t think you can do that. What\'s the split body secret skill? I have a more powerful secret skill than the split body secret skill. Don\'t you think my cultivation of the martial general realm is too strong? Do you want to know the secret skill of exercising the body? Come and search my soul if you have the ability".

Lin Feng said with a sneer.

The dead man in the realm of yin and Yang was shocked.

you bet!! The cultivation of Lin Feng\'s martial general realm is too strong.

In the final analysis, what is the most important for friars\' cultivation?

Of course, its own strength is the most important.

In the final analysis, the chaotic ancient lamp and the secret art of separation are not their own accomplishments.

If you can get this secret technique to greatly improve the strength of the flesh, you can increase your strength.

Thinking of this, the dead man in the yin-yang realm showed a burning look in his eyes. His idea of breaking Lin Feng\'s neck and seizing the chaotic ancient lamp was quickly pressed down by him. He began to attack the chaotic ancient lamp madly to break the defense of the chaotic ancient lamp.

And Lin Feng breathed.

Finally, he delayed the dead man in the yin-yang realm.

Bang Bang

Crazy attack for more than an hour.

Click, click!

The defense system constructed by chaotic ancient lamp has reached its limit and is about to collapse.

The dead man in Yin and Yang sent out a voice of yin and compassion, "boy, you can\'t hold on anymore. Your time of death is up. Break it for me"!

With a deep cry.

The dead men in the yin-yang realm tried their best to urge the evil eyes to launch the final crazy attack on the chaotic ancient lamp!


Lin Feng knew that the time of life and death had come. Either the monk of yin and Yang died or he died.

After recovering for an hour, Lin Feng\'s strength also recovered a lot.

"Bronze fragments"!

Finally, Lin Feng was able to move the bronze fragments.

The bronze fragment flew out in an instant.

"Boy, we have been guarding against you for a long time. Do you think we can break our defense with magic weapons?".

The dead man in the yin-yang realm looked disdainful. He saw a thick layer of mana on the surface of his body. It seems that the monk in the yin-yang realm had already known Lin Feng\'s plan, but he didn\'t care.

Because he has confidence in his defense.

But the next moment.

The face of the dead in the yin-yang realm was full of horror.

He looked at his chest in disbelief.

A blue light flashed through his chest.

"How could it be? What is it? It can break my defense?". The dead in Yin and yang can\'t believe it.

Even the top treasure can\'t break your own defense.

"Baby who wants your life". Lin Feng punched the dead man in the yin-yang realm on the chest and blew him out.

The bronze fragments flew back to Lin Feng\'s body.

Lin Feng killed the dead in the yin-yang realm.

"Boy, die.".

The dead man in Yin and Yang roared and slapped Lin Feng.

A hundred footed insects die without stiffness.


Lin Feng blew a blow against him, and a terrible force swept through his body. Lin Feng was blown out for hundreds of meters and fell into the mountains.

The dead man in Yin and Yang also vomited blood. This attack was almost his limit. It was difficult to launch a second attack.


The dead man in the yin-yang realm clenched his teeth, turned and flew away, blinked and disappeared into the darkness.