I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (LN)

Volume 7 - CH 2

[……Then, the countries in this story are modeled after the cities in the Demon Realm then?]

[……Unnn…… There’s a large city in the East…… where the materials needed to make Illumination Magic tools were numerous…… so it was called…… The City without Night.]

The 16th day of the Earth month. Having become lovers with Isis-san, I came to her castle and was reading books with her. Since our relationship has developed from friends to lovers, I guess I’ve really become more relaxed by her side, so I’m able to come visit Isis-san more casually than before.

Like this, I’m less likely to be surprised or nervous about sudden things, so I was finally able to calmly interact with her…… Making me feel like I’ve become more charming of an adult……



[……A- Are you alright?]

[Y- Y- Yes! I- I- I’m alright.]

……I take back my previous statement. The sweet tone of her whispered in my ear, making my blood rise through my head…… It’s like I really don’t have the composure of an adult. Now that Isis-san has become my lover, she has been more aggressive in her attempts with skinship…… In other words, we have gained more opportunities to be in close contact with each other, or rather, she has begun getting so close with me in a state with clear defenselessness, which stirs me quite a bit. I mean, even now…… Errr, how should I say this…… The two of us were wrapped up in a single blanket, in a position that is very mentally straining for me.

[……Kaito…… Are you not cold?]

[Yes. Or rather, it feels warm…… What about you, Isis-san?]

[……Because Kaito is by my side…… not just my body…… my heart…… also feel warm.]

It all started when Isis-san prepared a blanket out of concern for me, a human. With Shiro-san’s blessing, even in this ice castle, I didn’t feel freezing cold, and at most, I feel that the temperature is a bit cool…… But not wanting to let her kindness go to waste, I accepted the blanket…… It was good if it was just that but…… Isis-san snuggled up to me as if it’s a matter of course, wrapping herself in the same blanket.

The warmth of Isis-san’s body and the warmth of the blanket itself, and on top of that, Isis-san’s face is right next to mine, so I could occasionally feel the warmth of her breath on my ear with each of her exhales…… I don’t even know which one of those is causing my face to get hot anymore. However, I may be feeling embarrassed being in this situation…… but of course, I’m also feeling happier being held in her embrace. I don’t know how to say this and it’s hard to put it into words, but as if our hearts are connected with each other, even though we’re not doing anything special, I feel like I’m surrounded by an overflowing amount of happiness just by being with her.

I’m just going to stay at Isis-san’s castle for one night this time. Of course, as a healthy young man, those kinds of stuff…… How should I say this, tasting every nook and cranny of Isis-san’s body…… is something I have imagined, but I desperately pushed that down. No, I’m going to be honest here…… Even if I were to do so, Isis-san would probably happily receive me but…… Well, how should I say this, I feel like this is just some meager vanity of mine.

It’s not like I’m saying that a pure and honest relationship is supreme, but I feel like it was too soon for that especially since it has only been a few days since we started dating. Isis-san doesn’t have a lifespan, and maybe it’s partly because she’s already lived tens of thousands of years…… The same was also true for Kuro, but I feel like their love is so pure and straightforward. She wholeheartedly affirms me, making me feel happy as we pass our time together…… Maybe that’s why, as far as that aspect is concerned, she’s always been willing to respond to me if I wanted to. That means, it’s safe to say that the timing for that is up to me.

……And because of that, to be honest, that’s something that is very difficult for me to reach my hand to. Before her really pure affection, there’s no way that the virgin me would know the timing for that. Even though it’s too soon, I don’t want it to seem like that’s the goal, though I said that though, I definitely don’t think I can bear being stuck in endless meandering…… That’s something I just don’t want to stay the same. F- For the time being though, I guess I will just wait for the right moment…… Perhaps, when that kind of mood appears, that moment will naturally come…… I think I can do it…… It would be great if I could do it……

[……Kaito…… Here.]

[Thank you very much.]

[……Is it tasty?]

[Yes. It tastes even better than the last time I ate.]

Shaking off these slightly agonizing thoughts, I eat the food that is gently offered to me. I guess it has become the usual or perhaps, even a custom, as Isis-san is feeding me food again this time, and even though I feel embarrassed, I felt happy. Moreover, the taste of the food is obviously more refined than before, making me feel so happy that I’m almost in tears thinking that Isis-san, who basically doesn’t need to eat, worked hard to practice cooking.

[……I’m most…… glad that Kaito…… had come to see me.]


[……Kaito’s favorite food…… Favorite things…… I want…… to know more.]


Different from Kuro’s love that seems to draw me and drag me along, Isis-san feels gentle and devoted. How should I say this… It’s making me feel that I’m a really lucky guy. Although I’m still confused by some stuff because I’m still unfamiliar with having a lover, I hope I can still slowly learn while feeling this happiness……

[……Kaito…… Are we going to bath…… together?]


However, reality is ruthless and didn’t let me slowly learn about things. Taking a bath? Together with Isis-san? Even the last time we went together was too much for me, making me feel like my reasoning was about to slip away…… And she’s asking to do that now that we’re currently lovers? I’m not sure if I can stand that for a minute……

But if I say no here, Isis-san will probably become sad. The time when I’ve become Isis-san’s boyfriend…… or rather, the time when I fell in love with Isis-san is also the time when the option of refusing her invitation disappeared.

[I want to go together too!!!]


[……Kuromueina…… Welcome.]

With her black coat flapping behind her, Kuro appeared out of nowhere…… S- Since when is she here!? I’ll repeat it again because it’s important, but reality is ruthless. When I first came to this world, I thought there would be no way happenings in the bathrooms would ever happen in real life…… Ahh, I miss those days when I can look at things optimistically. Not only did it not happen, but I had a mixed bath with Isis-san before, that riot that happened when I visited the God Realm…… and now, this. Am I afflicted with some kind of bathhouse curse or something? Well, putting that aside, what’s more important now is what to do about the situation…… I don’t feel confident to endure this situation even just with Isis-san…… but you’re telling me that Kuro is also going to join in? Moreover, unlike that time in the God Realm, the two of them are my lovers…… The heck is this, are they trying to kill me?

[Isis, good evening…… Yes, here, a souvenir.]


[……Thanks…… Kuromueina…… are you also…… going to take a bath…… together with us?]

[Unnn. I’d love to, but is that no good?]

[……No…… I feel happy…… if Kuromueina also joins…… Let’s go take a bath…… the three of us.]

Leaving the confused me behind in the conversation, Kuro and Isis-san exchanged words with a cheerful expression on their faces.

[Hey, hey, Isis. Let’s wash Kaito-kun together.]

[……Unnn…… Let’s relieve…… Kaito’s tiredness…… together.]

The both of them kinda look really happy though!? Doesn’t this look like I can’t say no to this anymore!? I heard from someone, that as long as one is alive, their life would be filled with trials and tribulations…… But I guess you could say my troubles are quite luxurious huh. I’m even starting to think that it would be easier to just take the offensive and reach my hands towards their bodies but…… that’s no good. That is an important act, not only for me, but also for Kuro and Isis-san. I can’t just do it because I’m swept away by the situation. My body is trembling…… Is this because I’m trembling from excitement? In front of Kuro and Isis-san as they happily talked, the door to the bathroom looks awfully heavy…… B- Bring it on! I- I’ll show you! I’ll definitely go through this ordeal…… Let’s do our best… I’ll show you my best. After this sleepover is over—— I guess I’ll go invite Alice to go eat yakiniku……

It may be abrupt, but when humans reach the limits of their mental strain, it seems that their thoughts can go into hyper-speed mode…… This is an act that comes along the defensive instinct of humans, and as the expression “blood rushing to the head” suggests, an immense amount of energy is spent on thinking and searching for a way out of the current situation. However, accelerated speed of thinking doesn’t necessarily mean you’d come up with a good idea, so even if you think really fast, it’s possible that you won’t be able to think about any solution either. That’s exactly what happened to me in my current situation.

Right now, in a large bathtub, I’m sitting in a seiza in the hot water because I’m too nervous. But even though the water is supposed to be comfortable, it feels a little lukewarm because my body temperature is rising so high…… No, seriously, it feels like I’m going to overload here.

[Fuwaahhh~~ That feels good~~]

[……Unnn…… It feels warm.]

Free myself from obstructive thoughts. Become one with innocence…… I’m just a rock, invulnerable from all that is happening. I’m a thoughtless inorganic being. My heart holds no thoughts……



[As I thought, Isis really has bigger breasts than mine……]

[……Really? ……I don’t…… think it’s that…… different though.]

!? Stop, stop…… Why are you suddenly comparing your breast sizes!? Moreover, in the tropes written in light novels, this happens when the men’s bathroom is separated from the women’s bathroom, and such conversation could be heard across the wall, but these two are seriously doing that in front of me.

[……But…… Kuromueina…… you can just change it…… no matter how big you want.]

[Hmmm, I could certainly do that, but this form is already my basic form, you know? Look, it’s a little smaller than Isis, right?]

[……Unnn…… However…… Kuromueina’s breasts……  are smooth and soft.]

[Ahaha, even Isis’s breasts are very soft and feel good to touch.]

I’ve thought of this last time, but I’m really glad that this hot spring is filled with steam…… No, well, if I’m going to be honest, I also think it’s a bit regrettable……

The sight of Kuro and Isis-san soaking in the hot water would probably make people looking at it gulp at the sight and it would have been a really awesome sight to see but…… the particularly dangerous one would be Kuro. She moves more than Isis-san, so if I get careless, I feel like something would stand tall.

[……Arehh? Kaito-kun?]

[……Kaito…… Are you alright?]

[Hweh!? Ahhh, yes. Errr, I- I- I’m alright. It feels good, isn’t it!? The onsen, I mean.]

As if they were worried about me remaining silent for a long time, the two of them called out to me, and I replied to them with words clearly filled with nervousness.

[Unnn. A wide bath feels nice, isn’t it…… Ahh! That’s right!]

Saying that with a grin on her face, Kuro approached me as if she had something in mind. I wonder why I have a very bad feeling from the grin on her face though…… It makes me feel like if I don’t run away here, it would be a disaster…… but I also feel like it’s a bad idea to just abruptly move here.


[ ! ? W- W- What are you doing, K- K- Kuro!?]

[Keeping close to Kaito-kun is happiness.]

[ ~ ~ ! ? ]

Kuro walked up to me and spontaneously sat on my lap. What the heck is this girl doing!? That’s dangerous, doing that is really bad! Awawa, it feels like the touch of heaven is caressing my lap…… I’ve never felt better about sitting in a seiza than I do right now…… I mean, if I loosened up my seiza right now, I felt like my body would completely react and a certain something would poke Kuro, and that’s something I can’t let happen.

[……Kuromueina…… Not fair.]

[ ! ? ]

She’s not being unfair! She’s not being unfair, alright, Isis-san!? So stop, please stop, it’s impossible…… Any more than this is…… Shuddering as Isis-san approaches me saying such disturbing words, but I can’t move because Kuro is on my lap. However, the screams from within my heart were futile, as Isis-san went the opposite direction from Kuro…… slithering her hands in front of me, attaching herself to my back.

[ ! ? ! ? ]

[……You’re right…… Being like this…… makes me feel…… really happy.]

[Isn’t it~~]

What the heck is with this happiness deluxe sandwich!? Are they trying to kill me!? Are you trying to completely obliterate my reason!? From behind me were twin hills being flattened on my back, and from in front of me were soft buttocks, changing shape upon contact with my lap…… Rather than having my mind whittled away with a file, it’s as if my sense of reasoning were cut in half with a giant pair of scissors. I felt like an adolescent middle-schooler that’s almost near passing out…… but the damage dealt by the previous mixed bathing, that mixed bathing back in the God Realm, and today’s mixed bathing had accumulated, and it felt like the mental fatigue seemed to be rushing in all at once……

[Arehh? Kaito-kun?]



The stormy and confusing thoughts swirling in my mind before had gone completely silent…… and I felt my consciousness getting farther. I see…… I see, this is probably that enlightenment thing…… No, I’m mistaken…… It may just be me being completely overpowered by all my worldly desires. Thinking about all that, I completely overheated…… and passed out.

Along with a heavenly or perhaps, hellish…… indescribable feeling of happiness, I regained consciousness.

[……Ugghh, nngghhh…… Arehh? I was……]

[Ahh!? Kaito-kun! That’s great, you’ve finally gained consciousness huh.]

Feeling a bit chilly, I moved my body, and that’s when I heard Kuro’s voice, sounding worried. Ahh, I see, I fainted huh…… It doesn’t seem like a lot of time has passed though……

[You’re feeling dizzy, aren’t you? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.]

[No…… How long have I been fainted?]

[Eh? Well, you’ve only lost consciousness for a few minutes. Isis went out to get you something to drink.]

[I see.]

Apparently, I fainted only for a few minutes. To be more accurate, I didn’t feel dizzy because of the heat of the onsen, but because I was so nervous that I overheated, I decided to keep my mouth shut. For the sake of my honor ……

[Sor——- Bffuhh!?]

When I slowly opened my eyes, feeling bad that Kuro and Isis-san had to take care of me…… My thoughts completely stopped. Apparently, I really fainted for a short while, and we weren’t out of the bathhouse yet…… which I should have expected if I just thought about it. However, as I just regained consciousness and haven’t that much, I opened my eyes without thinking carefully about my “current position”. And what plunged out at my face was the relieved Kuro’s face and…… the small twin hills hidden by nothing, along with the cherry-colored protrusion at the tip.

Yes, I was currently in a situation where I was laid down in the lap of the “naked Kuro”.

My confused consciousness instantly awakened, and I flusteredly tried to get up.

[I- I- I- I’m sorry!]

[Are you alright? I think you should lie down a little longer……]

[I- I- I’m alright!!!]

Jumping up from Kuro’s lap, I avert my gaze away from the sight that is too much for my heart. The image of Kuro I saw earlier is completely burned into my brain though, and I can’t think straight at all.

[……Ahh….. Kaito…… thank goodness.]

[ ! ? ! ? ]

However, the situation didn’t change for the better even. As I looked away, the bathroom door opened right at that moment, and Isis-san appeared with a cup in her hand. I’m pretty sure that with Isis-san’s character, she would have been flustered when she saw me pass out…… And that’s exactly why she didn’t even take the time to wrap a towel around her body and went to get some water. And thus, the result was this situation…… where I was directly looking at the “naked Isis-san”.

[ ! ? ! ? Uuu!?]

[Kaito-kun!? Your nose is bleeding!]


The shocking turn of events that occurred so quickly and continuously seems to have finally pushed my brain to its limits, and fresh blood falls from my nose from the unusual amount of arousal I felt. Getting a nosebleed from arousal, am I some gag character from a comedy nove or something……? How should I say this…… The excitement is even greater when I think that the other party is my lover…… Virgins sure are sad creatures.

[As I thought, you’re still feeling dizzy huh…… For the time being, I’ll use Recovery Magic to stop it, Isis! Is there somewhere we can lie him down?]

[U- Unnn! ……bed…… this way.]


[ ! ? ]

Seeing me with a bloody nose, Kuro and Isis-san flusteredly rushed over towards me……Aaaahhhh!? Stop right theeeeeeerrrreee! In all sorts of ways, I’m already reaching my limits!!! And thus, after Kuro puts her hand over my face, the blood instantly stopped, and at the same time as Isis-san turned around to guide us, I felt my body being lifted with one hand. Or rather…… she just easily lifted me, who’s at least 60 kilos…… A- As expected of Kuro……

I- It’s kind of important, but fortunately……. really fortunately…… the two of them misunderstood that I was feeling dizzy. If they had known that I was so aroused from seeing their naked bodies, I would have died from embarrassment. Even as I thought about this, it seems like my extremely tired mind was searching for rest…… and my body sank unconscious yet again.

* * * * * * * * * *

Slowly opening my eyes, I found myself in a dimly lit room. It seems that this time, I’ve been unconscious for quite a long time. No, well, it might be shameful to say this…… but the naked bodies of Kuro and Isis-san, two tremendously beautiful girls, are a little too stimulating for me, who has zero experience with women. Should I lament my timidness for fainting in that situation, or should I be relieved that I fainted and didn’t cause my rationality to collapse, making me recklessly do something…… Anyway, it looks like I’ve survived the biggest ordeal of my life.

The place I’m lying on right now should be a bed, right? I felt a little thirsty…… so I tried getting up but…… Arehh? It feels like both of my arms are being grabbed……




I take back my previous statement. The ordeals aren’t over yet…… The biggest ordeal of my life is still going on.

It’s often said that lightning strikes twice…… How should I say this…… Just when I thought I survived through the front and back happiness deluxe sandwich, I woke up with a left and right happiness deluxe sandwich before me. Unnn, I don’t clearly know why I’m thinking about all sorts of stuff, but what I do know is that the current situation is bad. I’m currently lying in the middle of a large bed. I was worried that I was also sleeping naked because I passed out in the bathroom, but I was relieved to see that I was dressed in what felt like a bathrobe. That’s good, but sleeping on my right is Kuro and sleeping on my left is Isis-san…… And both of them are holding my arms. After my eyes adjusted to the dark room, I moved my gaze to see that Kuro was wearing a large shirt while Isis-san was wearing a babydoll…… looking really defenseless and sensational at the same time.

Unnn…… This is bad.


As I start to become aware of what’s going on, I’m beginning to clearly feel the softness in my arms and my heart starts to beat loudly. Kuro’s breasts are modest in size, but they have a pleasant elasticity to them, and I can clearly feel the texture of her breasts on my arm. Isis-san’s breasts are bigger than Kuro’s, they’re very soft and they’re making me feel like my arm is caught between two mochis…… And they’re seriously dangerous. I think I’m going to get a nosebleed again……


[ ! ? ]

Even in the current situation, I feel incredibly nervous, but as if to deal the final blow, Kuro shifted in her sleep…… and reached out her hand towards my body. And then, as if she’s aiming at the gaps, her hand enters my bathrobe, reaching near my waist…… around the area near the dangerous zone. That’s bad! That’s really, really bad! I- I- I’ll just…… move away her hand a bit…… wait, it won’t budge!? She’s supposed to be asleep, but why can’t I move it at all!?

I- I can’t say it’s wrong to wake her up because of this. If I don’t move her hand, it would turn the scene into something that isn’t family-friendly…… I need to wake Kuro up……

[K- Kuro…… Please wake up……]

[Hnnn…… Fyuuu…… nyaahh? Kaito-kun~~?]

[G- Good……. I’m sorry that I wok—— !?]

When I called out to Kuro while moving my arm she’s holding, Kuro slowly shook her head and opened her eyes. I was relieved to see her wake up for a moment…… But a tremendous chill ran down my spine, and cold sweat began appearing behind my back as I looked into Kuro’s sluggish eyes.

Was that feeling just now, a premonition for incoming danger……?

From my past experiences, it seems that my body has figured out what’s going to happen next. However, even if I try to escape, my other arm is hugged by Isis-san, making me unable to move. Thereupon, Kuro’s hand reached out to the back of my neck……




[Nchuu…… chuuu…… nuaahhh……]

[ ~ ~ ! ? ]

Her lips pressing against mine, her tongue inserted into my mouth freely and viscously, as if to taste everything in my mouth. I desperately tried escaping from the deep kisses that are so thick that my brain feels like it’s melting, but obviously, my body won’t budge. Kuro doesn’t usually sleep…… She doesn’t need to sleep. But after we became lovers, she began to sleep with me. It’s also an expression of affection that she’s willing to show me her defenseless, sleeping face, and I’m incredibly happy about that……. but I feel like Kuro is really bad in the mornings. This is specifically the second time, but when she finds me while she’s still sleepy, she seems to immediately move on to kissing me, and in both the first time and this time, I couldn’t even resist and ended up receiving her passionate kiss.

To begin with, it’s fair to say that I hold strength that isn’t much better than average, so no matter how sleepy she may be, Kuro’s still one of the strongest beings in the world and I wouldn’t be a match for her. In fact, even now, the hand that was holding the back of my neck completely blocked my movements. No, I guess I should be thankful that she was using a moderate amount of force here and that my neck isn’t snapped like one of her cookies……

[Chyuuu…… Hnnn…… Kaito-kun…… Shyuuukk……]

[ ! ? ! ? ! ? ]

[……Unnn? ……Arehh? Kaito-kun?]


Along with her passionate kisses, she whispered her love for me with her sweet, melting voice, pushing my thoughts to the verge of conducting passionate rampage. With one more push, my reasoning would have collapsed to pieces, but just when it seems like I will jump on Kuro…… Her eyes completely awakened, tilting her head at me. Apparently, this time too, she doesn’t remember about the kiss, but at any rate, my body was released…… feeling a mixture of happiness and disappointment……

[……Kuromueina only…… is unfair.]



W- What the…… T- T- T- That voice just now, could it be……

Just when I thought I was free of Kuro’s kisses that seemed to uproot and crush my reason, I heard a familiar voice…… and just like a rusty tin doll, I turned around. Thereupon, I found Isis-san…… I don’t know since when she was awake, but she’s sitting up on the bed with a slight blush on her cheeks and an expectant look in her eyes.

[……I- I- Isis-san!? W- What do you mean by unfair……]

[……I also want…… to kiss…… Kaito.]

[ ~ ~ ! ? ]

Aaaahhhhh!? She really saaaaaawwww iiiitttt!? No, no, as expected, it’s already impossible for me!? I’m absurdly trying hard to persevere here, desperately trying to endure it, you know!? An additional attack right here and I will die!!!

[……Ah, no, ummm, that is……]

[……Kaito…… do you not like…… kissing me?]

[I don’t dislike it! I’m rather feeling happy instead!]

[……Thank goodness.]

This is no good, I don’t have any option of refusal at all! Hearing what I said, Isis-san squinted as she happily smiled, before she pulled her face closer to mine.

[……Hnnn…… Chyuu……]


[……Chyuupp…… Chyuuu…… Puaahhh.]

[ ~ ~ ! ? ! ? ]

It’s sweet…… The taste of her mouth is just plain sweetness and warmth…… Kissing her lips is already melting my thoughts…… It feels like I’m turning into an idiot……

[That looks nice…… Kaito-kun, it’s my turn next!!!]


Next!? No, no, Kuro, you may not remember it, but didn’t you kiss me plenty enough earlier!? You still want more!? It’s impossible! Seriously, it’s impossible already!

[……Haahhh…… Haaahhhh……]

[Kaito-kun? Are you alright? Was it hard to breathe?]

[……N- No……]

[……Do you want…… to drink some water?]

[…… I- I’m…… alright.]

……I endured. I freaking endured it…… The struggle for my reason, which was too long and agonizing… I was able to overcome it! After such a struggle, I guess it’s fine for me to call myself a Hero now, right? I’ve never persevered this hard before……

I never thought that keeping my vow to take my time and deepen our relationship would be such a harsh road…… I was almost about to give up……

Anyway, I’m lying down on the bed, breathing hard after facing the biggest ordeal of my life.

Thereupon, Kuro and Isis-san followed my lead and laid by my side, and a peaceful silence fell.

[……What is this…… I’m feeling…… really happy.]



Within the silence, Isis-san murmured in a small voice, and Kuro and I turned to face her. Thereupon, Isis-san looks at me and Kuro with a really heartfelt smile, filled with happiness.

[……Kaito is here…… Kuromueina is here…… I’m not alone…… My heart…… feels really…… warm.]

[Speaking of which, since the Treaty of Friendship was established…… I have been busy, so I haven’t been able to visit Isis’s home that much.]

[……Unnn…… Thanks to Kaito…… I’m not lonely anymore……… So…… I’m happy.]

[Unnn…… I feel the same way. Seriously, I can’t thank Kaito-kun enough.]

Kuro and Isis-san calmly talked with each other…… It was like they were both suffering different forms of loneliness, and that’s why they felt happy in this moment. Hearing what the two of them were saying, my head, which had been so flushed, regained a little bit of composure……. and after slowly putting my hands on Kuro and Isis-san’s shoulders…… I strongly embraced them.

[ ! ? Kaito-kun?]


[……I promise. Even if I’m a meager human…… but still, I will never let Kuro or Isis-san think they’re alone again…… I swear to the both of you right here.]



Hearing the words I said filled with my resolve, the strength from their bodies relaxed…… and they leaned their weight on me.

[……You really are quite cool, Kaito-kun.]

[……Unnn…… Kaito…… is dreamy.]

[Hey, Isis.]


Hugging me from both sides, Kuro and Isis-san exchanged a few words, and quickly leaning in to me…… they kissed me on my cheeks.

[ [ I love you. ] ]

Words of love spoken in a voice that I can feel are from the heart…… Savoring the happiness gently seeping into my heart, I strongly vowed again to take care of the two of them. Thereupon, Kuro and Isis-san closed their eyes and fell asleep in a position where they are still clinging to me. I really feel like I’m a fortunate man…… I felt nervous from all sorts of stuff, but right now, at this moment, I’m really happy to be with the two of them.

As a side note…… it wasn’t only after a few hours later that I was able to sleep.

* * * * * * * * * *

……After two hours…… No, an hour of sleep, I rubbed my sleepy eyes and returned to the front of Lilia-san’s mansion with Teleportation Magic. I was definitely unbearably happy from all the events that happened yesterday, “including those that happened in my dreams…… but I’m also pretty tired. Even though exhaustion from happiness might sound luxurious…… that doesn’t make my body any less tired.

[……Umm,? Kaito-san? What happened? You look awfully tired……]

[You’re asking what happened…… Alice, aren’t you watching me?]

[No, as expected, I’m not that tactless. When you’re with Kuro-san or Isis-san, I’m properly taking my distance and only checking on you through your magic power……]

[I see…… Errr, well, concisely speaking……]

Alice spoke to me with an unusually heartfelt look of concern, and while I felt comforted, I briefly explained to her the situation. Alice silently listened to me, but after a while, she nodded her head in understanding.

[……I see. Well, Kuro-san and Isis-san don’t really have the same instincts of humans to preserve their species. In a way, you could say that their love is so pure and straightforward.]

[……Unnn, that’s why I can’t reach out my hand to them in strange ways……]

[No, well, it’s not like there’s any problem with it though? Kuro-san and Isis-san have both lived for a long time, and they know that humans have such desires. So, if Kaito-san wants to, I think they’ll be happy to comply, you know?]

[……Well, that’s exactly why I’m hesitating on the timing……]

[Hmmm. Kaito-san is kind after all. Well, I guess Kaito-san should just go with the time that you think is right……]

Maybe it’s because I’ve been nervous all day, but talking to Alice feels easy and comfortable. Ahh, that’s right…… I may be sleepy, but I’m also hungry…… and since we’re talking now, let’s go invite Alice……

[……That’s right, Alice. I’m changing the subject but……]


[Will you go out with me for a bit?]

[Fuaaahhh!? G- G- Go out!? K- K- K- Kaito-san!? What are you suddenly…… Have you suddenly peeled off your fur and showing off what a wolf you really are!?]

For some reason, Alice began to panic when she heard what I said…… Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I think her cheeks are slightly red.

[Well, talking to Alice makes me feel better……]

[Fueeehhh!? P- P- P- Please don’t tell me…… since you can’t reach out your hands to Kuro-san and Isis-san…… You’re reaching your hands to me instead!?]


[N- No, well, I certainly am, errr, ummm…… “a former human” after all, s- s- so I could understand that kind of thing but……]

……What the heck is this woman talking about? I feel like she’s digressing in a direction I don’t know at all…… Also, I feel like she’s having some kind of misunderstanding here.

[W- Well, I can certainly make clones…… and since I can change my sizes and proportions at will, I can certainly respond to all sorts of diverse plays…… B- But even I need to prepare my heart for such……]

[……Errr…… Alice?]

[Hyyaaahhh!? Errrr, that is, ummm, errrr…… P- Please be gentle with me!!!]

[……No, I was inviting you to eat with me though……]

[I should have known that would be the punch line! D*mn it all!!! No, I didn’t have such thoughts! I didn’t hold any expectations at all!!!]


[I didn’t say anything! Since this happened, I’ll just go eat off all these feelings until my stomach bursts!!!]

I don’t know if I should say that I still couldn’t understand her as usual or not…… But well, I guess that means she accepted my invitation to eat today, right?

……Anyway, once I’ve filled up my belly to some extent, I’ll go get some rest. And so, Alice and I went to eat but…… Let’s just say that this was the first time I paid a 6-digit bill in yen for a single meal.