I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 279: Zongjia's eyes

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In the vast sea, the pursuit continues.

Hearing the roar from Mio behind him, Terumi Mei clenched his teeth and kept running away.

Things have come to this, she can no longer live up to the escape opportunity that the fourth Mizukage fought for herself at her own expense.

However, the latter is one person after all.

It didn\'t take long before Terumi Mei\'s heart sank when he noticed the green giant Suzanoku who was still eye-catching even though there was some distance behind him was chasing here.


"Yugao? Why are you still here? Hurry up and follow me! Konoha\'s chasing soldiers are coming soon!"

On the way, he suddenly saw a six-tailed Jinchuryu Takamasa standing indifferently on the surface of the sea, wearing a blue haori and holding a soap bubble blower. Although Terumi Mei was very puzzled , but he didn\'t care too much under the pressure of time, while shouting at him, he continued to move forward without reducing his speed.

It\'s just that soon, passing by Yu Gao, she accidentally discovered that Yu Gao still hadn\'t moved, and even at this moment, she played the flute in her hand.

In an instant, a huge bubble about the height of a person was formed, and then came to Terumi Mei and wrapped it in it.

Looking at the foam wrapped around her body, feeling her body lighten, and her speed much faster than before, Terumi Mei turned around in surprise and said:

"Yugaka, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Yugao interrupted with his still aloof attitude: "Wuyin Village can\'t live without Shuiying, let\'s go quickly."

As soon as the voice fell, the bubbles wrapped in Terumi Mei floated to the distance autonomously.

And Yu Gao turned around, leaving his back to Terumi Mei just like the previous loss.

At this moment, Terumi Mei\'s expression was very complicated.

For a long time, she has also had the same worries as losing her warehouse for the six-tailed Jinchuriki in the village who is always separated from everyone and seems to have a lot of resentment in her heart.

It\'s just that Renzhuli\'s matter is very important, and Yu Gao has never done anything out of the ordinary, so he suppressed some thoughts in his heart first.

However, what he didn\'t expect was that the other party, who had always complained about the village, also chose to end his heir for himself at this time.

"For Wuyin Village..."

Terumi Mei took a deep look at Yu Taka\'s back.

"Take care of yourself!"

Finally, after saying this, she no longer hesitated, turned around and continued to run away.

Just like the loss of warehouse before, and what Yu Gao said now, today\'s Wuyin Village cannot live without Mizukage.

At this moment, her life is no longer about herself, but about the entire Mist Ninja, she must go back.

Only in this way is it worth the sacrifice of all the people.

Soon, after hearing the footsteps behind him fading away, the corners of Yu Gao\'s mouth, who was standing still, squeezed out a rare arc.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Wuyin Village\'s practice of forcing him to implant Liuwei and become Renzhuriki, and even thought of leaving the village for a while, this does not mean that Yu Gao has no feelings for the village where he was born and raised.

Even though he has never been interested in intervening in village affairs, he has a good sense of politics, and he knows very well that if he is the leader of Wuyin Village today, and the Five Generations Mizukage is here, it will definitely be a big deal for the village that has been stable for several years. disaster.

Jinjuriki can die, but Godai Mizukage must not die.

Therefore, for the sake of the village, let him make a rare contribution.

Hearing the sound that was getting farther and farther behind, and feeling the movement that was getting closer and closer in front, Yu Gao raised the flute in his hand, and a look of determination flashed through his eyes.

Boom! Boom!

A few minutes later, an explosion from a large amount of foam suddenly sounded on the road that Zhishui and others had to pass.

After quickly using Xu Zuo Nenghu to protect everyone, Shisui glanced at Liuwei Jinchuriki in front of everyone, and once again lamented the high reputation of Mizukage, he immediately ordered: "From Wooden man, I leave it to you."

The key at the moment is to win the Fifth Mizukage and a group of Mist Ninja elites.

As for the two human pillars, it\'s fine to hold them back first. Anyway, they are behind, and it won\'t be too late to take them down when he returns.

Yumuren, who understood Shishui\'s thoughts, nodded solemnly at this moment: "Understood!"

So in the next second, Shisui opened Xu Zuo Nenghu\'s breastplate again, and a large number of green chakra arrows smashed many bubbles and forced Yu Gao away.

The Yumu man wearing a blue chakra coat rushed towards the latter at an extremely fast speed, waving sharp cat claws and attacking like a torrential rain.

Although Terumi Meiyin had a hand, Yukito\'s actual combat power is still very strong among Jinchuriki.

Especially in terms of agility, it is even more outstanding with Erwei Youlv\'s talent.

Because of this, when faced with the constant harassment from the wooden man, Yu Gao, who dared not be careless, had to watch Zhishui and others pass by him.

"It\'s the limit of what I can do to be able to hold back a master Churiki. Next, it\'s up to you, Mizukage-sama."

Different from the unwillingness to lose his position, Yu Gao, who knew his own abilities, calmly accepted all this, and then concentrated on manipulating Liuwei\'s power to fight against Ninao Jinchuriki in front of him.

the other side.

With only a group of Konoha ninjas left by his side, Shisui continued to pursue.

Although under some obstacles, there was a big distance between the group of Wu Ninja, Terumi Mei and Konoha.

But the ship they were on had been successfully sunk by the Konoha Flying Team that had just been specially dispatched.

It can only be the case that it takes a lot of time to escape with two feet all the way.

One party spent a lot of money along the way, and the other party was completely idle and waiting for work.

As the latter, Konoha doesn\'t have to worry about not being able to catch up.

Things did go as expected.

With the passage of time bit by bit, relying on the white eyes and the detection of flying ninjas in the sky, the distance between the Konoha ninjas who have never been lost and the fog ninja is getting closer and closer.

On the way, after Terumi Mei and a group of Mist Ninjas successfully merged, it was not that no one mentioned that they would disperse and flee.

However, after thinking about the many white-eyed ninjas who deliberately followed from the rear, if they really wanted to disperse, it would be more likely that they would be defeated by a larger number of Konoha ninjas, so this plan came to nothing.

Just have to think of other ways.

Through the white eyes, Aoi sighed slightly when she noticed the Konoha chasing soldiers who were getting more and more behind.

Then, after glancing at his own Mizukage-sama, he silently nodded to the others, and then waved his palm.

In an instant, the dozen or so Kirin who received the order broke away from the team, and turned their gazes resolutely to Konoha\'s chasing soldiers.

It is impossible for these people to block the Konoha people with Zhishui.

But just like the Konoha Flying Team delayed the Mist Ninja ship at the beginning.

What Qing wants them to do at this time is to do their best to consume more Chakra of Konoha Ninja, so that the most important Mizukage-sama can escape.

This is just the first batch.

Then there will be a second batch, a third batch...

Until the end, when there were not many kirigakures left around Terumimei, Ao, who was about to set off with the last batch of kirigakure elites, calmly asked Mizukage-sama and the few young kirigakures around him with great potential. Said: "Mizukage-sama, the rest of the village is entrusted to you. Chojuro, use your life to protect Mizukage-sama!"

"Yes!" Chojuro nodded heavily with red eyes.

And from the beginning to the end, he didn\'t say a word, just clenched his fist tightly, his palm dripping blood, silently watching the group of Wunin who sacrificed their lives for him. Friend Qingdao:

"Sorry, Qing..."

"Don\'t be sorry!" Qing solemnly said, "All actions today are the result of everyone\'s consensus, and only in this way can we get rid of the current predicament. Master Mizukage does not need to blame himself. To blame...you can only blame Mu Ye is better at it."

Qing shook her head, and finally took a picture of Meiming\'s shoulder and said: "Master Shuiying must cheer up, Wuyin Village still needs you in the future!"

"I understand!" Terumi Mei took a deep breath and said.

In the end, Terumi Mei left with the only few seedlings left, carrying the Zongjia\'s white eyes that Ao had taken off on purpose.

And Qing touched the empty right eye that was still covered by the amulet, and waited quietly for the arrival of Konoha\'s pursuers with the last group of Mist ninja elites.

A large number of Wuyin elites desperately blocked the result, which was not ineffective.

When Konoha\'s chasing soldiers arrived, not only was the time much slower than before, but the number was also doubled.

Not only that, Shisui\'s Xu Zuo energy has also dissipated after long-term consumption.

When he noticed another group of Mist Ninjas waiting for them, Shisui didn\'t say anything else, and immediately led everyone up.

At this moment, Qing laughed loudly and said: "Come on! Anyone who wants the eyes of the Hyuga clan, come and get it!"

Hearing that, the other Konoha ninjas hadn\'t reacted yet, and the expressions of the following Hyuga branch ninjas suddenly changed.

You must know that they were sent to the Mist Ninja battlefield this time, but they were ordered by the patriarch to retrieve the lost clan white eyes if they had the chance.

Although their white eyes couldn\'t see through the blue right eye covered by the amulet at the moment, they remembered very clearly about the information about the Kirigakure ninja who had the Zongjia\'s white eyes.

Obviously this is the person!

So, keeping in mind the order of the clan, among the Konoha pursuers, the Kirigakure elite who were intercepted before were specially targeted, and now they follow, and the only three ninjas from the Hyuga branch family immediately rushed towards Aosha with great momentum, without saying a word. To take back the supercilious eyes of the clan, with the shame of Yuki Hinata.

In the following time, the sound of Qing\'s crazy laughter and Hinata\'s soft fist resounded continuously.

But not long after, a violent explosion suddenly roared from where the four of them were.

At this moment ~www.novelhall.com~ there was a moment of silence on the entire battlefield.

When Shisui came here with a little exhaustion after finishing off all the enemies, he found that both Ao and the three Hinata ninjas had been shattered.

In an instant, his face was very ugly.

Without the white eyes, how can he track the enemy in the vast sea.

Flying ninja?

Unlike before, there are very few fog ninjas now. In a situation where it is easier to hide, it is difficult to catch with the naked eyes on the flying ninja.

In the end, he took a deep look at the wreckage of Ao, who used himself as a bait to pull Hyuga Ninja to die together. Zhishui, who suppressed his negative emotions, still waved his hand and led the rest to continue the pursuit.

No matter what, he has come to this point, no matter how slim the hope is, he still has to try again.

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Chapter 279 The Zong Family\'s Supercilious Eyes is free to read.https://