I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 125: Infiltration daimyofu

Affected by Konoha\'s victory over Yunnin, the atmosphere in the capital of the Kingdom of Fire has been very hot during this period.

And when the news that Tang Nation and Frost Nation\'s daimyos will come to pay a joint visit, it added fuel to the current atmosphere and made everyone excited.

For the daimyo of the country of fire, the daimyo of the country of soup and the country of frost can make him face a lot; More benefits; as for the ordinary people of the Nation of Fire, although they won\'t get any benefits from this war, it\'s still something to talk about proudly, isn\'t it?

Therefore, for the arrival of the next two daimyos, Fire Nation is looking forward to it from top to bottom.

Even with regard to the Fourth Hokage Untei who dominated the victory of this war, as a vested interest, the upper echelon of the Fire Nation directly ignored the bad impression of the left minister in the past, and instead praised him endlessly.

No way, who made Fire Nation go through a lot of wars in the past few decades, most of them were won, but afterwards the enemy was able to make the enemy do the hemorrhaging case of apologizing and ceding land and paying compensation like Yun Nin is really Very few.

There have even been times when a battle has been won on the battlefield, but on the negotiating table it has become the loser.

It\'s no wonder that Yunting\'s reputation has soared now.

Of course, there is no lack of the result of someone from Konoha secretly creating momentum for Yunting.


Because he was going to the capital of the Land of Fire, Yun Ting deliberately postponed the return of Konoha\'s army, and he himself forced to take the Land of Tang, who was not very willing, with the daimyo of the Land of Frost.

Although he hasn\'t reached the destination yet, he knows every move there with his focus shifted.

"Zhishui, can you do what you need to do in the future?" During the journey, Yun Ting glanced at the two extremely luxurious daimyo sedans, then turned around and asked Zhishui.

The key to the next plan is Uchiha Shisui.

To be precise, it lies in his pair of kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Other Gods - the most powerful illusion that can manipulate others at will without being noticed, and permanently and completely change people\'s thoughts and will.

In the previous battle with Yun Nin, Yun Ting specifically told Shisui not to use this pupil technique, just to prepare for now.

Now that things have happened, Yunting also needs to reconfirm the other party\'s determination.

After all, the person to be dealt with this time is none other than the real master of the Kingdom of Fire, and in a sense, the source of Konoha Ninja\'s allegiance, the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Fire.

The world of Naruto is very strange.

It is clear that the ninjas all possess powerful force that will destroy the world. According to normal reasoning, they should have formed the thought of "the emperor would rather have a kind" in the late Tang Dynasty in the previous life, but they are all inexplicably willing to submit to the one who has no ability to resist. Under the daimyo nobles, they are even willing to make a weapon without thinking.

It has not been repeated for thousands of years, and now a system of one country, one village has been formed, which is really puzzling.

As a time traveler, Yun Ting naturally doesn\'t care much about daimyo, because the reason that princes and generals have kindness has already been deeply rooted in his heart.

On the contrary, Uchiha Shisui, who was born and bred, had to make him hesitate.

Fortunately, the other party did not disappoint Yun Ting\'s training and trust in him over the years.

As a person who has received the influence of new ideas, Zhishui, who has seen a lot of openness, is also very eager for the extremely desirable future blueprint described by Yunting.

For this reason, even if he can\'t achieve Itachi\'s indifference that can be killed as long as he obstructs the great cause.

But for the moment, if he can obtain a smooth transition of power in the Fire Nation with only a small price, he is still very willing to do it.

After all, his true allegiance from beginning to end is Konoha Hokage, not the illusory daimyo of the Land of Fire.

If he only had to choose one of the two jades, he would naturally choose the former.

"For Hokage-sama, for Konoha, for the sake of true peace, I promise to complete the task!" Zhishui\'s face turned serious, and his attitude was firm.

"Soon, then I\'ll leave it to you." Yunting smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Hearing this, Zhishui nodded solemnly.


The capital of the Fire Kingdom.

When Yunting arrived here again, the warm welcome he received was much stronger than the first time, so that from a legal point of view, the two names of Tang Kingdom and Frost Kingdom, which should have a higher status, could only be standing. On the periphery, they looked at all this with embarrassment and envy.

The officials of the Land of Fire are not fools. Compared with the two nominally big names of small countries, Yunting, who still holds real power and can bring benefits to them, is more worthy of pursuit.

Declined the banquet invitation of a group of dignitaries, and after escorting the two daimyos to the ceremony hall, Yun Ting came to Konoha\'s residence again.

The person in charge here is still Shikama Nara.

Over the past few years, Yunting has increased its investment in capital and manpower. Nara Shikanma, who was entrusted with great trust, lived up to the trust, and has achieved great results in spying on intelligence, wooing officials, and cultivating influence.

The two tacitly came to a secret room for talks.

It lasted for more than three hours before they walked out.

late at night.

Just after most of the people had fallen asleep, Yun Ting, who had been resting with his eyes closed before, opened his eyes, put on a black robe, and walked out of the room calmly.

Almost at the same time, Uchiha Shisui in the same attire also pushed the door out.

The two looked at each other, nodded silently, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire.

Although some time ago, because of the civil strife of the Guardian Twelve Warriors, it was destroyed a lot.

But with sufficient finances, the Daming Mansion was quickly restored, and it was even more magnificent than before.

clang... clang... clang...

When Yunting and Zhishui sneaked in like ghosts, they were the first to hear the sound of armor colliding.

After the tumult of the Twelve Guards, the defense of the Daming Mansion is now very tight.

Just on the outermost periphery, there are a large number of warriors wearing full-body armor patrolling back and forth.

Although some of these people have cultivated Chakra, their strength is just that.

After all, this is already the era of ninjas.

As for the samurai, although there is also a country of iron supporting the final glory, the practice of a neutral country in a peaceful place already shows that they have long since left the stage of history.

With the strength of Yunting and Zhishui, they would naturally not be discovered by these warriors.

Then I saw them pass through one seemingly tight guard after another at a fast speed without making a sound, and when they approached the core area, they slowed down a little, only because there were ninjas in front.

Although the Twelve Guardian Ninjas have been cancelled, it does not mean that the daimyo cannot recruit new ninjas.

Looking at the number now, it is much more than what Konoha received from the information.

\'This old boy is smiling on the surface, but he is hiding something behind his back! ’ Yun Ting looked around, shook his head and said in his heart, ‘However, no matter how thoughtful you are, after today, everything will be wiped out. \'

Yun Ting gestured to Zhi Shui, who nodded, and then continued to act.

According to the standard of ninjas in the entire ninja world, the quality of ninjas in the five major ninja villages is undoubtedly the first grade.

This is not only because they have mature and scientific training methods, but also have strong teachers and rich knowledge of ninjutsu and three techniques of ninjutsu.

In comparison, the ninjas from Xiaonin Village and Noroko are undoubtedly much worse in this respect.

Therefore, in terms of the same positions as the following ninja, middle ninja, and jonin, generally speaking, the ninjas of the five major countries are undoubtedly much stronger than the ninjas of other forces.

It is naturally impossible for the fire country daimyo to recruit Konoha ninjas. As for ninjas from the other four major countries, unless they are rebels, it is impossible.

The strength of all the ninjas guarding here is the same.

But there are still exceptions in the wilderness.

Just when Yunting and Zhishui thought the road was smooth, a ninja not far away who was naturally keen and had practiced the secret art of perception suddenly looked over here with doubts.

\'It\'s surprisingly talented. \'

Seeing this, Yun Ting\'s expression did not change at all.

Although infiltrating is the basic method of a ninja, but at his level of strength, there is no need for this in his previous experience, generally it is just flat pushing.

The reason why it was so smooth before is because the strength is much higher than others, not the experience.

So it\'s normal for people to find out.

But today we can’t scare the snakes, so let’s use another form of flat push~www.novelhall.com~ Without Yun Ting’s reminder, Zhishui has already opened Sharingan.

Soon, the eyes of the ninja with strong perception froze for an instant.

Even if Yun Ting and two walked past him swaggeringly, he just pretended that no one existed.

As for the previous doubts, it was just caused by mice.

In the following time, the two of Yun Ting either sneaked in, or simply wrote Sharingan to open the way without a blind spot, and soon came to the Tianshou Pavilion, which is the sleeping palace of the daimyo.

Even though there was still a wall between them, the heavy coughing from the daimyo inside could still reach their ears intermittently, and the strong smell of medicine also came to their nostrils.

The sudden aggravation of Daming\'s condition gave the doctors in Daming Prefecture a headache, even though they tried many methods, they failed.

This is naturally the credit of Yunting.

Since ancient times, medicine and poison have not been separated.

Konoha\'s medical level is the first in the ninja world, and its poison making methods are not inferior to the famous sand ninja.

In the daimyo\'s bedroom at this time, except for the daimyo who coughed a few times from time to time, fell asleep after a little wakefulness, and repeated daimyo, there were only two maids who yawned and waited on the left and right with tired faces, waiting for the master\'s orders at any time.

Suddenly, a slight cold wind blew from the hall, causing many candles on the surrounding golden candlesticks to flicker continuously.

Just as the two maids were about to respond, even greater sleepiness rushed into their hearts, and before they had time to persist, they fell into a deep sleep.

Yun Ting and Shishui in black robes walked through the two women to Daimyo\'s bedside.

After confirming that it was the real person, Yun Ting said to Zhi Shui: "Do as I ask."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Shisui didn\'t hesitate.

In the next second, he saw the black three-hook jade in his pupils spinning like a windmill.


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