I Snatched Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 671

Three days later -

with a creak, a beetle stops in front of the White Swan Hotel. The door opens and two well-dressed young women, black and white, step down from the car.

"Here it is, the hotel they have an appointment with." Li Yuelan took off her sunglasses and pointed to the hotel in front of her.

The lovely girl behind seemed a little nervous, but still nodded, "yes, that's it."

When they walked in, they found that there were several people waiting in the lobby.

Although it was the first time to meet offline, they naturally recognized their identity in the game at a glance. After all, they all looked the same.

"Well, you are all here."

Li Yuelan looks at the past one by one. He is as fat as in the game. Li Shashen has a good spirit. He seems to have just graduated from university. She is strong and seems to be a trainer. The queen of the moon looks like a strong professional woman. She is mostly in business. As for June, she has short hair, jeans and leather jacket, It's kind of neutral.

There was only one boy who looked pale and thin and wore glasses. He looked a little pale.

"Wait a minute, don't introduce yourself. Let me guess. The God of Dharma - Li Shashen - Queen of stars and moon - June - who are you?" The last one Li Yuelan couldn't recognize.

"I'm a beast." The glasses man said helplessly.

"Beast?" Li Yuelan and gun elder sister look at each other and see each other's experience. It's hard for the big man in the game to connect with the man with the eyes in front of him.

"You can't judge by appearances." Beast seems to be used to being misunderstood, "my real name is Meng Xiaofei. You can call me Xiao Meng. Come and sit down. You must be tired after driving so far away." Let's take two positions.

"Thanks, Xiao Meng." While saying this, they put down their backpacks and sat down around the table.

This time, a total of seven people came. Although they lived in different parts of the country, the distance was different, but for the sake of caution, the seven people made an appointment to report together at the headquarters of yuchaolian.

So we arranged to have a round in this hotel.

At this time, we got together and naturally talked about yuchaolian.

"Tell me, have you found a place?"

Li Sha Shinto said, "I really found the [cosmic superhero League Headquarters], but to be honest, that place may be unexpected."

"Ah, is there really a yuchaolian organization? I thought our team leader was joking with us? " Li Yuelan said in surprise.

"I also find it strange that Xijiang city is just a second tier city. I don't know why it has its headquarters here," she said

"Anyway, if it's fake, it's an offline party. I checked the address given by the leader, Feiyu building. It used to be a company selling electric cars."

Several people chatted a few words, but they didn't have any clue. This kind of thing can only be seen on the spot before they know whether it's true or not.

After lunch, the party got into their cars and headed for their destination.

Yuchaolian's headquarters is located near the suburbs. There are not many large buildings nearby. You can see the Feiyu building standing in a factory building from a distance. Under the four huge gold characters of the Feiyu building, there is a line of black font of "cosmic superhero League headquarters".

This name is a bit too middle two, which is obviously not in tune with the building with more than ten storeys in front of us, but it's obviously here.

Several people drove to the gate of the factory and explained their intention to the security guard.

The security guard nodded, "well, I know. I know. Go in. The chairman has already informed me." Then he opened the electric gate.

A few cars drive in all the way, and seven people observe as they drive. The so-called yuchaolian headquarters seems to be no different from the general industrial park. When you drive along the main road, you can see the green belts and fences that are very common in the industrial park. It looks like an ordinary factory.

Don't say superheroes, they don't even have a decent defense facility. It's too shabby.

People can't help but feel speechless. Even if yuchaolian is real, it seems to be a grass-roots team. It doesn't feel like the Avengers or aegis in the movie, but the place is not small.

The weird people drove to the front of the building, got off and entered the building. The layout of the building was also very grounded. The front desk was playing with mobile phones when they entered. When they saw several people coming in, they casually put down their mobile phones. Several people explained their intention to the front desk.

The front desk dialed the phone, asked a few times, and then put down the phone, "please go up to the fourth floor, our chairman is busy, I'll meet you later." Then he picked up his mobile phone to play.

When they met, they had to go up to the fourth floor first. There seemed to be no serious office activities in the building, and there were few people at all. However, the fourth floor was a large rest room, in which a few people waited.Meanwhile, Qin Huan is talking to Chu Ge.

"Well done, mystery man. You yuchaolian have completed 17 missions this Monday. Although most of them are reconnaissance missions, they are very good for novices. At least they have helped us share a lot of work. I have already put the mission funds into your account. How about new superheroes recently? Shall I assign you more people? "

Qin Yu shook his head. "There aren't many superheroes yet. There are still too few people who can pass the audit. To be honest, our strength is very average. It seems that our organization's reputation is still not high, so we don't need to increase the number of tasks for the time being. Just follow the previous tasks, but if it goes well, we should recruit a number of new superheroes recently Hero, you can take on more tasks then. "

"Well, it's OK. Recently, foreign activities have become more and more frequent. You have to take responsibility as soon as possible."

Qin Huan nodded. He also paid attention to the news recently. More and more abnormal phenomena have occurred all over the world. More and more videos of monsters have appeared on video websites. Not only a lot of news has been heard from the wilderness, but also traces of monsters have appeared in some big cities. Although there are not many monsters, they are not large-scale invasions However, it caused a lot of riots and panic.

Moreover, some of these monsters are powerful, and ordinary people's civilians and police can't solve them at all. It's said that many places have sent out troops and had fierce exchanges of fire. This is just a prelude. I'm afraid that the next wave of large-scale invasion will not be so easy to solve. Our own superhero League also needs to organize people to improve its strength In the end, the infinite gems in the game need to be snatched, and in reality they have to do their duty.

"Don't worry, everything is going well."

At this time, the front desk sent a message, "Chairman, someone is looking for you."

"OK, let them wait for me in the reception room."

Qin Huan finished, turned on the monitoring system and transferred to the fourth floor. In the picture, several people were sitting in the sofa in the lounge chatting about something. Qin Huan thought for a moment and decided to surprise some people.

Several people sat in the reception room, waiting impatiently. Suddenly, a golden light spot appeared in the middle of the living room. The light spot gradually expanded into a golden aperture, and finally became a two meter high golden portal.

"Damn it, it's the secret door!" The God of repack exclaimed.

"It's really magic, the secret of kamataji!"

"Aren't we still in the game?"

"My God, it's true! Eh, it's the commander

At this time, Qin Huan walked out of the portal with a smile, glanced at the crowd, spread his hands and said, "everyone, welcome to the headquarters of the superhero League of the universe."