I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 945: 3 tail fox demon

Doro was holding his fingers, and the pain caused his muscles in his cheeks to twitch, but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"The Devil's Inheritance, I actually got the Devil's Inheritance!" Doru was ecstatic, and even the pain from his fingers didn't seem to be so unbearable;

Soon, the devil's phalanx ring returned to its original state, and the dark red color slowly dissipated, and the heart-breaking pain disappeared, but Doru found that the ring seemed to grow with his own fingers and could not be pulled at all. Down, it will cause pain and pain when pulling hard;

Opening the equipment bar and looking at it, sure enough, this ring has been bound to itself and can't be taken off, but to Doro's surprise, this ring has another one in the property bar after a change. The attribute is "upgradable", and the words "This is the symbol of the authority of the seventh demon king of the abyss hell" are added to the item description;

At this moment, Doru felt that even if he could not take down the ring, it did not matter. He opened the task bar with joy and looked at the content of the mission of the devil.


On the other side, Song Jian and Lan Ling finally came to Xuanyue Cave. This Xuanyue Cave is deep in the mountains. If there is no way to guide Lan Ling, Song Jian will find it here for three days and three nights.

"I thought Xuanyue Cave was a cave. I didn't expect it to be such a mansion?" Song Jian sighed as he looked at the buildings built against the mountain;

"This is just the outer house, in fact, the real Xuanyue Cave is within this mountain peak!" Lan Ling said proudly;

"Oh, my silly spirit, why did you tell outsiders as soon as you came home?" A flowery young woman holding a bamboo basket in her left hand and a brocade fan in her right hand. Came over the mountain with her cheeks covered;

Song Jian's eyes narrowed, and the young woman walked like a weeping willow in the wind. Her eyes were bright and moving, and her eyes were bright and moving. Gu Pansheng looked like a hook. When she looked at someone, she could hook people's soul into it. ;

The young woman exudes a seductive breath, Song Jian glanced at it, and felt that there was a fire burning in her chest, and her eyes began to become red.

At that moment, a clear stream in my head instantly swept through the body, and the flame that had just risen was instantly drowned by the clear stream, and the whole person immediately recovered its clarity;

Song Jian was shocked. The young woman was so fascinated by Tiancheng that she could confuse people with every movement. Fortunately, the talented skill "cheeky" took effect immediately. Otherwise, Song Jian might be ugly on the spot;

"Three-tailed fox demon?" Song Jian's eyes narrowed, his eyes moved behind the young woman's face. Behind this young woman, three feet with two or three meters long tails floating quietly, one Pure white, a pure black, and a tail with black and white;

"Fox maid, this is my friend, Song Jian. He was invited to my mother's birthday party!" Lan Ling saw the young woman, her face suddenly smiled, she jumped off the dragon and lizard, and held her Said the young woman's arm;

"Oh, my friend!" Fox maid said with a smile: "Linger has grown up and knows that he's looking for a friend. Let me see, what young talents can get into Linger's eyes?"

After that, the fox maid walked up to Song Jian and looked up and down. A pair of eyes twinkled with a strange light. A faint smell of odor emanated from the fox maid and rolled towards Song Jian;

At this time, Song Jian felt a momentum emanating from the fox maiden, as if a large mountain was pressing over him, and suddenly felt helpless;

Why do people here like to test themselves like this, the old tortoise in Wangyue River is like this, so are the three fox monsters who met for the first time!

All attributes of this three-tailed fox demon are a series of question marks. Obviously, the level has surpassed Song Jian's tenth level. Song Jian can't see any attributes of each other. This makes Song Jian secretly decide that he must get a high-quality detective Testing skills

However, the momentum emitted by the three-tailed fox demon can not be compared with the old turtle in the Wangyue River;

"Government-level BOSS ..." A smile appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth;

This kind of strength is okay to scare other players in the forty level, but it is a bit delusional to want Song Jian to be ugly.

In the battle column, a series of waterfall-like system prompts appeared in front of Song Jian;

System: The three-tailed fox demon "fox maiden" performs charms on you, triggering the talent "cheeky", which is immune;

System: The three-tailed fox demon "fox maiden" performs charms on you, triggering the talent "cheeky", which is immune;

System: The three-tailed fox demon "fox maiden" performs charms on you, triggering the talent "cheeky", which is immune;


The fox queen is not good at fighting, but Charisma is her talented skill. Even if the monster is stronger than her, if she is not successful, she will become a marionette in the hand of the fox maid. Even if you let it commit suicide, Gan Zhiru

The three-tailed fox demon fascinated Tiancheng. At the beginning, he saw Song Jian and saw that he was not affected by the charm of his charm that he inadvertently emitted. Even if a demon king with a higher strength than her met, she could only escape, but the young man in front of her was unmoved, which suddenly shocked her;

Once the charm technique fails, the fox maid feels as if she is standing in the snow and ice without clothes and without security.

"You are young, where are you from? How did you get to know our little princess?" The Jin Fan in the hand of Fox Mother moved forward, revealing her face instantly;

Originally, Foxwoman just wanted Song Jian to make an ugly, let Linger see Song Jian's ugly state, but now, Foxwoman has a heart in her heart to compete and win;

A pretty face was completely revealed ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian felt suddenly that the whole world seemed to have lost its color, his eyes were confused, and the fox mother was proud, but at this moment, the fox mother's mind suddenly suddenly Hearing the sound of "Canglanglang ~" the sword came out of the sheath, before I could react, I saw a dazzling sword light in front of me.

"Ah ~" exclaimed, the three-tailed fox demon's face changed greatly, even sitting on the ground with one butt, looking to Song Jian's eyes, full of fear.

And Song Jian awoke from the confusion and saw the fox demon with a pale face, but he didn't know what happened. It took him a long time to open the battle bar and take a look.

System: The three-tailed fox demon "fox queen" performs charms on you. The talent skill is "skin-skinned" and cannot be immune to this skill. The talent skill "Holy Sword" is triggered to stimulate the "Holy Sword Seal" effect. Unable to cast in minutes!

"Well, can the Holy Sword skill still trigger this effect?" Song Jian was surprised, and unexpectedly, he even developed another passive talent, the Holy Sword;


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