I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 846: go away

After looking at the attributes of Cuibao Bamboo Leaf, Song Jian's eyes suddenly lighted up, this turned out to be a treasure that can bring out the game!

You must know that items with such good attributes are often very restrictive and cannot be brought out to the game at all, but this Jade treasure bamboo leaf has attributes that can be taken out of the game, which means that it is the main material Qi and Blood Pills are also likely to have attributes that bring out the game;

In the real world, the most direct response to the illness or injury is the loss of qi and blood value. If there is a qi and blood pill, which can be directly filled with qi and blood value, then whether it is disease or injury, it will often directly get well;

"Unfortunately, I don't have a way to make Qi and Blood Pills." Song Jian sighed slightly and put this Cuibao bamboo leaf into his mouth.

This Cuibao bamboo leaf entered Song Jian's mouth, but turned directly into a liquid, flowing into his stomach along his mouth. Song Jian's mouth suddenly showed a fresh and slightly bitter taste.

System: You use Cuibao bamboo leaves, the blood value increases by 80 points;

At this point Song Jian's blood value has reached 5650 points, and the increase of 80 points is not so obvious, but for ordinary people in the real world, the blood value of 80 points has almost doubled;

After taking five pieces of Cuibao bamboo leaves continuously, Song Jian's blood value finally broke through to 6,000 points. Although there is no limit to increase by 100 points each time, at least each time he takes it is 70 or 80 points.

"Six thousand points of blood value, even if standing still, I am afraid that other people can play for more than ten minutes. In the real world, ordinary pistols, even some rifles, can no longer be a lethal threat to me, even if it is powerful If those sniper rifles are not hit, there is no way to kill me! "Song Jian looked at his attributes, a confident smile appeared on his face;

Human guts and strength are directly proportional. At this time in the real world, people in the government have started to search for game players, and in some places they even sent troops to arrest game players.

The reason why I dare to do this is mainly because the current player strength can't fight the hot weapons in the real world, but with Song Jian's current strength, even without the equipment bonus, it is equivalent to a little superman, as long as he If he wants to escape, no one can catch him at all. Even if he is fighting directly, if he does not have heavy firepower, he will not be his opponent at all;

After picking all the green bamboo leaves, Song Jian rearranged the magic sword array again and sat down slowly at the bottom of the pond;

The game time is approaching. This time, Song Jian does not intend to stay and is ready to return to the real world.

five four three two one

A line of system prompts appeared in front of Song Jian, whether to leave the game and return to the real world! whether

After choosing "Yes", Song Jianying began to disappear slowly, and soon the bottom of the pond was empty, as if Song Jian had passed away in the future.

Real world, early morning, suburb of Linhai, Wanghai town;

Wanghai Town is located near the port of Linhai City. It is similar to a village in the city. There are two or three floors of self-built small buildings for rent out. Many young people who come to work in Linhai City like to live here, mainly because of this place. Rent is cheap, but the price is to get up an hour every day to take the bus into the city center;

This small courtyard rented by Song Jian consists of two buildings. One is a two-story small building where the main family lives, and the other is a three-story building for rent. Each floor has five or six rooms. , Just like a pigeon cage.

At this moment, there was some quietness in the small courtyard. The young people at work had already left, and the morning sun was streaming in from the window. The warm glow on Song Jian's face felt very comfortable;

At this moment, Song Jian heard the sound of the courtyard door being opened, and looked down, the landlord was leading two people in.

"Oh, I'm the quietest here, and the price is very cheap, rest assured, I won't pit you, you can go to the town to ask about it. If someone rents it cheaper than me, I will refund you the rent.啦 ~ "

In the courtyard, a middle-aged man in his forties, led a man, a woman and two young people to the courtyard, and led them towards the three-story building;

This middle-aged man is called Liu Zhiqiang. He looks a bit old, and his cheeks are reddish, like the sequelae of being often blown by the sea breeze. His legs seem to be a little bit sick, and he walks slightly, but he tries to cover up and walk. It's slow.

He is the owner of this small courtyard. According to himself, he was also a crew member on a 100,000-ton ocean liner, but later became ill and settled in this small town. He lived by collecting some rent. ;

"Uncle Liu, I'm begging you, how is it?" Song Jian shouted loudly toward the courtyard on the second floor;

The middle-aged man looked up at Song Jian and waved at him: "For a while, I'll go to your room and tell you, did you see that I have a guest now, wait a minute ~"

Song Jian smiled slightly, closed the window and turned back to the room to wait patiently.

Twenty minutes later, Song Jian heard Liu Zhiqiang's footsteps in the corridor. When he opened the door, Liu Zhiqiang looked cautiously, looked around, entered the room, locked the door of the room, Song Jian beckoned;

"Lady, what you want to inquire about, I have already inquired about it. This afternoon, there will be a cargo ship to the Philippines, which can take you by the way, but you also know that this kind of thing is not cheap. Did you bring enough money? "Liu Zhiqiang said to Song Jian in a low voice;

"You can rest assured that you will not be missing." Song Jian laughed: "As long as you can let me out soon, money is good to say!"

"Okay!" Liu Zhiqiang patted his thigh and said, "Fifty thousand tickets and pay 10% commission, is there any problem?"

"50,000 yuan?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes. Although he is not a local, he has lived in this city for seven or eight years. Hearing and witnessing the prices of these manned businesses, he also knows something. The price of 50,000 yuan is really Some are outrageous;

"Five thousand is a single room. If you are willing to squeeze a warehouse with dozens of people, 20,000 is enough. You can choose it yourself!" Liu Zhiqiang saw Song Jian's eyes narrowed, and his heart was involuntarily cold, and seemed to think of something, Cold sweat was coming out of his forehead, and he said quickly.

The higher the price, the more fees he charged. Naturally, he wanted to make more money, but looking at Song Jian's expression ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Liu Zhiqiang inexplicably felt a little scared and quickly changed his mouth.

"Okay, 50,000 is 50,000! Don't lie to me." Song Jian suddenly smiled on his face, turned from a handbag, and found out 60,000 yuan in the hands of Liu Zhiqiang.

Seeing the smile on Song Jian's face, Liu Zhiqiang suddenly felt relieved, looking at the unopened Liuxuan banknote, and smiled with a smile on his face: "I'm looking for money for you ~"

"No need. Surplus Liu should be paid for running errands." Song Jian laughed;

For ordinary people, when they go out and pay attention to their money, they are as arrogant as Song Jian. It seems that they are afraid that they will bring a lot of cash with them.

But with Song Jian's current strength, he didn't care about it at all. Just a glance just now, Liu Zhiqiang almost scared down, unless the other party was dead, he dared to hit his attention;



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