I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1250: Lose

Outside the city of hope, the sheltered black mist has disappeared almost faintly, and countless monsters of the abyss rushed towards the wall in a frenzy. The corpses of the monsters stacked one after another, forming a long slope, and a large number of monsters rushed to the wall along the slope. .

At the same time, those abyss monsters with flying ability quickly hit the light curtain shield over the city of hope, consuming the energy of the mask with their own lives.

In war, heroic soldiers are frightening, but they are even more terrifying than heroic soldiers. It is these horrible monsters who do not know what death is. They are using their lives to open up a newcomer for the latecomers. The road to flesh and blood leading to the city of hope.

In just a few hours, the walls of the City of Hope have been lost, but in these hours, the number of deaths of abyss monsters is as high as hundreds of thousands, and the casualty rate of the City of Hope defense is only a few hundred. It's not a battle of equals at all! If it wasn’t for the abyss monsters to be too fierce, and replaced with NPC siege by other players or even other cities, they would never be able to break through the tall walls of the city of hope.


With a loud noise, a magic crystal rail cannon on the city wall suddenly exploded, and dozens of magic crystal cannonballs stored around it also exploded. The city wall where it was located suddenly collapsed a large piece, and dozens of abyssal monsters around it were destroyed. Debris.

The magic crystal rail cannon has great power, but each time it fires, it not only consumes precious magic crystal shells, but also has a long cooling time. It can only be used when it is particularly critical.

If it were not for the existence of the Magic Crystal Rail Gun, I am afraid that the players of the City of Hope Battle Alliance could not hold on for such a long time.

Everyone fled towards the main palace, as long as the core of the city's heart of the main palace was not destroyed, then the city would still belong to the city of hope and the Song Alliance!

The abyss monsters that entered the city of hope did not directly attack the city's main palace. Instead, they scattered around and began to attack other people in the city. Some even went directly to the **** area to attack the temple of gods.

Most of the civilians and businessmen in the city have left through the teleportation array, and the rest are some powerful presences, and the temple area is a taboo area for the abyss demons, the priests and guardian knights of various gods At the moment these monsters stepped on the steps of the temple, they tried their best to kill the monsters that broke into the temple!

However, for monsters in other regions, these priests and knights stand idly by, as long as they do not invade the temple they are in, they will not waste their energy to kill these monsters!

The City of Hope is already on the verge of destruction, and on the other hand, the four-winged angel demon Kurensya stretched out his hands to the void, his hands squeezing outward, as if tearing something strange.

"Give me... open!" Cullensya's face was roaring and roaring loudly. With its roar, its two arms slowly opened, and a hole with a flash of electricity appeared in front of Cullensia. .

Through this hole in the void, Cullensia saw the scene of the sky city inside, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

"This is this, this is this..." Kurunsiya whispered: "This is exactly the same as the legendary ancestral land, this is the ancestral land of the angels..."

After lasting for two minutes, Cullensia finally ripped a big hole enough for him to drill, and with a whine, he drilled through the hole in the void, and after that, the big hole ripped by it began to slow down. Slowly gather it up and restore the previous appearance.

Entering the city of sky, Kurunsia floated in mid-air, bursting out with a burst of laughter. Then, his eyes fell on the center of the city, several erected stone towers, among which the highest sacrifice tower, the spire of the tower shone with a strange light.

"Hahaha, right there, the tower of sacrifices holding the hearts of angels!" Kurunsiya laughed, waving two pairs of wings, and flew towards the tower of sacrifices.

"Who is it, dare to break into the sky city!" A grand voice sounded in the sky city, with three pairs of wings of magic angels, flying out of the tower of sacrifice, beside it, followed by a With two pairs of white-winged angels, these two men stared at Cullensia!

"There are even guardian angels in the ancestral land?" Kurunsiya showed a surprised look in his eyes: "Isn't the ancestral land ruined in legend, and have all the angels died?"

"Fallen Angel!" The illusion angel stared at the two pairs of dark ink wings behind Kurunsiya, and his face suddenly became severe.

"Damn fallen angels, you group betray the existence of angelic glory, you are the shame of the angelic family!" The phantom angel gave a roar, three pairs of wings behind him, a lightsaber in his hand, facing the fiercely. Split off with Cullensia.

"Angel's glory?" A disdainful smile appeared on Kurunsia's face: "The angels are all extinct. What glory is there to speak of! You two cowards who have lived in their ancestral home until now, what is it? Qualification presupposes the glory of angels in my face!"

"What, ancestral land?" The magic angel froze a moment, and said subconsciously: "This is just an ordinary sky city. How could it be the ancestral land of the angelic family!"

However, the magic angel quickly woke up, but the other party was the enemy, and the lightsaber in his hand couldn't help but fiercely.


Kurunsiya raised his right hand and grasped the lightsaber in the hands of the magic angel, and a small piece of light debris burst from the lightsaber in his hand.

The magic angel looked at Kurunsia with an unbelievable expression, and even couldn't help but glanced at the black wings behind it: "This, how is this possible..."

Wings are the source of strength for the angelic family. The more angels, the stronger the strength and the higher the grade. As a title angel, the phantom angel has six wings, which is more powerful than the four wings. Above the two realms, even if it is just a physical force, the blow of the wave can not be resisted by one hand with only one hand.

"Stupid angel, even the ability to perceive the strength of the enemy is degraded?" Cullensia's eyes showed a look of contempt, holding the lightsaber's right hand, violently, screaming, "pong", The lightsaber in his hand was actually crushed directly!

Unexplained chain phantoms ~ www.novelhall.com ~ appeared on the surface of Cullensia's body. With the screams of Cullensia, these chain phantoms began to show cracks, and finally "bang" sound, all Shattered apart, disappeared without a trace.

At this time, a strong breath burst out of the body of Currensia. Behind it, under the two pairs of black wings, another pair of wings quickly grew, but this pair of newly grown wings, not Black is not white, but a pair of gray wings!

"Feel my true power!" The scarlet Kurunya shouted like a figure, and threw a punch at the magic angel. There was a sudden roar in the air, and the void appeared. Ripples burst, and Kurunsiya’s speed turned into a sonic boom!

The phantom angel was shocked. Just as he drew his thoughts of dodge, a sudden pain came from his cheek, and his body seemed to be hit hard by a monster, and flew directly towards the back.


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