I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1234: Jade liquor

The latest website: Song Jian's cracking continues. Regardless of his disregard, he directly perceives each of the Jiuhu formations to form a ring formation, regardless of the relationship between the ring formations, but just keeps trying to break every single ring formation.

Every time he tried, he almost certainly caused the counterattack of the Jiuhu formation. The roar was endless, and the shore of the Jiuhu was almost ravaged into a swamp, which made people unable to stand.

All the disciples of Yujianzong who wanted to understand the Jiuhu Formation were stunned and looked at Song Jian in the distance, watching him within a few minutes, they would trigger a counterattack of the Jiuhu Formation, but every time In the counterattack of the law, Song Jian was always safe and sound without any damage.

"This this……"

"He, how did he do it? How could it be so powerful!"

"Although the cracking technique is a bit shameful, but it has been able to carry back so many counterattacks to counterattack, but it is still safe, and it does have a hand..."

A group of disciples who had despised Song Jian, and slowly felt admiration for Song Jian who was constantly dying. First of all, regardless of his level of formation, this guy's life-saving level is obviously much higher than everyone's. , It's simply a worship.

In this way, Song Jian relied on hiding into the Broken God Realm every time he triggered a counterattack, cracking five or six ring formations one after another, so that the proficiency of the skill "Sword Array Catalog" once again reached full value.

When the proficiency of the sword array catalog reached full value, Song Jian sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the amethyst to upgrade his level. This time, he used more than eighty amethysts to raise his level. Reaching level 64, the newly acquired skill points are again placed on the sword array catalogue, making the sword array catalogue skill upgraded to level three.

The skill has been improved once again, making Song Jian's perception of the Jiuhu formation more clear. The choice of the ring formation eye has also improved the accuracy rate and the speed of cracking has been accelerated.

In just two days, Song Jian cracked all the ring formations in the Jiuhu figure array, and all the details of the more than ten ring formations were all clear to the chest, except for how they were combined together to form a wine. There are still some places in the lake map that are not seen through, but for Song Jian, it is just a matter of time.

The proficiency of the sword array catalog skills has reached 98% again, and it will be improved again in a short time. Song Jian has hundreds of amethysts in the parcel bar, all of which were obtained by killing monsters in the dark prison The monster there was able to drop Amethyst, which made Song Jian hope more than once that he would encounter a similar copy again.

Just as Song Jian was ready to crack down on the entire Jiuhu formation, the disciple named Guichuan, Yu Jianzong, did not know when he appeared beside Song Jianjian.

"This younger brother, it's polite!" Guichuan smiled, and politely opened a ceremony toward Song Jian.

"Brother Guichuan is courteous!" Song Jian said with a smile.

"The younger brother is Song Jian, who had made great contributions to Zongmen before, and was accepted as a personal disciple. Sure enough, he was a young man!" Guichuan complimented: "I just didn't expect that even the attainment of the formation method was so advanced. Brother, it seems that you have already cracked most of this Jiuhu formation, will you be able to crack it completely soon?"

"Senior Brother has won the prize!" Song Jian was a little surprised. He just joined Yujianzong just a few days ago, but he didn't expect that his fame would be so great.

"Brother, I have nothing to say. If I can do it, I will never say no!" Song Jian said with a smile. He had already guessed Guichuan's intention to come here, but he still had to say it himself.

"Haha, Brother Shi is brave. Since that is the case, Brother Brother can only be brazen and ask each other. If you really crack the Jiuhu Formation, can you get the Jade Liquor evenly for me so that Brother can make a difference?" Guichuan asked cautiously.

In Guichuan's heart, he was not familiar with Song Jian, and he had laughed at him with other disciples before. Now he came here, and he just prepared the mentality of being mocked by Song Jian. However, this huge array of wine lakes is unpredictable. It is composed of more than ten ring formations, one ring after another. A little carelessness will cause the entire formation to counterattack. Time and time again the counterattack was safe and sound.

After thinking about it for two days, Guichuan finally decided to come and try it. He was not sure whether Song Jian would agree.

"Brother, can you tell me in detail, what is the use of the jade liquor in this wine lake?" Song Jian smiled.

In fact, as long as you crack the Kaijiu Lake formation, you will have a chance to get a piece of jade liquor. Naturally, you will be able to know its properties. So many disciples came to understand the cracking of this formation. Obviously this jade liquor is very precious. But there is no harm in being able to understand in advance.

Seeing that Song Jian did not immediately refuse, Guichuan suddenly raised a glimmer of hope in his heart, and quickly explained: "Senior Brother has no idea, this wine lake array is quite famous in the entire secret environment, among which the wine lake The center is bred with jade liquor, and it is also known as the “king of thousands of wine, mellow and sweet”. For the drinkers, it has the effects of prolonging life and enhancing the power. However, these are just incidental effects. Its taste, As long as you drink it once, it will definitely make you miss it! The predecessors in Fengzhong deliberately explained that they must take a piece of jade liquor, otherwise..." A bitter smile appeared on Guichuan's face.

Song Jian didn't speak, but nodded slightly, and a smile of surprise appeared on Guichuan's face.

A moment later, the entire Jiuhu burst suddenly made a "rumbling" sound, and a huge vortex appeared in the middle of Jiuhu. Seeing the vortex, Guichuan's face appeared excited, and he laughed. .

Jiuhu does not know how long it has existed in the secret realm. Since the first person obtained a jade liquor from Jiuhu, many people have tried to crack it afterwards. The formation method will change on its own, that is to say, ~www.novelhall.com~ every time you enter the secret realm, if the Jiuhu big array is cracked before, then people are facing a brand new Jiuhu big array, you have to start from scratch .

And each time the vision of the Jiuhu Great Formation was successfully cracked, it was this huge vortex in the middle of the Jiuhu. As long as this vortex appeared, it meant that the Jiuhu Great Formation was cracked, which meant that the Jiuhu Formation would change again.

Everyone stared at the vortex in the middle of the wine lake, and raised a stone platform. At the very top of the stone platform, was a sunken stone pit with a clear and transparent liquid, exuding a strong wine aroma. Even though they were far away, everyone was intoxicated by the rich aroma of the wine. Several people even had red cheeks and staggered feet. It seemed that after just smelling it, they were almost drunk.

"Brother, quickly and quickly take out the vessel holding the liquid, preferably jade, so that the jade liquor can be preserved for a long time!" Guichuan shouted anxiously.

At this moment, the liquid in the middle of the stone platform seemed to be drawn by an invisible force, drawing an arc in the air and flying towards Song Jian.

