I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1202: Flesh Mill

The latest website: This palm directly suppresses Kuzai's qi and blood value to one-fifth. If it is not that his qi and blood value recovers faster and faster, this will definitely be able to beat him seriously.

Song Jian frowned slightly. If he could not kill Kuzhai directly, no matter how powerful his skills were, he could not kill him completely. He could only fight hard with him until the opponent's soul was completely burned out.

Jianqi Palm Seal is already the limit of Song Jian's ability to control Wan Jianjue by himself. The remaining Jianqi Stone Tower, if he still wants to control it by himself, can't continue to evolve with his understanding of Wan Jianjue.

With a cold snort, Song Jian reluctantly let go of Wan Jianjue's control. The subsequent evolutionary process began to be controlled by the sword spirit of Po Tianjian.

The sword imprints slowly dissipated, and a quaint stone tower appeared on the top of Kuzhai ’s head. In just a few seconds, Kuzhai ’s qi and blood values ​​had recovered to a third of what he looked like before. The imprint of Jianqi's palm did not harm him at all, but he was healing him.

"His blood pressure recovery speed has increased again!" Song Jian's face was ugly. With this horrible blood pressure recovery speed, as long as he is left alone, it is estimated that the blood blood value can be restored to full in a maximum of ten seconds.

The quaint stone tower was severely pressed down, directly suppressing Kuzhai to the bottom of the tower, which had already risen to one-third of the blood pressure value, and once again fell a large amount, but still not cleared.

Song Jian's face is ugly. He has never encountered monsters with such attributes. Even if the monsters of the dominant level are even more powerful, as long as they are suppressed by the stone tower, even if they do not die, they will be dying and lose their fighting ability.

But the scene in front of him made Song Jian think that Kuzhai was an unbeatable Xiaoqiang who would be knocked down again and again, and then stand up until he defeated.

The gate of the stone tower opened, and the strong suction sucked Kuzai into the stone tower. Originally, the stone tower could only absorb the souls of the suppressed monsters, but this time, the stone tower directly sucked Kuzai's entire body into it.

Boom, boom, boom ~

After a while, there was a wave of shaking inside the stone tower. Kuzai was crazy in the stone tower and desperately smashed the wall of the stone tower. Countless sword qi was triggered, which cut the blood hole of Kuzhai's body. Even his two fists were **** and his bones were exposed.

However, it didn't take long for Kuzhai to recover immediately, no matter how serious the injury was, the entire Jianqi Stone Pagoda shook violently, and Song Jian even worried that Kuzhai directly escaped from the Jianqi Stone Pagoda.

Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, and countless transparent sword qi continuously rotates around the Jian Qi stone tower. It seems that something is irritated by Kuzhai. Over the stone tower, the wind and clouds suddenly gather. After a while, a huge grinding disc appears in Over the stone tower.

Rumble ~

The grinding disc slowly turned up, and the two boulders rubbed against each other, making a deafening sound. This change made Song Jian somewhat unexpected, staring blankly at his huge head and staring at the huge grinding disc that appeared in midair.

"Here, the stone quality of this grinding disc seems to be exactly the same as Jianqi Stone Tower?" Song Jian secretly said, it seems that this is the evolution behind the Jianqi Stone Tower?

"This is, Jian Qi grinding disk?" Song Jian guessed.

But soon, a message suddenly appeared in his mind about the huge grinding plate above his head. After understanding, Jian Jian showed a trace of disappointment in his eyes. This grinding disc was not the subsequent evolution of Jianqi Stone Tower, but another function of Jianqi Stone Tower.

Flesh grinding!

Those BOSS that cannot be suppressed by the Jianqi Stone Tower will be sucked into the stone tower, but the Jianqi Stone Tower can only decompose the soul that engulfed the BOSS, and cannot decompose their flesh and blood, so another kind of BOSS flesh and blood appears. Skills, flesh grinding!

In the grinding disc in the air, a thick dark red liquid slowly oozed from the joint of two boulders. This is blood mixed with skeletal muscles, which slowly oozed out. Although it was only a fantasy, Song Jian But I felt that the whole world was filled with a strong **** smell.

Crushed bones!

The word suddenly appeared in Song Jian's mind, and once again looked at Kuzai in the stone tower. Song Jian's eyes showed a trace of sympathy. At this time, Kuzai, if he restores his consciousness, I am afraid that the most want to do Just die immediately!

The super fast recovery speed of qi and blood value is now the cruelest torture that tortured Kuzai! This kind of situation that grinds all the flesh and blood into a crush, but still can't die, is a hundred times more tragic than Ling Chi!

In Song Jian's ears, it seemed that Kuzai's tragic and desperate wailing came! It lasted for half an hour before the flesh and blood grinding plate in the sky slowly dissipated, and a ten-hour countdown appeared on the first floor of the stone tower!

Song Jian's experience value has been sharply improved, and directly broke through to level 62!

Looking at the skill bar, the sword gasification skill did not know what the reason was, but even at the moment when the flesh grinding disc appeared, it was directly increased from 23% to 67%. It is also constantly improving. Up to now, the proficiency has reached full value.

This skill point was added to the sword gasification form, and the level of the sword gasification form was increased to four levels;

Sword Qi transformation skills are simply the best auxiliary skills for Wan Jian Jue, which can not only improve the effect and power of Jian Qi evolution, but also indirectly affect Song Jian's mastery of Wan Jian Jue's control.

The upgrade of the sword gasification level has brought a lot of information about the sword gasification into Song Jian's mind. After completely digesting this information, the evolution of the sword gas tower will also be completely mastered by Song Jian!

Once Song Jian has fully mastered all the evolution of Wan Jianjue ~ www.novelhall.com ~ he has the confidence to use the spirit sword as the material to arrange the various formation methods in the sword array catalogue.

"This is also an unexpected joy!" Song Jian secretly said, turning his head to look at the huge ancient tree in the distance. In the previous battle, Song Jian had noticed that this ancient tree was not like his own. The idea is as simple as an ancient tree. This ancient tree is actually the guardian of the temple. Like Kuzai, they are demon gods!

But I do n’t know the reason. This ancient tree seems to have no desire to fight with Song Jian. He had been asleep before. After being awakened by the battle between Song Jian and Kuzhai, there was no action that would cause Song Jian to be alert If this ancient tree and Kuzai besieged Song Jian before, I am afraid that Song Jian would not be able to win so easily even if he could win.

A glance at the ancient tree with its leaves swaying slightly, Song Jian felt relieved in his heart. He felt that the strength of this ancient tree seemed to be more powerful than Kuzhai!

After waiting for a while, Song Jian made a big circle and walked towards the temple in the distant mountains, where his mission goal was.
