I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1068: Trial of Killing

The task of sending the forged hammer is based on the task reward. That is to say, what kind of reward Song Jian can get depends on the mood of Master Coulomb. He wants to give Song Jian whatever he wants. If he is in a bad mood, maybe he will have nothing. Can't catch it, run for nothing.

Thirty soul spheres, according to what Master Coulomb just said, are worth three million doomsdays, but they are only completed by the way, and they can get three million doomsdays. For an ordinary player, it can be described as a generous reward. , But which one of the adventurers who can enter the scorching canyon is an ordinary person?

With Song Jian's strength, hunting and killing 30 monsters in the scorching canyon will waste at most an hour, most of which are still spent on finding monsters.

Therefore, for these 30 soul spheres, Song Jian can only be regarded as a consolation prize, but in the eyes of others, these 30 soul spheres may be whether they can enter the tower of killing or leave the scorching canyon. Key items.

In the envious eyes of other adventurers, Song Jian got thirty light **** of souls, which looked like a small lamp floating around his body.

System: Do you sacrifice thirty soul energies and enter the tower of killing? Tip: the process cannot be reversed, once the sacrifice is made, it cannot be withdrawn halfway!


Song Jian immediately made a choice, and the figure suddenly turned into a white light and flew into the red pillar of light.

At this point, the interior of the red pillar of light is still changing, and the killing tower has not yet taken shape. This process will take several days until the success or failure of the king-level BOSS promotion, and the killing tower will finally form!

Song Jian just felt a flower in front of him, and his body was suddenly in an uncontrollable weightless state. In this state, he could not feel the time passing at all. It seemed that in the next second, he was thrown out by a force and stepped on. On a meadow.

Two steps forward, Song Jian stabilized his body, looked up and looked around.

"This, this is the tower of killing?" Song Jian was surprised. In front of his eyes, there was a valley, surrounded by mountains in the distance, surrounded by lush meadows, and several large trees thriving in the valley. It seems that they have at least a hundred years of age.

Song Jian looked at the time on the communicator and suddenly realized that he felt only momentarily entering the killing tower, but the time on the communicator had already passed for five days.

At this moment, in the middle of the distance, a row of large red characters suddenly appeared, exactly the same as the font that appeared on the killing tower before.

[Trial of Killing: Kill 30 monsters of the same level. The time limit is 1 hour. The shorter the time, the richer the trial reward will be. The top ten can be listed on the killing list! 】

"Monsters of the same level?" Song Jian's face changed. Thirty monsters of the same level were nothing to him, but now he only has a broken dark gold quality long sword in his hand, and his sky-breaking sword is still merging. Among them, it is not available at all.

"The customs clearance cannot be this simple. There must be more difficult killings in the back. Damn it, the Heavenly Sword is not yet integrated and cannot be used. With this broken spare weapon, I simply cannot pass this so-called killing trial!" Song Jian's face was ugly.

Buzz ~

There was a slight tremor in the air. Thirty and fifty Thunder monitor lizards slowly appeared a hundred meters away from Song Jian.

The thirteen thunder dragon lizards are more than three meters long, covered with a thick layer of light blue scales, and there is a three-inch long horn between the eyebrows. From time to time, a stream of current will bloom.

Before these thunder dragon lizards were fully solidified, Song Jian held the broken dark gold quality long sword and waved forward fiercely. Numerous spirit swords floated up, like a meteor toward the group of 100 meters away. The thunder dragon flew over.

An angry roar rang, and the thirteen thunder dragons began to swell, and a scarlet red blood color appeared on the original light blue scales. At the moment they appeared, they felt the threat of life and directly cast it. The talents of Thunder Dragon are violent.

After the raging Thunder Dragon, the skill power is increased by 50%, while the corresponding defense power is weakened by 20%. At the same time, the resistance is also reduced by 20%. A light blue thunder light blooms on the horns between their brows. In the originally clear sky, there was a thunderous sound of "thundering".

"Combining skills? This is simply cheating!" Song Jian looked up at the tops of thirty Thunder monitors, and a huge thunder cloud was condensing. The horns of each Thunder monitor were being released. A thunderbolt with the thickness of an arm merged into this thundercloud.

If this group of thunderclouds let them be released, the power will definitely reach the full blow of the boss of the same level. This blow is absolutely for an ordinary adventurer who has just stepped into the second-level combat power and only has level 50 It is an irresistible attack.

But just when Lei Yun was just beginning to condense, hundreds of spirit swords quickly flew towards the Thunder Dragon.

Bang Bang Bang ~

Each Thunder Dragon was chopped by more than a dozen spirit swords. Only less than 50,000 points of blood were instantaneously killed. A thunder cloud with a range of more than ten meters had condensed above his head. Dissipate slowly.

The combination technique is very powerful, but the Thunder Dragon lizard takes too long to condense, and Song Jian has not given them any chance to release it.

Click ~

A crisp crackling sounded, Song Jian looked down, and the dark gold-quality long sword in his hand had broken from it, and the blade, which was more than a foot long, fell to the ground. A long sword that was originally completed has now become a broken sword.

"I finally knew how the sword fairy's broken blade was generated. It must have also released skills that exceeded the range of the sword, causing damage to the weapon. If that sword fairy could have a matching sword Maybe it will not fall into the abyss **** ... "Song Jian secretly said.

Throwing the broken sword on the ground, Song Jian walked towards the body of the Thunder Dragon. More than a dozen items with white and green light were scattered on the ground, and one of them was flashing blue quality light. .

It seems that the explosion rate of monsters in this killing tower has increased a lot. Thirty ordinary monsters have dropped more than a dozen items. Such explosion rates cannot be enjoyed outside, even if Song Jian's luck now The value has reached eight o'clock ~ www.novelhall.com ~ and it can only kill a dozen monsters of the same level and drop an item.

Song Jian walked in front of the carcass of the dragon and took a random look. These 50-level items can be worth tens of thousands of yen if they are placed outside, but for Song Jian, most of them are thrown in the store for sale .

"A long sword of green quality ..." Song Jian picked up one of the weapons and glanced for a moment, and suddenly he was a little speechless. If such a long sword was used to display Wanjianjue, he would not only succeed, but he would also receive skills. Back biting, more than worth it.

After thinking about it, he still picked up all the items and put them in the parcel box. At this time, an item pressed under the Thunder Dragon had caught his attention. Before this item was pressed by the entity, there was no He discovered that this item appeared after the Thunder Dragon's body slowly decomposed into black mist.

"Black item, is this ... a fragment of a map?" Song Jian picked up this piece of broken parchment the size of a palm, with a curious look in his eyes.


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Yi Lianxi" ~