I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 18: : The hidden crisis of the world

Chu Lin was only shocked in front of him.

But at the last moment, when Qiwu said this sentence, he was finally a little moved.

May mankind live forever.

It was not a human being who said this prayer, but a robot.

A life created by humans.

It is like a human work, like a book, a painting, or even a car or a boat. The creator creates them and places his expectations of what they can play. On their bodies.

and so-

Seeing standing in front of him at this moment, saluting with one hand, like a sculpture of Qiwu.

Chu Lin seemed to see behind it, the expectation of its creator.

Protect humanity...

"Hmm." Chu Lin responded with a low voice, "May mankind live forever."

He probably didn\'t know how he was responding to this sentence, as if he was responding to some people\'s expectations, then he lowered his head, entered the car, and started.

Through the reflection in the rearview mirror, he saw Qi Wu put down his palm and walked towards the villa, his meticulous back figure finally gave him a mechanical breath, which was also a soldier\'s breath.

Chu Lin went back.

Shen Yi looked at Qi Wu coming back, but he was a little more surprised.

As a second-level artificial intelligence, Qiwu does not have an emotional module, but it does have the ability to think, which is a computing ability based on a large amount of human thinking data.

So it can talk normally and can show a certain character.

But just now, it was just completing a task given to him by Shen Yi.

—Make a good relationship with Chu Lin.

As it turned out, it was done very well, even a little bit beyond Shen Yi\'s expectations.

Simple ridicule, care for the body, and the last sentence are more like looking for a common idea or common goal.

And Chu Lin\'s response is enough to show that it has succeeded.

As a machine, in this short period of time, he has established a certain connection with a human being, or a smart human being.

This gave Shen Yi new expectations for this type II artificial intelligence module group.

But now, let’s eat first.

Shen Yi picked up a piece of sour pork, the sweetness of the pineapple and the smoothness of the meat were perfect.

the other side.

Chu Lin drove back to the base, he was a little absent-minded along the way, which is rare for him, but the gains he just got in Shen Yi were indeed too big, so big that he could hardly digest it for a while.

What\'s more terrifying is that these may be just the tip of the iceberg.

As far as the base, he finally sorted out some thoughts.

Che Yongchang greeted him.

"I have posted the report, and the video has also been sent to the special project team of the Academy of Sciences. However, their response... is very fierce." When Che Yongchang said the last few words, With a helpless expression, he turned to ask, "How is your side? Have you gotten a reply?"

"Well, it\'s still a very positive reply." Chu Lin nodded. "He didn\'t treat other countries like us. I guess that he should be before the end of the world really starts to show signs or we make him dissatisfied. It will not reveal its true body in front of other forces outside the country."

Does not count domestic food associations.

The Mo Group and Mo Yuanbai are their own people.

, after all, is closely related to the interests of this country.

"That\'s good." Cha Yongchang also breathed a sigh of relief, "I can only hope that the bigwigs of the Academy of Sciences can research some useful information."

"You better don\'t expect it." Chu Lin seemed to have thought of something, his expression was as if he was enduring something, he was extraordinarily weird, and finally he sighed, "They will not feel it until I pass this report. What is true despair, even the supernatural powers that cannot be understood, even science and technology are far beyond what we can understand."

I hope those scientific experts can have a good heart.

The artificial intelligence life that shows the thoughts, and the war robots as if they came out of the movie.

Compared with supernatural powers, the Pan-Human Guardian Association has now revealed that this has an even greater impact.

Because supernatural powers are only unfamiliar knowledge, and science and technology are their greatest heritage in the world.

"What do you mean?" Cha Yongchang looked blank.

He always felt that after Chu Lin came back from a trip, the whole person\'s spirit has changed a little, as if he was severely hit by someone.

Isn\'t it what he compared with Shen Yi?

However, Chu Lin shook his head, as if he didn\'t want to say more. Anyway, with Cha Yongchang\'s authority, he could read the report once it was written.

then shocked him himself.

Chu Lin just looked at him, seemed to adjust his state, and then said, "Tonight\'s task is mainly to keep an eye on the reactions of the major forces, especially those food establishments that have begun to get out of control. They will do something. Nothing is unexpected!"

"Yes!" Cha Yongchang also became serious.

Before Shen Yi arrived, the biggest hidden crisis in the world, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was some of the food establishments that have emerged in recent decades.

Their chefs call themselves dark gourmets.

In this world, food can produce all sorts of incredible effects, and it can even have an emotional impact on people to a certain extent.

This is a good thing on the one hand.

For example, food that makes desperate people feel hope again, food that makes sad people stop their tears, and food that entrusts good intentions.......

But there are also some people who are committed to using food to control others. They call this kind of food a dark food.

As long as you taste it, you will sink in a little bit, and you will no longer be able to eat other foods, just like eating wax.

In the beginning, people only thought that these chefs were amazing in their cooking skills.

After all, they didn\'t put anything strange.

only gradually, people have discovered that although these foods will not harm the body of others, it will deeply hurt the spirit of others.

The dark gourmet uses this to gain a lot of wealth and power for himself.

has become extremely difficult.

So, Chu Lin was not surprised at all that they were able to get the video of today\'s air crash. What he was worried about was what these people would do.

I just hope that if the end of the world really happens, they can be honest.


Xu Lin\'s worries are probably right.

What happened at West Asia Airport is circulating at an alarming speed among some big people in a small area, and a video is attached.

Clearer video.

It can be said that everyone who saw the video felt the collapse of Sanguan.

Some people are ecstatic, some people are full of fear and worry about it.