I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 14: : 10 consecutive draws in the New World

When Shen Yi returned to the residence, he could smell the alluring fragrance in the air.

It\'s eloquent.

His expression is also relaxed.

To say that he is most satisfied with coming to this world, it is undoubtedly his desire to speak. Pursuing food has always been his way of enjoying life, and this place is undoubtedly a paradise for food.

Mo Qiu didn\'t seem to be able to notice his return. She was busy in the kitchen, her expression was focused, her movements were skillful and elegant, which was pleasing to the eye.

Shen Yi didn\'t bother.

glanced silently, then sat down on the sofa with a sense of expectation.


He said silently in his heart.

A light screen that only exists in my mind emerged. I first glanced at the total amount of points. As expected, it was more than two hundred more.

One life, one point.

is not only saved by his own hands, as long as it is saved because of him, it does not matter.

But only calculated once.

It means that if the person rescued this time encounters a disaster and dies in the future, even if the person is rescued a second time at that time, the second point will not be calculated. This rule almost limits the ability to save points through continuous rescue. Way.

The maximum number of points that can be obtained in a world is the total number of people in this world.

At the same time, as long as the cause of death remains the same, it does not count.

For example, if you are infected with a virus, you can save a person only if the virus infection is completely eliminated. It is not just to delay the illness, because the person will eventually die from the virus infection.

Now, Shen Yi has about 1.27 million points.

"The mysterious side of the force is normal. The world\'s doomsday disaster is likely to be a crisis of scientific measurement." Shen Yi thought about the results of today\'s investigation, and then glanced at the amount on the system.

opened the extraction interface.

There are currently four prize pools, two for the mysterious side and two for the scientific side. They are a primary draw of 1,000 points and an intermediate draw of 10,000 points.

The extracted items are classified according to the light that blooms when they are drawn.

At present, Shen Yi has only drawn items of three levels: white, blue, and purple.

is like a game.

His wizard profession is a purple item drawn from the mysterious side.

To be honest, this setting doesn\'t feel very good to Shen Yi.

There is a feeling of binding the lives of all human beings in the world to his luck, but he is powerless to change this. The only way is to get as many points as possible.

According to the game, only Krypton can save the non-chief.

However, there are indeed many great items in the system\'s prize pool.

He pulled out some pretty powerful things from the science side.

For example, clean nuclear fusion reactor-furnace technology.

With this, mankind can almost get rid of the dependence on geological energy. When it is taken in the current world, it can definitely set off a new generation of energy era, and maybe war will break out due to this.

And this is only the blue level.

But it was almost useless in the last world.

In addition, there are also Class II artificial intelligence module groups, quantum communication signal towers, gene-edited medical warehouses, Raiden C-class variant mechas, Titan alloy forging technology...

Among them, the medical warehouse gave Shen Yi a great help. After it was drawn, it would be included in the mall and purchased at the price of 51 thousand units. In the last world of Shen Yi, the previous points were almost entirely dependent on this medical unit. Warehouse acquisition.

It\'s a pity that it\'s too expensive.

Cost expenditure and revenue efficiency could not reach a balance, so Shen Yi finally bought only two sets, saving tens of thousands of lives in total.

Do you want to make ten consecutive shots now?

Shen Yi was a little moved.

Naturally, he turned on the system not to see what treasures he had. In fact, he knew the contents of the backpack by heart.

The current investigation seems to be in a bottleneck, but if it is scientific reasons that lead to the end of the world, it may be useful.

"It was originally a matter of luck, so I would draw ten consecutive times." Shen Yi made up his mind.

There is a trace of tension in his expression.

This is not about opening boxes in the game, but about the lives of all mankind, and whether he can get more points.


This is the first ten consecutive draws after arriving in the New World.

Shen Yi did not wash his hands, pray and other behaviors, Xuan Bu Jiufei has been proved in the previous extraction.

As a pattern like a black hole emerges in the interface, the first item appears.

The light... is blue!

Shen Yi\'s eyes are slightly bright.

It’s lucky to start with blue items.

This object is a fireball emitting a hot glow, and relevant information floods into my mind.

—A small artificial sun.

The corners of Shen Yi\'s mouth twitched.

is indeed rated as blue, but he already has nuclear fusion energy technology. This man-made little sun is also the core of energy and has repeated functions.

the second one.

Aoyan Extreme Edition Suspension Sedan, white item.

"...garbage, next one." Shen Yi was expressionless.

The third one.

Primary implant prosthetic manufacturing technology, white item.

"...Next one." Shen Yi\'s face turned dark.

The next fourth and fifth pieces are micro-satellites and maritime floating high-speed rail technology.

The sea high-speed rail technology is a blue item, but Shen Yi doesn\'t know what to say.

can only be thrown into the technical reserve, UU read www.uukanshu.com to see when you can use it.

But when the sixth object flew out, it finally made him look up.

—U-75 multifunctional robot, blue!

This is a robot with a very high level of technology. It looks a bit like the steel frame in the movie "Justice League". The body is silver and white. The hideous metal shell is full of the shocking beauty of mechanical technology, and the center exudes nuclear fusion. The scarlet energy ray, not only has great strength and flying ability, but also has some weapons, and the defensive type is excellent.

Whether it is rescue or deterrence, it has a great effect.

Even if there are enough, they can conquer the world.

The next step is to look at the price.

If you can draw less than 10,000 points, then this time you can draw ten in a row, and you won’t lose for this one alone!

Shen Yi doesn\'t care much about other things now, just want to quickly see the price of this item after it is included in the mall.

However, when the eighth object appeared, Shen Yi even stood up abruptly.

What bursts out in the picture at this moment is surprisingly purple.

Is this an outbreak of European spirit?

Shen Yi has only drawn a purple item once, and that is the wizard profession, which has almost become his most useful support now.

And this is a purple item on the technology side!

—Taylor-class sky fortress!

Shen Yi digested the relevant information and became more and more shocked. This is a huge fortress that can be suspended high in the sky for a long time. It has energy shields, optical invisibility, anti-gravity power furnaces and other advanced technologies that far exceed the era for hundreds of years. Going up, it looks like an extremely huge interstellar warship, shaped like a triangle, with a total length of nine kilometers, capable of accommodating more than 50,000 people on it for a long-term life.