I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 28: Burning disaster

After washing and eating, Chen Mo fumbled and brushed the dishes and chopsticks, then opened the door and took a stroll.

The place where Chen Mo lives is the kind of old residential area that has been used for decades. On the first floor, he does not need to go down the stairs. He can perceive the shape of some things around him. Generally, Chen Mo is used to going out for a stroll in the dead of night, which can be regarded as going out to breathe. Let’s have fresh air, and it’s very quiet. The surroundings are relatively remote places. Even if they are at a certain distance from that kind of road, Chen Mo walked along the deep tree-covered roads following the usual route.

   Chen Mo went back about half an hour later.

Lin Kexin once said that he wanted to get a guide dog for Chen Mo, but it didn’t matter, because Chen Mo could feel the shape of the object. He just said that if it was a high-speed car driving on the road, then Chen Mo needed special attention. , If he walks normally, as long as he is slower, he will never hit anything.

   Back home, Chen Mo sat on the bed and started meditating!

   I cultivated with my master since I was a child. This should be considered a kind of cultivation, Chen Mo is not sure, but he must be much better than ordinary people! Although it has not reached the realm of internal force and external force, it is okay to have more than five times the strength of ordinary people.

   He once imagined that he could revive himself by improving his realm, but he gave up over time! It can\'t be said that he is not talented enough, but that Chen Mo\'s heart is no longer calm, and the speed of cultivation is not fast!

  可, now maybe another new hope lies in front of Chen Mo!

   That is Tianlin!

   Tianlin was just a game before, but Chen Mo discovered the extraordinary place of Tianlin, similar to the connection between game and reality!

  Chen Mo is not sure, because it is too fantastic, but he has a hint of fantasy! Because he did see the extraordinary place of Tianlin! The memory in reality can be explored in the game. In reality, it is very likely that the chain of disaster in the game...

   Chen Mo touched the bracelet on his wrist. He tried to use his mind to control its transfiguration like in the game, but it had no effect.


   After another half an hour, Chen Mo gently exhaled a suffocating breath. He slowly lay down and closed the dark eyes in front of him.

   When he closes his eyes, he will be very quiet. Although it is dark when he opens his eyes, it may only be a psychological hint.

   In my mind, I was recalling things during the day or thinking about tomorrow\'s plans.

   Suddenly, Chen Mo frowned!

  Since Tianlin is so real and everyone here is as real as a real world, then you can’t use the common sense of previous virtual online games to look at, including human nature!

   Chen Mo suddenly thought of something!

   Xiaoyuan, the evil star in the village, why would Wang Tiesmith agree to let her enter his home?

   At first, Chen Mo felt that there would be good people everywhere, it was normal! Moreover, what Wang Tiejiang said was very sincere, but the more he thought about it, the more things went wrong!

This is the consequence of him risking being an enemy of the whole village, and Xiao Yuan has been in the village for a long time before that. If he is really kind, why did he decide to let Xiao Yuan live in now? His home?

   Of course, there is a possibility that he considers it! But something is wrong!

   According to normal human nature, this is impossible!

The simple truth is that if it is Chen Mo, if he is a very ordinary and low-strength villager in the village, he has family members, he has fetters, and maybe there are ignorant children, even if he is kind, then Why would he dare to let a dangerous person like Xiaoyuan enter his home?

   is wrong, the more you think about it, the more wrong!

   Then Chen Mo quickly fumbled for the virtual ring next to him and put it on his hand.

   "Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

   Entering Tianlin, the online place is the offline place, and the place where Chen Mo is located is at the door of Wang Tiejiang\'s house.

   is dark all around, no, it\'s just dark to be precise, but what makes Chen Mo feel incredible is that almost every house in the village has lights on!

   That\'s right!

   He remembers that when he was offline, the village was dim and everyone was asleep. Why did the village have the lights on at this time?

   The uneasy feeling in my heart is getting worse.

  The door of Wang Tiejiang’s house was open. Chen Mo rushed in but didn\'t see anyone, nor did Xiao Yuan!

   Chen Mo secretly clenched his fists!

   He only hopes that his guess is wrong! If it was true... he didn\'t know what he would do.

After    went out, Chen Mo saw a big fire somewhere in the sky, and smoke was rising, and then he rushed over there!

At this moment, in the center of the village, there is a relatively empty place. Usually villagers will hold meetings here and so on. At this moment, it is far away from almost all the villagers in the village by hundreds of thousands, men and women, old and young, more like What ceremony is being held.

   Surrounded by a makeshift table among them, there is a pillar on the table, and a pretty little girl is tied to the pillar, it is Xiaoyuan! And all her surroundings are firewood~www.novelhall.com~ There are dozens of these villagers standing there holding a flaming stick in their hands, looking angrily at Xiao Yuan.

   There are still many players watching the show, but more of them are unknown.

At this moment, Xiaoyuan was **** there. She didn\'t even know what she was going to do, but she kept looking at those people and the eyes of those people. Her big eyes were full of fear and her little face was full. It\'s wronged, helpless and hopeless...

   Tears wandered in her big eyes, but she was stubbornly still not crying.

   An old man is holding a fire stick in his hand. Everyone knows him, because many people have taken over tasks from him, the village head of Novice Village!

   "Fathers and folks, today we finally summoned the courage to catch this catastrophe and tie it here!" The village chief shouted!

   "Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!"

   Everyone is excited!

The village chief continued: "This catastrophe killed more than a dozen people in my village. Now I am tied here. If she does not die, she will stay in our village. Maybe it will not be long before the village will be destroyed in her hands. She is the catastrophe and the source of all evil. There is a sinful heart hidden under her harmless appearance. We must not be blinded by her harmless appearance. Maybe she is now ready to bring our village Everyone cursed."

   "Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!"

   Everyone continues to be excited!

   Those players around are purely watching the show, and they didn\'t trigger the task and did nothing. Are they going to intervene for Mao? And it\'s just a game.

   "Now, light a fire and burn her sin with flames!"


   Following that, dozens of fire sticks burning flames were thrown over, and in an instant, Xiao Yuan was wrapped in flames.