I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 215: Established a plan

"Big brother!"

Mei Zilin, Xiao Yuan was sitting by the river and dangling her cute feet to catch fish. The Flower Saint lay hands with her. Anyway, she was responsible for picking up the fish. Then Xiao Yuan saw Chen Mo and rode. He threw it out with a "swish", jumped off the small bench, opened his cute arms, ran to Lin Xuan quickly, and then plunged into Chen Mo\'s arms, rubbing his little head.

  Chen Mo gently rubbed her hair with his right hand, and said, "Are you hungry? I brought you a lot of delicious food. Let\'s go with Shui Shui to eat."

   "Hmm, big brother, come together."

  Xiao Yuan then took Chen Mo with a small hand, and said happily with the other hand holding onto the water.

  Chen Mo nodded, and then called out the Flower Saint.

  The flower saint is using his stiff old bones to pick up the fishing rod thrown by the small margin on the tree.


Hua Sheng shouted and then jumped down, looked at the table full of food in his muddy eyes, then wiped his hands, and couldn\'t wait to open the wine on the side. He poured a few mouthfuls, wiped suddenly, and sandwiched the vegetables. After eating, he was not at all polite.

The two little girls eat more ladies. Shui Shui has been with Chen Mo for so long. Although they have not fought much, they have been on the road. They must be hungry. One of them is holding a big chicken thigh that is bigger than their small faces. , You take one bite, and I eat very happy.

   "Boy, how is the construction of the Feng Shenzong?"

  Hua Sheng asked while eating peanuts.

  Chen Mo "……"

"Senior Hua, how can the construction of the sect be completed overnight? A suitable area is needed to find it. Generally speaking, the empire’s consent is needed to build it. It also requires a lot of funds, materials, labor, and construction. Even if the gate is established, a large number of masters will still be needed to protect the sect from being eradicated by other sects. I have not completed all of these."

  Speaking lightly!

  Hua Sheng nodded.

   "You are right, all the things you said are essential, but I can recommend one for you in a suitable area," said Hua Sheng.

  Chen Mo; "..."

To be honest, of all the conditions Chen Mo said, this is the simplest one. The big deal is to not find the so-called spiritual land, just find a suitable place to build it, then rise first, and find the spiritual power of heaven and earth. It is also OK to expand the vigorous place later.

  But Chen Mo still asked face-savingly, "I don\'t know where it is?"

Hua Sheng said, "The Saint Yao Empire has a place called Changfengchi, where the spiritual power of heaven and earth is higher than that of ordinary places, and it is also suitable for establishing sects, but that place seems to be a super **** level monster. Place of residence."

  Chen Mo "……"

  He seemed to be talking nonsense.

"I know."

  Chen Mo nodded in a symbolic sense.

  He has to find this place slowly. The sky is big and the earth is big. In the future, he will go to many places. What if he can meet better?

   "By the way, senior, do you know where there are good auction houses? They are qualified to auction some very precious things?"

"This is too much. There will be large auction houses in slightly larger cities. The most famous one is the auction house of Shengyao Tiancheng. There is also one that is not too far from here, about 10,000 kilometers, there is one. The city called the City of Sin is a messy city, equivalent to a huge black market, where the most precious heaven and earth spirits in the whole continent, or spirit grass, and elixir, many seek precious heaven and earth spirits. Will go there to try their luck, except for these two, that is, the auction resources controlled by the superpower."

   "Ten thousand kilometers..."

  Chen Mo rubbed his chin, can Fengshun Express let the beast deliver others to it?

  However, Chen Mo also remembered that he didn’t know what the use of this Pure Sun Sky Crystal was. For him, the temporary use was to sell money to those super rich!

  If anyone knows that Chen Mo wants to sell Chunyang Tianjing for money, then they might be crazy! This is Pure Sun Heaven Crystal, all the sects and big families in the entire continent can\'t even find a few pieces of existence together. Someone simply wants to sell it for money...


   "Oh, yes, there are still seven days before the five empires, all sects, and colleges are enrolled in the entire Tianlin Continent. Are you planning to go?"

  Chen Mo shook his head, "I am independent, why should I go?"

Hua Sheng smiled and said, "This is different. With your qualifications, you should be able to have a certain position in the sect in a short time. It is estimated that some elders will be accepted as disciples. You can learn the martial arts of the sect. , Secondly, you can also learn the way to establish sects, and thirdly, you may be able to dig out the elders, disciples, etc. of other sects into your own sects."

  Chen Mo; "..."

  This is a bit shameless, right? It\'s a little hard to do, right?

  Go to other people’s sects to learn the way to establish sects, and dig out other people’s disciples, and even elders...Bah! It\'s more shameless!

"As long as the skill is deep, the iron pillar is ground into a needle, as long as the skill is good, there is no corner that cannot be dug, right? Now you will have the masters of the Fengshenzong?" Hua Sheng grinned and revealed The big yellow teeth of the mouth are not serious.

   "If I become such a person, I claim to be taught by you."

  Chen Mo also tick the corner of his mouth, it sounds a bit interesting!

   Poached away the elders of other sects, and then brought them to visit or something, it seems...a bit cool!

"Ding...The secret mission of the secret disk triggers a hidden mission to dig out ten strong sects~www.novelhall.com~ The mission period is three months, and the mission reward will permanently open a big trick once obtained. For every ten more digs, one more skill will be activated ( Note that the strength of the strong must not be lower than the Tianjie level)."

  Chen Mo "……"

  This Tianji Pan can be regarded as triggering the task, but I did not expect that it really triggered this task, digging the wall?

  Sorry, he didn\'t want to before, but now, although he doesn\'t want to, he has a reason!

   Heavenly master, I don’t know if it is difficult.

  But, this digging the wall will not be killed?

   "Senior Flower, what is the level of the Heavenly Master?" Chen Mo asked.

"Tian Jue-level, Tian Jue has the qualifications to establish a sect. Naturally, the strength is very strong. It depends on the power of the sect. Like some third-rate sects, the Tian-Jie-level is the lord and the elders have the strength. The same is probably true for the second-rate sect. There should be a god-huang-level seat, the first-rate sect, elders, suzerain, etc. should be the heavenly high-level, or even the god-huang, but not too many, before I and you The two emperors, the four emperors, and the eight deities are a qualitative leap. Tianjue is the qualification of some ordinary teachers. Those elders and the like are not qualified to sit without Shenhuang. No, Shenhuang is not qualified. , The lowest level should be the Super God level, and there are also the Saint Destruction level, which are very common existences. It is usually difficult to see the Tian Ban level, but it is not a minority."