I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 147: Emperor future

In an ordinary city, even though the people are poisoned by several big families, they can still live and work in peace. There are lively crowds on the streets, the shouts of street vendors are everywhere, and all kinds of food are floating in the air. But today, most of the people in front of you are less than half of them. Instead, more players are players. These people are rushing in a hurry, their faces are full of panic. Many people even carry luggage, drag their homes with their mouths, and some are quickly packing up. Looking at their stalls, you can see how panicked everyone is from their actions!

  Not only in front of the City Lord’s Mansion, but also in the entire city! Every household has closed their doors, and all major inns, pubs, pharmacies, and clothing stores have either closed their doors or are closing...

  The feeling of Chen Mo in the whole city is chaos!

  It was fine when it went offline yesterday. Why did it suddenly change so much when it went online today? In the TV series, the ancient city is about to usher in an enemy attack, and the people in the city feel the same as the rapid shifting of the people.

  The players are in the opposite direction, and a lot of foreign exchange to the city.

   "Ding...you have added to a friend and it is not online yet."

  Chen Mo went online directly, Lin Kexin must go home before going online, so it is normal that it is not online yet.

   "Great God Chenmo, why are you still here and not going to the frontline?"

  A player saw Chen Mo looking at the crowd in front of the city lord’s mansion, and then ran over to ask.

  He can naturally recognize Chen Mo. Previously, players thought that Chen Mo passed through the two little loli. Now they don’t need it anymore, because Chen Mo’s mask and cloak are already very iconic.

"what happened?"

  Chen Mo asked.

"Don\'t you know? Linfeng City, Tianfeng City, in the middle of the night last night, anyway, these cities dozens of kilometers around suffered a beast wave, that is, monsters attacked the city. The monsters organized the siege. I am afraid that these cities are defended. No longer, we have to retreat inside! Most of these people are now dragging their families away for safety."

  The player said.

   "Thank you!"

   Chen Mo said, then turned and walked into the city lord\'s mansion.

  At this moment, the city lord’s mansion was also in chaos. Just after opening the door, the soldiers with no fewer than four or five thousand facing them went out.

"Big brother!"

The two pretty little loli happily ran over after seeing Chen Mo, followed by a smaller little loli, Chen Mo could recognize, this little loli was the one who was scared to cry by Ragnarok. .

  Then the two little girls hugged Chen Mo by his side, their big eyes narrowed, and they were very cute.

  The happiest beginning of their day is to meet Chen Mo, and then they are happiest when eating.

   "Dad, that big brother Lingling has seen..."

  The other little Lolita pointed at Chen Mo and said alively to the city lord next to her.

  She recognizes Chen Mo!

The lord of    is also considered an old lady, and she is very fond of this little loli.

   "Hmm, I have seen it."

  The city lord rubbed her hair and looked at Chen Mo. Chen Mo understood what he meant, and then said to Shui Shui and the others, "You have to play first, I have something to say to the city lord."


   Then Chen Mo walked to the city lord, and the two sat at a stone table in the courtyard. The city lord poured a cup of tea for Chen Mo.

   "Young Master Chenmo, you should have seen the current situation of Linfeng City just now, right?"

  The city lord said while pouring tea for Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo nodded.

"Hey, everything happened too suddenly. Last night, more than 200,000 monsters in the 40 kilometers nearby attacked the four cities. Fortunately, we just cleared the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters a few days ago, and we were heavily guarded. Block this monster attack on the city, otherwise, if you attack the city so suddenly, I am afraid that the four cities have already fallen today, and hundreds of thousands of people may have died tragically."

  The City Lord sighed.

  "Perhaps they avenged the massacre of the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters." Chen Mo said.

The city lord nodded. "It is very likely that the monster clan has an organization called the Demon Temple. The Demon Temple has ten temples. The closest to us is the Flame Temple, which ranks ninth among the Ten Temples of the Demon Temple. Its monster **** is the Flame Demon and the Ten Disasters. One of the beasts of evil, the temperament should be the most cruel. The clearing of the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Demons clearly angered him, but fortunately, the existence of this level will not be easy to attack."

   "Are you still fighting now?"

The city lord nodded. "The battle is over in the early hours of this morning, but according to the news report, the demons are gathering in large numbers 50 kilometers away, controlling millions of people. Even if the beast tide of millions reaches our Linfeng City, there are hundreds of thousands. , We need your help!"

  Chen Mo was secretly speechless. That’s why Chen Mo felt that it was a good thing to be on the border. Of course, it was also a good thing. For Chen Mo, he thought it was a good thing, but it was not a good thing for most players, because it was too dangerous!

The reason why    is good for Chen Mo is that there are hundreds of monsters, a large-scale high-intensity skill can casually kill a monster, right?

  Of course, the damage must be enough, and...maybe after the skill is released, the whole person will be crushed by the herd!

  And what about other players?

  Most of them are ordinary players. They don’t have enough attacks, and they don’t have a wide range of skills. How can they clear up a large number of monsters to upgrade their levels? Difficult! They don’t even have room for output. The long-range may be better, but the melee combat may be seconds away in an instant!

Chen Mo also didn\'t expect that he was only twenty-two, the average player level was only 13 or 4, and the most powerful player was only 17 or eight. At this point in time, there were already millions of monsters attacking the city. They Can\'t stand it! Maybe there are hundreds of thousands of players here~www.novelhall.com~ But the level and combat power are too low, they can only hide behind, hide behind the army to make up for damage, and fill the number!

   has little effect, but it does.

   "There are too many we can\'t help it!"

  "No, no, no, we just need to hold on and wait for reinforcements. As far as I know, the Empress will come in person this time, and it is estimated that the Empress will come tomorrow!"

   "The Empress?"

   "Yes, the Empress Saint Yao is the strongest in my Saint Yao Empire. If she were there, she would surely be able to drive away the enemy!"

  The City Lord said admiringly.

   "Such a battle would allow the empress to come in person? This empress is too unmysterious, right."


  The city lord whispered, "It is a big crime to discuss the empress."

   "No one knew, and she didn\'t say anything bad about her."


The city lord then said, "As far as I know, the reason why the female emperor will visit this time is because the temple of flames may be involved in this battle. If there is no female emperor, no female emperor will lead the strong to come, I am afraid we will be defeated in an instant! Therefore, I have to insist until the female emperor comes, and I can only pray that the Flame Temple will not send out strong monsters in a short time. Because the Saint Yao Tiancheng is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from here, even if the female emperor is strong, it takes a day. Time to arrive."