I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1306: Leave

Chen Mo looked at a sign next to him.

To recruit doctors from all over the world, any talented doctor can do it.

Obviously, this recruiting doctors all over the world is to detoxify Di Tian!

Poison is something special!

Perhaps no matter how powerful the poison is, some people know the solution, because this thing is about experience!

Maybe your medical skills are useless and can\'t cure the poison, but maybe you are lucky, just when you have heard of it, and you have seen it, and then you can cure it!

Chen Mo ticked the corner of his mouth, then his appearance changed again and he walked over!


Some strong men stopped Chen Mo.

Chen Mo said, "I\'m here to detoxify."

"Come in!"

They let Chen Mo go.

Soon, Chen Mo was taken over there!

"Please wait!"

Then walked in alone!

"Master Tianshen, another doctor came outside and said he wanted to detoxify!"

"Quick, please!"

Although he is a god, but the contemporary gods are lying here after all, and they call him a god, it\'s okay!

As for the emperor\'s mausoleum, no matter how small the opportunity is, you must seize it. What if it can be detoxified?

Then Chen Mo walked in, and many people looked at Chen Mo.

I didn\'t care about him very much. After all, they knew that they probably couldn\'t cure the poison, so they just came to try.

Chen Mo walked over and saluted.

"Old sir, try detoxification soon!"

The emperor said quickly!

That\'s right, Chen Mo\'s disguise now looks like an old man.

Chen Mo nodded, then stretched out his hand to probe Ditian\'s pulse.


He cannot survive today, and now he can\'t even open his eyes!


After a long time, Chen Mo let go of him, and then stood up!

"how is it?"

The imperial mausoleum is still quite expectant.

The world is so big, there are not a few capable people and powerful people, what if?

Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

It\'s not a disappointment, after all, this expectation is not big.


Chen Mo lowered his voice.

"What\'s the matter? Old gentleman, there is nothing I can\'t say."

The Emperor Tomb quickly asked.

"The old man may have a way, not sure, but you can try."

"Now as long as there is any solution, you can try it!"

The Emperor Tomb said.

Only dead horses can be treated as living horse doctors! My own son probably won\'t survive today, and now, whenever there is a chance, he is willing to try!

Anyway, I\'m going to die. What are you afraid of now?

Chen Mo nodded, and then said: "You need a drop of your blood!"

The Emperor Mausoleum nodded, just a drop of blood, what\'s the matter?

Then he condensed a drop of his own blood!

However, at this moment, Chen Mo suddenly took out a poisonous needle and directly penetrated his chest.


The emperor mausoleum stared wide!

It\'s not that he is too spicy. If he is spicy, how can he be the **** of the past? It\'s that his attention now is on his son and this drop of blood. He certainly can\'t be guarded against Chen Mo in front of him. The main reason is that he didn\'t expect that someone would do something to him at this time! Who can think of this? In addition, the distance between them is only those two meters, it is difficult for him to reflect!

Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched slightly!

"Chen Mo!!"

His eyes widened!

"Since you are reluctant to bear your son, then... you go and accompany him!"

After speaking, Chen Mo disappeared in place!

The other people looked at each other, dumbfounded!

This? ?

Why is it so weird? What is going on?

"Chen Mo has come to collect debts."

"Yeah, to be honest, Tianshen Temple has always owed Chen Mo, and owes a lot of it. Chen Mo has come to collect the debt!"

"Hey...I think we should just leave it alone, we can\'t control it, let it go and just develop it like this, hey."


The emperor\'s mausoleum was holding his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

"Quick... quickly find someone to detoxify!"


On the other side, Chen Mo went back beautifully!

This Emperor Tian and Emperor Mausoleum are dead! Although Chen Mo didn\'t know the details of the grievances back then, Chen Mo also knew that they were the culprits who killed him back then. Now, the grievances have been cleared.

After returning, Chen Mo and Yue Qianyao were also preparing to leave.


The girls around Yue Qianyao looked at them with dismay.

"You stay here and practice hard. If I have the opportunity, I will visit you often."

Yue Qianyao rubbed their hair.

"Um...Miss, uncle, we will work hard, and we will definitely help Miss and Uncle in the future."

Yue Qianyao nodded and looked at Xue Yao\'s heart.

"Senior Xue, they are here, trouble."

"It\'s not troublesome."

Xue Yao said lightly.

"Then we... let\'s go first."

Yue Qianyao owed slightly.


Then she and Chen Mo disappeared where they were.

Xue Yao stood there, and for a long time, she turned her head.

"You can cultivate here, just like them, don\'t be too restrictive."

"Thank you Senior Xue."

Xue Yaoxin then walked away.

"Let\'s go."

"Huh? Sister, where are you going?"

The blue skirt girl looked at Xue Yao\'s heart suspiciously.

"The deity wants to go to the sky blue star to see."

"Why did the elder sister suddenly think of this?"

"I have nothing to do now, just go and have a look, won\'t you?"

"Go, of course."

Xue Yaoxin didn\'t go with Chen Mo and the others, because she didn\'t plan to go with them, she just wanted to go to the Sky Blue Star to see it, and that was all.

This concludes the tour of Tianyu!

Much smoother than Chen Mo imagined!

When they arrived at Tongxian Road, Chen Mo and Yue Qianyao stood watching.

"Tongxian Road was strictly guarded by them. It seems we can only pass through."

Yue Qianyao\'s beautiful eyes condensed slightly.

"It\'s dangerous to break through. I think there is a way to go directly."

Chen Mo thought for a while.

He can leave easily, because he can disguise, but Yue Qianyao can\'t!

"It is estimated that there is no way."

Yue Qianyao ~www.novelhall.com~Chen Mo nodded; "There is really no big way, but that Ditian is already dead, and Ditian\'s father is estimated to fall within two days, no more. These two people, in fact, for these guards, they don\'t have to fight us hard, it\'s not worth it! So..."

Then the disaster sword appeared in Chen Mo\'s hand, the other hand held Yue Qianyao, and the two walked over!


Those people saw Chen Mo and them.

"Chen Mo! Yue Qianyao! It\'s you!"

Seeing them, the pupils of those people suddenly shrank!

"Go away."

Chen Mo said lightly.

The aura on them broke out!

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