I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1304: Plan successful

And at this moment Chen Mo, what is he doing?

He came to Ditian’s room. Because of the existence of the empty magic stone, Chen Mo didn’t have to hurry, and he didn’t have to find ways to get in. He could directly come to the door of Ditian’s room, and then use Zhizhen casually. Zhifeng broke the barrier!

   It is impossible for Chen Mo to come directly to the Temple of Heaven and tell you that I am going to do you, right?

   That would be too ostentatious, and people must be suspicious. You just ostentatiously come here by yourself, do you have any confidence? Do you have any conspiracy? Anyone in this tm would be afraid!

   But like Chen Mo is now, he once again came here in a way that might be secretive and obscene in the eyes of others, so what thoughts did he give to others?

   This man is a giant dog thief. This man is not capable. This man can only sneak in. With such an idea, tell me, that Ditian would guard against Chen Mo coming to kill him?

   I can’t do it!

   Chen Mo is in this Ditian room!

   is very helpless!

   Many of the treasures in this Ditian room are still there, and he hasn\'t even been transferred. The main reason is that Ditian died and he couldn\'t think of it. This person would dare to come a second time!

   "Then take everything you can take."

Although Chen Mo didn\'t know what these gadgets were all about, it was definitely not a bad thing. After destroying the barrier, Chen Mo got a bunch of treasures into his endless gourd. In!


   At this time, a powerful barrier appeared around!

   Chen Mo\'s mouth tick slightly!

   He knows, people are coming.

   So... what he prepared should also come in handy!

  Di Tian is very strong, that\'s right! But you know, this is Tianyu, this is not Tianlin!

   Through the previous actual combat with the Cannon of the Gods, Chen Mo also confirmed one thing. Compared with the Sky Blue Star, this Tianyu is stronger and invincible, but compared to Tianlin, Tianyu is a plane that is a lower grade!

   To put it simply, there are a lot of impossible things in the eyes of these powerhouses in Tianyu, so they can easily do it with some things in the sky!

For example, now Chen Mo wants to kill the thing of Emperor Tian. Even in the sky, he can easily kill a top-level existence of the Sky Forbidden. As long as it hits, even the Sky Forbidden. will die! Therefore, as long as this Emperor is hit, then his death is a matter of time. Even if he does not die now, he does not die today, he does not die tomorrow, but he will definitely die in a few days! This Chen Mo is sure that they must not have the ability to save Emperor Tian!

   "Chen Mo!!"

   Ditian’s angry voice came, and then he again appeared here with a group of figures, surrounding Chen Mo Tuan Tuan!

   "Just one time, you dare to come a second time, you too don\'t care about the Temple of Heaven or the Emperor!"

   Di Tian gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Mo!

   "Why do you want to put it in your eyes? I didn\'t run away before." The genius remembers the Chinese in one second m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   Chen Mo began to distract this Ditian!

"Before that was your luck. This time, this emperor came prepared. The barrier outside is a stronger existence than the barrier outside the Nine Heavens Hall. In today\'s world, no one can break through this barrier! The emperor wants to see, this time, how do you run?"

   Di Tian then raised his hand, and didn\'t dawdle with Chen Mo!

   "Do it for me!"

"and many more!"

   Chen Mo frowned tightly!

   "Hahaha, what? Are you scared this time?" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Chen Mo twisted his neck, and then said: "Then I should try to see if I can run away."


   Ditian laughed: "Okay, then you try!"

   In fact, he was quite flustered in his heart. This Chen Mo\'s power is really outrageous, but if he is not allowed to try, what should I say? He can always be released, so letting him try is the same as not letting him try.

   Chen Mo then thought.

   Of course, this time he didn\'t use the power of the empty magic stone, he just pretended it!

   Chen Mo does not believe that there is any power in the world that can stop the empty magic stone!

   As long as the empty magic stone is large enough, there is no place that can block the power of the empty magic stone! Because this empty magic stone is a very top spatial spar in the world! You can see how shocked Xue Yao was when she got the empty magic stone!

   And Chen Mo\'s body paused there for a while, what is the situation in the eyes of others? His power was released, but his release failed, or it was cut off by the barrier outside!


   Di Tian is comfortable! He is really comfortable!

   Even if he pays a **** sword, half a law of destruction, if he can kill Chen Mo, he is willing!

   If God gave him a choice and asked him to abandon the Heavenly Sword in exchange for Chen Mo to die, he would nod and agree without hesitation!

   And now, isn\'t this Chen Mo just the turtle in the urn?

   His strength is obviously very weak! But now, he can\'t run away, that means that now, he can ravage him as much as he wants! He wants to let him die! He wants to use this Chen Mo to attract Yue Qianyao!

  Although Yue Qianyao has been tarnished, his Ditian really likes it. If she can get it, it\'s just her body, Ditian is also 10,000 willing!

"Chen Mo! You used to be such an iron~www.novelhall.com~ Now, you are still so reckless, I really don’t know what is Yue Qianyao after you! So now, if you can’t run away , Kneel down, beg for mercy, maybe this emperor won\'t kill you, but will save you a life, hahaha!"

  Ditian really feels so cool now, it has not been so cool for many, many years!

   "Really can\'t get out?"

   Chen Mo muttered to himself with his head down.

   Seeing this scene of Chen Mo, that Di Tian is even more refreshing!


   He laughed wildly, and many people around him laughed too!

   And Chen Mo suddenly seized the opportunity and slightly ticked the corner of his mouth!

   "The law of time! Time stands still!"

   After the law of time was released, a poisonous needle appeared in Chen Mo\'s hand, and he threw it directly at the emperor!

   The speed is unimaginable!

   But at this speed, under normal circumstances, even if the Di Tian didn\'t have much defense, he was enough to hide by reaction, because his realm was too high, because he was too good!

   And there are others around here!


   Chen Mo relaxed their vigilance and released the law of time!

   Let’s not talk about anything else, even if Chen Mo’s release time law can only give him 0.1 second, and their defenses are reduced, Chen Mo’s poison needle is enough to hit that Emperor Heaven!

   As expected, the poisonous needle hit! It directly penetrated Di Tian\'s chest and entered his body.