I Can See Health

Chapter 80: strange smell

Chapter 80 Strange Smells

  Lu Chen repeated every step he did.

   Even striving for perfection every step of the way.

   But the completion of pericardiocentesis is still only 80%!

   "There must be flaws that I haven\'t discovered yet."

  Lu Chen frowned, but he didn\'t bother about the last 20% completion.

   Because, leaving this room for improvement, he may be able to enter the system space an unlimited number of times to practice pericardiocentesis.

   And when the system completion rate rises to 100%, it is very likely that he will not be able to pass this "pericardiocentesis skill book" and enter the system space.


   The next day.

   In the morning, after Lu Chen woke up, there was a burst as usual.

  Single draw.

   Actually hit!

   But when he saw the prize, Lu Chen was slightly surprised.

   "Virtual space training duration + 1 hour."

   Extend training time?

   But he currently only has one pericardiocentesis skill book, and this skill book has no time limit and can be entered indefinitely.

   All, this "prize" seems useless to Lu Chen now.

  This "prize" can only be pressed at the bottom of the box at present.


   Eight districts in today\'s heart.

   is exceptionally calm.

   There were too many patients admitted to the hospital yesterday. There are no vacant beds in the ward today, and there will be no new patients admitted.

   "Doctor Lu, I ask to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

  The middle-aged woman who was poisoned by "oleander" finally reached the discharge standard.

   The day before yesterday, she measured the concentration of "Digitalis" and it has basically returned to normal.

   "Auntie, you should pay attention in the future, don\'t burn these poisonous plants anywhere."

   Lu Chen exhorted again.

   This time, the amount of "oleander" is not much, but next time if you overdose again, it may cause irreversible damage to the body\'s functions.

   "Well, thank you Dr. Lu for taking care of me these days."

  The middle-aged woman grinned.

   "Congratulations, +1 for the thank you from Li Guizhi!"

   At this time, Lu Chen got another gratitude value from her.

   After so many days of practice.

  Lu Chen found that he could get multiple thanks from the same patient.

   However, the specific determination is determined by the system.

   It can be because of treatment, diagnosis, or because of the education of patients, or even explaining one or two questions to other students, it is possible to get "thanks".

   But the premise of all this is that the other party is sincerely thanking him, and there is no hypocrisy, otherwise, he will not receive the gratitude value.


  After checking the room in the morning, Sun Guoguo left early because of something.

   It happens that Li Yao is in the ward today, and everyone can come to her at any time if they have any questions.

   However, Li Yao usually stays in the director\'s office and rarely appears in the ward.

   In the eight districts of my heart today, there is no major rescue event.

   In his spare time, Lu Chen told Ke Yue and the two interns in the group about the knowledge of electrocardiogram.

   By doing this, you can not only get a few points of gratitude.

   While lecturing, Lu Chen also consolidated his knowledge points and deepened his understanding of these basic knowledge.

   The day shift ends.

   Before Lu Chen had time to relax, he hurriedly finished his dinner and rushed to the second ward of the Endocrinology Department.

   He promised Zhou Wei just yesterday that he would buy the night shift in Endocrinology District 2 tonight.


   Enter the endocrine zone II.

  Lu Chen could feel a completely different breath from the cardiology department.

   If Cardiology is a dirty and tired representative of internal medicine, then Endocrinology is definitely an elderly and leisurely department.

  The offices of doctors and nurses here are extremely quiet, and few patients come to visit.

  Most of the patients stay in the ward, and there is very little change in their condition.

   "It seems that the night shift of the endocrinology department sells for 200 yuan, while the night shift of the cardiology department sells for 400 yuan to start. There is a reason!" Lu Chen thought.

  Thinking about it, he came to the doctor\'s office.

  In the office, a female doctor of about 35 years old is sitting in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard rapidly.

   "Hello, teacher, I\'m a night shift student tonight." Lu Chen changed into his white lab coat.

   "Well." The female doctor glanced at Lu Chen, then immediately looked back, "Check the patient\'s blood sugar first."

  Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, testing his blood sugar?

   Shouldn\'t it be a nurse\'s job to measure blood sugar?

   "The blood sugar of all patients?" Lu Chen wondered.

   There are more than 60 patients in the entire ward.

   If everyone needs to measure blood sugar, then the workload will be large, and it is conservatively estimated that it will take about one to two hours.

   "Yeah, this is your first night shift in endocrinology today?" the female doctor frowned.

  Lu Chen touched his nose, embarrassed.

   He recalled that Zhou Wei seemed to have told him.

  The night shift of the endocrinology department requires students to check blood sugar.

   "The blood glucose meter and test strips are in the treatment room next door, go for it yourself."

"Yeah, I got it."

   Luckily, Lu Chen ran to the dressing room next door, holding the plate of the blood glucose meter.

  Start from 1 bed and measure blood sugar one by one.

   "Uncle, I\'ve checked my blood sugar."

   "Mother-in-law, do you measure your blood sugar?"

   "Auntie, it\'s time to measure postprandial blood sugar."

  Lu Chen was not idle while measuring his blood sugar.

   He began to observe the numbers on each person\'s head.

  Since it is his night shift, then all risks should be strangled in the cradle!

   Endocrinology patients are much less ill than cardiology patients!

  Most of them are diabetics, and very few are patients with hyperthyroidism, gout, and metabolic syndrome.

   In the ward, most of the patients\' health is between 60-70.

   So far, Chen has not found any patients with HP below 60.

   "Uncle, your postprandial blood sugar is 15.5mmol/L. Pay attention to your diet and eat less of staple foods! Eat more vegetables, lean meat, etc."

   "Auntie, your postprandial blood sugar is 10.6mmol/L now, and your blood sugar is well controlled. Like your diabetic patients, your postprandial blood sugar can be between 8-10..."

  Lu Chen is now using the blood glucose meter to poke his finger.

   Every time they arrive in a new ward, the patients form a circle and stretch out their fingers.

   "Huh... This has a sore back..."

  Lu Chen bent over, took the test for 40 minutes, and checked blood sugar for more than 40 patients!

   There are more than 60 patients, about 20 patients refused to monitor blood sugar.

   There is one room left untested.

  This room is the closest to the nurse station and is an emergency room.

   pushed the door open, Lu Chen took the blood glucose meter and walked in.

   As soon as he entered the room, he smelled a strange smell.

   Sniffed carefully, Lu Chen frowned slightly.

   It smells so familiar, but I can\'t remember what it is for a while.

   looked up at the patient on the bed.

   This is an extremely thin woman, probably in her fifties.

   The hospital bed at this time has been shaken high.

  The woman looked indifferent, leaned back on the bed, and breathed a little short.

  Lu Chen approached the hospital bed, and the strange smell became stronger and stronger.

   At the same time, he also noticed the health value on the woman\'s head - 46!

   Thank you 20191125161249608, the rolling panda, the euro full of energy, and the reward of origin and extinction.

   Thank you for your monthly pass.



   (end of this chapter)