Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 975: strict condition

President Robert, who has a soft ear, still failed to resist the repeated persuasion of everyone. On June 6, 1892, Robert signed the Treaty of Vienna on behalf of France and Wesenberg on behalf of the Anti-French League.

The content of the treaty is as follows:

1. France acknowledged the defeat and assumed responsibility for the war.

2. France abolished its suzerainty over Andorra, Monaco, and the Italian states, and recognized the independence of each country.

3. France cedes the Duchy of Lorraine, Alsace, parts of the Kingdom of Burgundy, Flanders, Artois, Savoie, parts of Provence, Corsica, and Roussillon. Anti-French Alliance. (Total area totals 125,000 square kilometers)

4. France pays 40 billion Aegis for the war of the Anti-French Alliance, tentatively paid in 99 years, with a monthly interest of five thousandths.

(Remarks: The compensation is paid incrementally year by year. The first payment is 15 million Aegis, 1.5 million Aegis from 1893 to 1900, 3 million Aegis from 1901 to 1910, and 5 million from 1911 to 1920. Aegis...)

5. The French army’s active force must not exceed 50,000, and the militia reserve must not exceed 100,000. The army must not be equipped with tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery with a caliber of more than 100mm; the navy must not exceed 5,000 personnel, and the displacement of capital ships must not exceed 5,000 tons. The gross tonnage shall not exceed 50,000 tons; any air power including airships and airplanes shall not be developed.

6. All arsenals in the country shall be closed, and no military industry R&D or manufacturing shall be allowed. All military and naval equipment must be purchased from O-O-Bid and other countries.

7. Before the completion of the payment of the compensation, the Allied forces have the right to station troops in France. The number of troops stationed in the peace period does not exceed 250,000, and the French government shall bear 80% of the military expenses.

8. France ceded French Africa, French America and other overseas colonies to Austria.


Looking at the reprint of the Treaty of Versailles, or a treaty more demanding than the Treaty of Versailles, Franz was speechless for a long time.

To this day, the history in previous lives has lost its value. Whether this decision was right or wrong, Franz didn't know. In short, this is the common will of all countries in the anti-French alliance.

The only way is that the Chinese people are unlucky, and they come across a group that all want to weaken their alliance, unlike the original space-time British and American who want to preserve the vitality for the Germans.

Originally, the Russians also wanted to preserve a bit of vitality for the French in order to check and balance Austria's. Unfortunately, the Czarist government was reluctant to bear war reparations.

20% of the 40 billion Aegis, that is 8 billion Aegis. Whoever dares to give up such a huge sum of money, the nobles of the Russian Empire will take off their heads.

With this huge sum of money, the military expenditures for southward India will be all available. As long as India wins, it doesn't matter whether Austria is controlled or not.

The only regret is that this huge sum of money did not arrive in one go, delaying their southern career. But a long stream of water is also good, and it can make up for the financial gap of the tsarist government in the long run.

Take the short hand, and eat softly. With such a huge sum of money, the Russians were naturally embarrassed to oppose it when the countries slaughtered France.

Of course, opposition is also invalid. On the issue of weakening France, the positions of all countries are firmer than those of Austria, and they will not sell the face of the Russians at all.

Unless the Tsarist government is willing to give up the indemnity, overturn the table at all costs and run to join forces with the British.

This is obviously impossible. The great interests of heaven, earth and earth are the greatest, and the tsarist government is rational and cannot sell blood to aid law.

In any case, the dust of the European War settled, and Franz's hanging heart finally fell.

After so many years of hard work, Austria, which is located in the Four World Wars, finally got rid of the embarrassment of multi-line combat.

In retrospect, Franz felt incredible now. In the past 40 years, Austria has actually solved the three major enemies of Prussia, Ottoman, and France.

Without pressure, Franz is relaxed. After secretly feeling deep in his heart, Franz quickly made a decision: "Arrange the withdrawal according to the content of the treaty! However, the transfer of prisoners of war will still be delayed. After the situation in France is completely stabilized, let them go back. , So as not to cause unnecessary turbulence."

The treaty must be abided by, but the specific details need to be considered.

Franz's concern is not indiscriminate. Judging from the current situation, once the main Allied forces withdraw, turbulence in France is almost inevitable.

Once the prisoners of war are returned, it is really unknown whether the garrison in France can control the situation.

In case the situation collapses, the coalition forces must be reorganized to intervene. With Austria's national strength, it can barely support it, but its allies can't afford it.

The terrible people's war, Franz is clear. He has no doubt about the revolutionary determination of the French people.

With the harsh terms of the Vienna Treaty, just a little spark is enough to detonate this powder keg.

Once the situation erodes, it is not a simple intervention and can be settled. The endurance of the anti-French alliance countries is limited, and after repeated tossings, the hearts of the people are scattered.

To prevent the worst from happening, the best way is to detain millions of prisoners of war. Without these people as the main force, even if a gang of old, weak, sick and disabled people make trouble, the threat is limited.

Prime Minister Carl: "It's okay to withdraw the troops early. We have always provided allied logistics. Withdrawing the military government as soon as possible can also reduce an expenditure.

Delaying the release of prisoners of war is troublesome. So far, the Allied forces have captured 4.12 million prisoners of war. So many people just eat and drink Lazard is a problem.

Now that the war is over, the international community is staring at us..."

More than just a trouble, it is a time bomb. Fortunately, the captives in Africa said that they are now contributing to the greening cause and finally have a stable job.

Prisoners of war in Europe are different. Because of hatred, they must be separated from the people, and they are afraid to participate in post-war reconstruction.

Now these guys can only stay in the camp every day, all of them have problems with their leisure time, and they often have some dumbfounding problems.

Franz rubbed his forehead, and said helplessly: "Then release the Italian prisoners of war first, and let the governments of the Italian states lead them. The French prisoners of war are released first, and they release five thousand people every day.

Prisoners of war making trouble? The enemy has surrendered. Are we still afraid that a group of prisoners of war will fail? Worried about bad political influence, they entrusted the management to the Russians.

They have rich experience in this area, and the Ottomans are so stubborn, haven't they all been tamed by them? "

Sometimes, Franz really envied the Russians and did whatever he wanted, ignoring international public opinion.

Originally thought that after the Ottomans migrated to the Russian Empire, something would happen. Franz was ready to provide condolences to the tsarist government.

The reality is very slapped, perhaps because the winter is too cold to make a fuss; or perhaps it has experienced social beatings and learned to adapt.

In short, the Ottomans who entered the Russian Empire performed very peacefully. After all, the Ottoman immigrants who entered Siberia at that time have now reduced their staff by two-thirds, and there are not many who dare to make noise.

With successful experience, Franz doesn't mind the outsourcing of labor again, maybe the cost required is lower than that of his own management.

It can be seen from the military expenditure that Russian military officers are very experienced in cost control and are best at spending the least money and doing the most things.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "Your Majesty, this is the number of troops stationed in various countries. The total force is 249,000. They are: Russians sent 120,000 troops, Spain sent 70,000 troops, Belgium sent 30,000 troops, Switzerland sent 11,000 troops, and Sardinia sent troops. 8,000..."

Garrison France does not need Austria to worry about, and the anti-French alliance almost fought in order to grab a place in the garrison. It seems that the French only bear 80% of military expenses, but the account cannot be calculated like that.

The base of military expenditure is determined with reference to the average level of the Austrian army. The presence of armored forces directly raises the average. Not all countries’ armies are so expensive.

For example, the per capita military expenditure of the Russian army is less than half of that of the Austrian army. Garrison France not only has people helping to raise the army, the tsarist government can also make a fortune.

Especially for neighboring countries, the significance is even greater. Putting his own army directly on the border, someone Tao Jun paid for it, and it did not affect his own use in the slightest.

In addition to these direct gains on the surface, the gains hidden in the dark are what everyone really fights for.

France's family base is very rich. Even though it was raided by the coalition forces, the remaining oil and water is still very rich.

Of course, searching the place directly is the next strategy. The greatest benefit brought by the garrison is actually smuggling.

As long as the brand of transport munitions is attached, the French have no right to interrogate and can perfectly escape tariffs.

However, smuggling is also limited, and the most important thing is to maximize the benefits. With so many members of the Anti-French Alliance, if there are no rules and regulations, this market will soon be ruined by playing.

Everyone is now vying for not only the number of garrisons, but also the amount of smuggling in the underground market.

Austria did not participate, not because it did not look down on this market, but because the Vienna government had already taken away the most precious talents.

If it were not for the chaotic situation, everyone would find that the top wave of scientists and engineers in France had already immigrated with a family of young and old.

In this regard, Franz is very domineering, regardless of whether he can use it for his own use, first get people over.

It can be said that after this battle, the high-end talents in France have been directly broken, and they may not be able to recover in another 30 years.

Such a big move did not cause an uproar in the outside world, and the cooperation of allies was naturally indispensable. In return, Austria abandoned France’s underground smuggling market.