Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 808: Last blow

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Returning to the ancient city of Cairo again, Governor Adolf seemed to be alive, and his heart was full of sighs.

At the moment, Egypt has become a mess of porridge. Such a mess, naturally no one will rush up to carry the pot, so Adolf still has to continue to perform the duties of governor.

Said the Governor, in fact, his decree can no longer get out of Cairo City. Outside the city is already the scope of the uprising's activities, and external contacts have long been interrupted.

Since the news of the defeat, the governor's mansion, which was originally full of traffic, suddenly fell silent.

Even for reporting work, everyone comes and goes in a hurry, as if staying here for a moment will cause plague.

Seeing a familiar figure, Adolf asked in doubt: "Fidos, why are you here?

It ’s not a good place now. Do n’t regret it if it gets involved. "

This is the truth. Although the wall was pushed down by everyone, but as a governor, Adolf still had a few cronies who couldn't abandon.

Fang was precious when he lost it. In order not to put all these connections in, Adolf took the initiative to draw the line with his men.

I don't know how the effect is. Anyway, now one is one. As long as one of the people who survives is willing to appreciate, it is not a loss.

Fidos smiled and shook his head bitterly: "His Excellency, according to the current situation, as one of the military commanders, do you think I can be alone?"

The defeat of this war was too shameful, even if Adolf took the initiative to take responsibility for the defeat of the war, the other officers in the rebellious army would inevitably be held accountable.

The best result is nothing more than retired home, it is impossible to retire.

Since he could not hide, Fidos simply did not bother to hide. Anyway, being accountable, the ending is also retired home, but a little embarrassed.

Including Governor Adolf, the person most responsible for the war, most of them were retired after passing through the military court.

In essence, this defeat was an accident. Logically speaking, they did not make much mistake in command.

Adolf nodded helplessly: "Well, then I can only wish you good luck, and may God bless you!"

Now tell me first, why are you here today?

Do n’t say anything to go to the door and visit me, you should know that my mood is very bad now. "

Fidos: "Your Excellency, the situation is now completely eroded, dare you gamble again?"

Adolf reluctantly smiled bitterly: "At this stage, do you think I still dare not?

Anyway, the situation in Egypt has been completely eroded, and no matter how bad it can be, Speak, what are your plans? "

Fidos: "The rebels outside the city are all a group of people, and they only need one group of troops to defeat them.

I have calculated that there are more than three thousand regular troops, two thousand colonial troops, and four thousand young men who have just been recruited.

Send a regiment of regular troops and look for opportunities to sneak up on the enemy. Even if they fail, the remaining troops can keep Cairo. "

No one is willing to fail, and Fidos is no exception. Atonement is also applicable in France.

After defeating the rebels outside the city and unraveling the encirclement of Cairo, even if it cannot make up for the previous defeat of Aswan, it will give everyone a decent end.

After hesitating for a while, Adolf said slowly: "According to time, the reinforcements should have just arrived in Egypt.

If you want to gain war, wash away the shame you want, it is best to wait another three or five days before launching. "

Governor Adolf agreed to be so refreshing, but still surprised Fidos. In the eyes of the French government, defeating the rebels is due, and it is not a big contribution.

At most, these generals of Fidos will be able to retreat. For the Governor of Adolf, this merit is not enough to make up for one-tenth of his fault.

Unless the rebellion can be extinguished before the arrival of the reinforcements, the end of Governor Adolf will not change.

If you win, you won't get any benefits. If you lose, the Governor Adolf will bear the greatest responsibility.

This spirit of self-denial has made Fidos really moved. The originally prepared rhetoric is no longer needed. For the first time, he found out that Governor Adolf was like this ...

After sending the uninvited guest, Governor Adolf was lonely again. He was also forced to promise Fidos to take risks.

Before the suppression of this rebellion, many nobles in France came to gilt. To this end, Adolf also gathered a large wave of human relations, which became hatred after the defeat.

The nobles who survived were ruined for their future, let alone those who died in battle, and the family behind would surely remember their hatred.

Adolf could not drag his bachelor, and if he could not resolve these hatreds, the bad luck of his family would begin after returning home.

Agreeing with Fidos' plan actually creates an opportunity to get these related households out.


Hutil and others are also trying to get away. No way, the war is now going on, and several of them are almost unable to control the troops.

From the initial less than 10,000, in just over a month, it quickly expanded to more than 200,000.

The command system has been messed up for a long time, and the use of fish and dragons to mix is ​​no longer the situation.

"The soldiers don't know the generals, they will not know the soldiers", they all operate normally here. Many times officers gather troops and pull in the closest to them.

Anyway, they are all insurgents and do n’t need to worry about that much. Every day someone runs the road, and every day someone comes to rush, and even the specific number of people Hutier is not sure.

Frankly speaking, this huge number of people is not as good as some gangsters. At least Liu Kou and the old battalion are better able to fight. This unit is full of trash inside and out.

Portio Reyk: "The French reinforcements have landed on the coast, less than 150 kilometers away from us. Anyway, the tasks have been completed, and it is meaningless to stay any longer."

There is no shopping, this time the French government has been cruel, and it has gathered a total of 150,000 troops. Regarding the strength of the rebel army, no one needs any effort.

Faginham nodded: "The enemy is coming aggressively, and we really should consider getting out.

It's just a pity that I had a chance to play head-to-head with the French. If possible, I really want to play on the battlefield with the French. "

If you think about it, you should still run. In case of being caught, they, the culprits of cholera Egypt, will definitely not escape.

Hutier made the decision: "Re-plan the evacuation route, the original plan can no longer be implemented."

No one knows in advance that the main force of the rebel army will be able to counterattack a wave, not to mention that it is so simple to disrupt Egypt.

Now there are rebels everywhere in Egypt. At this time, the disguised expedition team mixed into the city, and half of the road was smashed by the rebels, then it was a laughing stock.

Stewarthausen objected: "It seems that now we don't need to run, we can fight with France first, and if we lose, we will just retreat.

Anyway, the telegraph line was cut off long ago, and the French army shrunk in the city. They were afraid to come out and intercept us until they were unsure of security.

As long as our luck is not too bad, we can retreat while playing. "

Hutil, caught in a misunderstanding, reacted all at once, and the situation is different now.

The original eighth division had fewer than 10,000 people, and of course it had to run.

There are now more than 200,000 people, even if they are defeated, there are so many people in the army, the French want to capture the captives, and they will be too busy for a while.

As long as the response is quicker and the tens of thousands of disabled soldiers will run away, everyone's safety is still guaranteed.

Hutier immediately snapped and said: "Then seize the last time and continue to carry out meaningful things."

"Things that matter" naturally destroy the Nile. If not for fear of the Egyptians' reaction, Hutil had already ordered to fill the river.

It doesn't matter now, anyway, the Egyptian region can't bear it anymore. The strategic significance of blowing up the mountain peaks on both sides of the river channel and artificially creating dammed lakes to block the waterway is of strategic importance.

Flooding is only a minor problem. Anyway, the essence of the Delta has been almost destroyed by the rebels.

The key is the subsequent military operations. Without the Nile transporting logistics, the French army lost the possibility of using troops quickly.

All the way from Egypt to Sudan, thousands of kilometers long, all rely on human and animal power for transportation, and the logistics are enough for the French to drink a pot.

Not only rivers, railways, roads, and bridges along the way are also in the scope of destruction.

As long as the guerrillas are a little stronger, there will be a dilemma of one soldier on the front fighting and five or six soldiers on the rear carrying food.

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