Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 785: Black Death

"Is the investigation clear? Is it possible to shift responsibility to the Anti-Turkish Alliance?" Prime Minister Glaston asked eagerly.

In the face of the enemy's blackmail, the British government will naturally not sit back and wait. If it did not immediately launch a counterattack, it was an accident and they were not prepared.

Foreign Minister George shook his head: "We have sent experts to the site to see it on the ground. It is inferred from the time that the Ottoman Empire is indeed suspected of man-made plague.

In the face of the facts, we cannot defend the Ottomans. Russia and Austria are urging the international joint investigation team to come to a conclusion, and it is estimated that the conclusion of the coffin can be seen in the news of London tomorrow. "

The British government does not have the ability to influence the results of international investigation teams. It is simply impossible to reverse the black and white in the face of the anti-Turkish alliance.

The "Black Death" is too famous, even if it is "suspect", it is scary enough.

Now European countries are counting on Russia and Austria to have effective epidemic prevention efforts to stop the virus in the Near East, so as not to harm themselves.

It is obvious that the public opinion stand there, and we can not care whether the Ottoman government was forced. The European world absolutely resists such violations of human morality.

The cruel reality broke the last fantasy of Glaston. This time the Ottoman government has made them miserable. It is inevitable that the London government will be outraged by the Europeans in supporting the Ottoman supplies.

Perhaps in a few days, the newspaper will publish: The London government will pay for the time to buy the "Black Death" of the Ottoman Empire.

It is not important whether the virus created is "black death." Anyway, the support of the London government for the Ottoman Empire has increased the resistance time of the Sudanese government and indeed created conditions for artificial viruses.

Everyone can only say: Without the supplies of the British, the Near East War ended months in advance. By breaching Ankara ahead of time, the Russian army will be able to prevent the Ottoman government from going backwards.

Glaston knew what had to be done now, or the situation might get out of hand later.

"Immediately organize a medical volunteer team to go to the Near East to control the epidemic, and then purchase a batch of materials in the name of the government and send them over.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted the Austrians, and the Royal Navy was willing to send a fleet to cooperate in the blockade of the Near East to show the outside world our determination to fight the epidemic. "

After a little hesitation, Gladstone added: "The Ottomans who have been exiled to China have been arrested on suspicion of causing the Black Death, regardless of their status."

Now that things have been settled, Gladstone will certainly not be polite to the Ottomans who mistreated them.

This is not the relationship between the younger brother and the boss, but the relationship between humans and anti-humans. With the "black death", no one dares to take it lightly.

Foreign Minister George reminded: "Prime Minister, the medical profession has not yet determined whether it is the Black Death and is still in doubt."

Gladstone waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, it is always true that the Ottoman government created plagues.

What we want now is only an attitude. It is estimated that in a few days, the European world will set off a wave of anti-earth soil. Don't reach us.

The Treasury Department cleared the accounts as soon as possible. The supplies to the Ottoman Empire were evil capitalists. They had nothing to do with the government. We and the Ottomans had never been in contact. "

From now on, the British government is a pioneer in fighting the epidemic. Collusion with the Ottoman Empire does not exist.

Providing supplies to the Ottoman Empire was nonsense, and the supplies were clearly exported to Persia. The British-Turkish trade ceased when the Anti-Turkish Alliance blocked the Near East coastline.

The reason why the materials flowed to the Ottoman Empire was that they were sold to the Ottoman Empire by unscrupulous businessmen for the purpose of profiteering.

Who is it?

It is necessary to ask the Persian government. The materials flowed from Persia and had no connection with the London government.


Watching the wonderful performance of the British, Franz wanted to say: This is all too much thinking. Now I am busy controlling the plague. Who has the time to pull the skin?

Because of this nothingness, nothing could be done except to add a little block to the British government and to dig into their international image by the way.

If you really want to bring down Britain, then it is not simply a matter of making rumors.

There is no shortage of smart people in this world, and when you calm down, you will find that "British Conspiracy" is untenable.

There is no other reason, mainly because the "plague" is uncontrollable. When killing people, they never distinguish between enemies and enemies.

The European world is unlucky, and Britain cannot survive alone.

Although the current international situation is somewhat discordant to the British, it is only a minor problem, and it is far from the point where it is necessary to end it all.

If it is really looting, it is estimated that the least loss should be the Russians. The country of ice and snow has just such a benefit, the virus breeds and spreads more slowly.

For details, please refer to the mouse that was frozen to death in the middle of the road.

When the Black Death ravaged the European continent, more than 200,000 people were killed in the Russian Empire. However, compared with the 25 million in the European world, one in three Europeans sees God due to illness. This proportion is still insignificant.

If the British are to be stolen, unless Austria can reconcile the contradictions of European countries and provide enough benefits to entice everyone to believe that the British did it.

This is more difficult than letting everyone talk with their eyes open. Whether it is to eliminate contradictions between countries or to provide sufficient benefits, it is not possible for Franz to do so.

Since it can't be killed, don't try it. Find something for the London government and let them cooperate to control the epidemic.

Facts have shown that the plague, which is claimed to have the greatest lethality, is not without reason.

Even with the strictest preventive measures adopted by the Vienna government, the plague came to the door, and the first affected were Austrian soldiers stationed in the Near East.

Since the discovery of the first infected person, within a week, 300 soldiers were infected, and they have swelled to 2,000 the following week.

This is the result of the timely isolation of the epidemic and the spread of rat poison near the military camp. Otherwise, the number of people infected will be more than that.

Secretary of the Army Fislav: "This time the plague is very contagious, and our number of infections is not large.

The Russian army that first discovered the epidemic is different. The number of infected people has reached 35,000. This has only been confirmed. The actual number should be more.

The outbreak and lethality of the plague is also very amazing. It usually takes less than a week from the onset to death. The resistance has only temporarily picked up a life, and it may still recur later.

The symptoms showed no difference from ordinary plagues, all of which were nausea, nausea and fever.

The epidemic situation on our side has just emerged, and the mortality rate cannot be determined for the time being, but the mortality rate of infected people measured by the Russian army is as high as 13.2%!

There is currently no particularly good treatment, and the use of the best antibiotics can only reduce mortality and cannot guarantee efficacy.

The War Department has ordered all troops to be dispersed in units of battalions to reduce the chance of infection as much as possible. "

The proportion of 13.2% made Franz suddenly feel heavy.

Although this is not the result of effective treatment, the death rate is still too high.

You know that the Russian soldiers are all young and strong, and the resistance is itself the strongest. If it is replaced by the old, the weak and the disabled, it is estimated that the mortality rate will be even more brutal.

After a little thought, Franz slowly said, "Notifying the death rate, you can do art processing, and appropriately exaggerate the lethality of the plague to other ages.

Note to European countries and tell them that we have determined that the source of black death transmission is mice.

In order to curb the spread of the Black Death, we plan to launch a large area of ​​rodenticide in the Near East, requiring at least 400,000 tons of rodenticide. "

Needless to say, such a high death rate is not a "black death", but it must also be a "black death".

Only by intimidating everyone, European countries will go all out to produce rat pill and contribute money to participate in the epidemic prevention work together.


Saint Petersburg, as the worst victim of the plague, Alexander III is now crying.

To know that a plague would occur in the Near East, he ordered in advance ... Oh, there is no way to leave, Aegis still has to make money.

There is no doubt that in order to evade responsibility, the high level of the Russian army tacitly concealed the number of early infections. When the plague was first discovered in official documents, only 28 soldiers were infected.

The number of concealed infections is only a temporary measure. So when they got behind it, the Austrians were shouting "Black Death." In order to reduce their responsibilities, the high-level Russian army naturally shouted.

Since it is a black death, it is normal for the rate of infection to be high and the mortality rate to be high. It is definitely not caused by misconduct.

After the modified data, in the hands of Alexander III, the severity of the problem increased greatly.

The time it took to detect the epidemic was cut in half from man-made.

In just over 20 days, the number of Russian troops killed by the plague exceeded 3,000, and the number of infected people exceeded 50,000.

Anyone who sees such data will be frightened. To make matters worse, the epidemic is likely to be brought to the country due to the relationship between the migrants.

Now Alexander III can only expect that Siberia is cold enough to freeze the virus, or it will spread to the western part of the Empire, which is miserable.

"What the Austrians say, we are resettling immigrants for them, can't the Vienna government always say so?"

Foreign Minister Oscar Jimenez replied: "The Government of Vienna informed us about the progress of the virus research and they have thought of ways to reduce the mortality of infected people.

The antibiotics developed by the Austrian Royal Academy of Sciences are able to inhibit the virus to a certain extent.

Catch up is currently underway and the Vienna government promises to provide us with 20,000 doses within the next month. "

Alexander III frowned and said dissatisfied: "It's just that, how can it be enough?

Can't the Austrians provide more? It really doesn't work, we can pay for it ourselves! "

Oscar Jimenez explained: "Your Majesty, there is currently no way to produce this drug industrially.

The output is very small, it has been in short supply, and the price is higher than the same amount of gold. A dose of 20,000 is already quite a lot.

In fact, some of our domestic laboratories have obtained patent licenses. Unfortunately, the production technology is too difficult and can only produce more than 1,000 doses per month. "

It is not difficult to make penicillin in the laboratory. As long as the product appears on the market, it will soon be deciphered.

In order to maximize the benefits, Franz started patent licensing several years ago and established a monopoly alliance.

Those who are authorized are all the big names in various countries. After getting the technology, they also joined the party that protects patents.

Based on the principle of making things rare, everyone tacitly exaggerated the technical difficulty and deliberately limited the production capacity.

Of course, the Russian Empire may not be limiting production capacity. After all, this thing is simple to say. If you make a qualified product in the laboratory, it is not capable.

Generally speaking, science and engineering college students with strong hands-on skills are undertaking this task. In this regard, the Russian Empire itself is seriously lacking.

The Government of Vienna promised to provide 20,000 doses, which is not entirely artificial. Otherwise, all the products made for the Russians would be useless.

The inability to carry out industrial production was a thing of the past. After so many years, great progress has been made in science and technology.

Austria can already realize mechanized production, but the products produced are defective, not only the defective rate is high, but the efficacy will be reduced.

In order to guarantee the price of medicines, the news of industrial production is naturally kept strictly confidential.

Even if someone finds that the effect is insufficient, they will only think that the production staff is not careful and the operation has made a mistake.

The news is not even known to the insiders, and the layman is even more ignorant. After hearing this explanation, Alexander III was touched.


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