Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 651: Risk sharing

In London, it's still foggy. Once again on this fantastic city, William I was in a different mood.

The imperial royal relationship is still good. Both sides are children's relatives. The son of William I married the daughter of Queen Victoria.

William I's visit naturally received a high-standard reception from the British royal family. However, the British enthusiasm did not make William I feel a touch of warmth.

No way, there were no senior British government officials in the crowd. There is no doubt that the London government does not value his arrival.

This is a commonly used method in diplomacy. With this method, political positions and pressure are expressed, but they are still very effective.

Unlike the first Russian-Prussian war, the London government paid for it. In order to pull the bias, the Russians blocked the Baltic Sea and laid the foundation for Prussia to win the war.

The now declining Russian empire can no longer threaten Britain's interests. Replaced by two new threats from Fao, it is no longer necessary to continue to suppress Russia.

Perhaps in the eyes of the London government, the Russo-Austrian alliance has broken down. Allowing the Russian Empire to maintain a certain level of strength can contain some of Austria's forces behind them, making them unable to devote themselves to continental hegemony, which is conducive to maintaining balance in the European continent.

The Commonwealth of Popo wants to win the support of the British in the war. There is no international situation to take advantage of, but only to speak of interests.

The welcoming banquet was held normally, and a group of nobles attended the banquet. High-level British government officials still did not show up.

There is a cabinet meeting in Downing Street's Prime Minister's House. It is not that the London government is inefficient, mainly because William I was too fast.

Despite the Queen's disregard, the power of the British Cabinet is very large, and the workload is naturally very large.

In the new round of the Russian-Prussian War, the London government has really attached great importance to it, but after all, it has not yet started.

War is not a child's play. According to normal conditions, dragging on for months or a year or two is normal.

Prime Minister Benjamin: "William I has arrived and the Russian Crown Prince will arrive next month. We need to make a choice now.

For the sake of Britain, I hope that you will be able to analyze rationally and obtain the best interests for the empire. "

The victory of the Russian-Prussian War is no longer as critical to the London government as the previous one. No matter who wins or loses, the pattern in which the three empires dominate the world will not change.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward: "The most important concern now is Austria. The victory or defeat of the Prussian-Russian war will determine who their potential competitors will be in the future.

Russia and Russia are actually a good choice. Now that the Austrians are letting the Prussian war break out, it seems that the Vienna government is not willing to do so.

In recent years, Austria's strength has grown very fast. Especially in the economy, the performance is particularly outstanding.

In addition to military strength, Austria has completely surpassed France. If the French cannot digest the Italian region for a long time, France and Austria will lose their balance sooner or later. "

Now France and Austria are the enemies of Britain and have nothing to do with other powers. France and Austria have the power to threaten the British and are the enemies of the London government.

The trilateral alliance between Britain, France, Austria and Austria is for the common good. There is a covenant that can restrain everyone's behavior, reduce colonial conflicts, and save a lot of military expenses.

For alliances to form alliances, suppression and restrictions are still necessary. Limiting the strength of France and Austria has become one of the core strategies of the London government.

Colonial Minister Robert: "The French have digested the Italian region, and the European continent will lose its balance, but it will become France over Austria.

This is actually a false proposition. Whether France overwhelms Austria or Austria surpasses France, the difference in strength between them is not a day away.

We have enough time to make strategic adjustments. The question now is who will win the Prussian-Russian war, which is more in our interest? "

Robert is bullish on the French, all the confidence given by Napoleon.

When the French army swept the European continent, the shadow left by everyone was too great. Even if the French army did not keep up with the pace in the new round of military reform, everyone still believed that the French army was the world's first.

The performance of the French Army in the First Near East War reinforced the British view. Weapons and equipment are changing slowly, and military training stays decades ago. These problems have been ignored by everyone.

Internationally, it is generally believed that the French army has the highest combat effectiveness in the world with comparable forces.

According to the experience gained in the anti-French war, the best way to defeat the French is to throw more money and invest more troops.

Everyone thinks that the basis of Fao's strength is also based on this. The French army is more elite, the Austrians are more, the economic strength is stronger, and the offset is exactly the same.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward: "The Austrians intending to indulge in the outbreak of Russia and Russia are obviously seeking further expansion of the territory.

No matter who wins or loses in this war, the Vienna government is the biggest winner. With regard to geopolitical relations, no one will be able to hinder Austria's expansion after the victory between the two sides.

In the past few years, the French government had been fighting internally. In the past two years, Napoleon IV gradually took power, and the Paris government has stabilized.

Because of the interests, the capitalists who previously supported Napoleon III's unification of the Italian region have now stood on the opposite side of the Paris government and secretly funded Italian independent organizations.

Due to internal instability, the French have lost the ability to check and balance Austria. This is the main reason why the Vienna government dared to indulge the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian war.

In order to balance Europe, we must create another enemy for the Austrians and restrain them from behind. Both Russia and Russia are candidates.

From the perspective of development potential, the Russian threat is significantly greater. Once the war is won, the improbable Russian Empire will return again.

Perhaps their vitality was severely damaged after the war, and they were unable to dominate the European continent, but in Central Asia and the Far East, they will still threaten our interests. "

In Napoleon III, the problem of Italy was not serious. Relying on strong political wrists, suppressing waves and attracting waves, it is generally stable.

Napoleon IV's turn is not the same. Because the Paris government was busy fighting internally, it ignored the domestic economic construction.

In particular, the wrong economic policy was formulated to merge the two markets into one. After opening the market, the capitalists who supported the merger with France found themselves fooled.

Seemingly fair competition, in fact, has become France's economic plunder of Italy.

It is not that the capitalists in the Italian region have not worked hard. It is because the industrial strength between the two sides is too large. It is simply not a short time to catch up.

If it is just these problems, it is not intolerable. It is only small and medium capitalists. Strong capitalists can replace new equipment and regain competitiveness.

However, there is a common problem in Italy and France-lack of resources.

In order to compete for resources, capitalists have to show their magic. There is no doubt that the Paris government is sitting on its butt. When formulating policies, it is more inclined to local capitalists.

One or two went, and the grudge accumulated. Unwilling to be lonely, the capitalists slowly manipulated public opinion, stirred up public dissatisfaction with the French, and tried to force the Paris government to make concessions.

The result is naturally self-evident, even if the French government wants to make concessions, the capitalists in Paris will not agree.

In the last economic crisis, this contradiction was directly detonated. Some capitalists are beginning to lean towards independence and promote nationalism in Italy.

It is not just the capitalists who are dissatisfied with the French, in fact the local aristocracy is also dissatisfied. One radish and one pit, they received too little in the French government's power distribution.

Despite the contradictions, there was no large-scale independence movement in Italy. The reason is simple. Despite various discomforts, the living standards of ordinary people have improved.

It doesn't matter if the local economy does not work, it can export labor. It's all a country, so going out to work is not a problem.

Compared with Italy, France is well paid. This is also a win-win situation. The average Italian gets more income, and French capitalists get cheap labor.

Someone is frustrated. Due to labor mobility, labor costs in Italy have doubled in just ten years. This is to make the Italian capitalists grit their teeth.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Belfort: "What can the Popo Federation give us? What can the Russians give us?

IMHO, these two countries can bring us too little benefit. Just to check and balance Austria, we do not need to intervene at all, whoever wins is Austria's enemy.

Now they are asking us for help, not for international diplomatic support, but more for money.

What determines the outcome of this war is not whether the troops of the two countries are elite, but more depends on who can raise more money.

It is easy to lend them money, but how can they be recovered?

Although we do not want to admit it, we have to admit that our ability directly determines the outcome of this war.

If you bet wrong, you will end up losing money. This is an investment of hundreds of millions of pounds, and I am opposed to making a choice now. "

The word "money" has exhausted the essence of British diplomacy. Directly shut Edward, a foreign minister who tended to support the Popo Federation.

No way, the risk is too great. He didn't know what to ask the Federation of Popo to keep the debt safe.

After hesitating for a moment, Prime Minister Benjamin made a decision: "Explore the bottom of William I first and see how many chips they have.

The Popo Federation needs the support of at least two major powers to win this war. If they can get the support of Austria or France, it will not be impossible to issue war bonds for them. "

Risks need to be considered for international debt, even for the wealthy John Bull. They do not dare to invest hundreds of millions of pounds in gambling without sharing risk.

Supporting the Russians was simply beyond Benjamin's consideration. The main reason is not the underlying threat, but the money.

Based on the credibility of the Tsarist government, if he dared to lend money to the Russians, his head would be flooded.

Do not consider the issue of collateral, even if a contract is signed, it can also breach the contract. The Royal Navy's warships could not go ashore again, and their deterrent to the Russians was too small.

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